件名 : 「ヨルダン著述家協会」4.10.声明
送信日時 : 2001年 4月 16日 月曜日 7:53 PM
日本国内での別件と締めきりが迫る仕事に追われ、わが電網宝庫では本命の「ホロコースト見直し論」または「シオニスト『ガス室』謀略周辺事態」の国際的な大詰め、3.31.~4.3.ベイルート「見直し論とシオニズム」会議中止決定以後の展開についての状況紹介の方は、いささか遅れ気味となりました。詳しくは、英文ですが、下記の中のBeirut Cnference 2001を御覧下さい。
この声明は、見直し論者の主張を、「ナチズムに勝るとも劣らぬ人種差別主義のシオニズムからユダヤ人とその他の人類を解放するもの」(to liberate the Jews and the rest of humanity from Zionism, which is no less racist than Nazism)、と 評価しています。
「アラブ知識人14名の声明」なるものについては、かっこ付の疑問を呈しながら、「"アラブ"知識人は(電話で)見直し論とシオニズム会議に反対する声明に署名した」 ("Arab" intellectuals sign a statement (over the phone) against the Conference on Zionism and Historical Revisionism)、とか、「文章を読まずに」(without having read them)、とか、その集め方の悪質さを、口を極めて非難しています。
さらには、まさに「薮を突いて蛇を出す」、いわゆる薮蛇の典型で、「最後に、ナチスとシオニズム運動との秘密の協力を示す第二次世界大戦中の隠された資料の一つに興味を抱かざるを得ない!」(Finally, we wonder about one of the hidden files of WWII: secret cooperation between the Nazis and the Zionist movement! ) 、という痛烈な皮肉が飛び出します。
そして、「事実、パレスチナおよび世界中での犯罪に関して、シオニズムはナチズムと同格である」(In fact, Zionism is equivalent to Nazism in its crimes in Palestine and worldwid)、とし、この「ネオナチのシオニズムは、現在、アメリカ 政府が供給する弾丸、ジェット機、現金、虚偽の宣伝によって支えられている」(this neo-Nazi Zionism is supported today by the United States Government, with bullets, jet fighters, cash, and propaganda) 、という最も強烈な断罪で締め括られているのです。
On the Cancellation of the Conference
on Zionism and Historical Revisionism in Beirut:An Official Statement by the Jordanian Writers Association Amman, Jordan
April 10, 2001The Jordanian Writers Association (JWA) denounces the statement by the fourteen Arab intellectuals calling on the Lebanese Government to ban the Conference on Zionism and Historical Revisionism that was supposed to take place on March 30, 2001, in Beirut.
After examining the papers that were to be presented in that Conference, the JWA found them to be scholarly works that tackle mainly the political, moral, and cultural extortion that the international Zionist movement resorts to in the world at large, and in the West in particular, in order to rationalize its practices vis-a-vis the Palestinians.
The work of the Zionist movement, which is generally supported by Western governments, presents the establishment of the Zionist state as a compensation for the suffering of the Jews in WWII. The resulting dislocation of the Palestinians, the rape of Palestine, and the massacres are frequently justified in that context.
Enacting laws that ban the historical review of the outcomes of WWII is immoral and anti-scientific. Forty-five million people from all races and religions perished in that war. Among those forty five million there were Jews of course.
However to single out Jewish deaths in WWII as somehow distinct or special, through the over exaggeration of the numbers, or through talk of gas chambers prepared especially for the extermination of Jews, as the Zionist movement and others claim, is to further the current political aims of Zionists for which Palestinians and Arabs always end up paying the highest price.
Upon reading about the statement of the fourteen Arab intellectuals condemning the Conference on Zionism and Historical Revisionism and calling on the Lebanese government to ban that conference, the JWA was incensed. Our careful reading of revisionist historians indicates that they seek to liberate the Jews and the rest of humanity from Zionism, which is no less racist than Nazism.
Furthermore, revisionist historians disapprove of the dislocation of the Palestinians from their land. They contribute through their anti-Zionist efforts to the liberation of Palestine and to the return of Palestinians to their land. Therefore, having "Arab" intellectuals sign a statement (over the phone) against the Conference on Zionism and Historical Revisionism is a very sad thing. Indeed, it is sad for intellectuals to oppose conscientious researchers without having read them.
Moreover, the signatories do not seem to know of the stances of revisionist historians against Zionist blackmail of a whole world. In response to the statement by the fourteen intellectuals that provided an Arab cover for Zionist and European pressures to ban the revisionist conference in Beirut, revisionist historians in France distributed a leaflet worthy of respect.
The leaflet, signed by La Vieille Taup, states: " Isn't the intellectual who sides with despots and with the strong to justify the expropriation of freedom of expression worse than a slave?! What really honors Arab intellectuals who do not accept the arguments of revisionist historians, what endows them with respect and appreciation, is for them to be able to refute revisionist arguments if they can."
As for the accusation that revisionist historians are neo- Nazis, the leaflet goes on:
"This charge is arbitrary and absurd, yet it displays a submission to one of the tenets of the Zionist mentality: the paranoid interpretation of the world. The charge also echoes falsehoods about revisionist historians that are inculcated by Zionist propaganda daily".
Indeed, the banning and the oppression of the revisionist conference in Lebanon prompts the JWA to raise its voice in the defense of the freedom of research and historical review, and in condemnation of those who side with despots to expropriate the freedom of expression.
The liberation of Palestine entails that we seek friends worldwide, not that we participate in the oppression of the scientists, intellectuals, artists, and institutions that take our side.
Finally, we wonder about one of the hidden files of WWII: secret cooperation between the Nazis and the Zionist movement! We wonder about the series of massacres committed by Zionists against Palestinians and other Arabs! Was what Hitler and the Nazis did against the Jews AND OTHER GROUPS any less violent or less terroristic than the massacres of the Zionists in Palestine?!
In fact, Zionism is equivalent to Nazism in its crimes in Palestine and worldwide. The existence of the Zionist entity itself is not only a crime against the Arabs, but against humanity as well, and against truth and justice. What we are witnessing nowadays in the Zionist oppression of the Intifada in Palestine reaffirms all that.
The liberation of humanity from neo-Nazism is its liberation from Zionism. Except, this neo-Nazi Zionism is supported today by the United States Government, with bullets, jet fighters, cash, and propaganda. The praise that the Zionist Ambassador in Paris bestowed on the fourteen intellectuals for their statement should be indicative enough of the seriousness of their mistake.
Our stand on the behalf of freedom of research and review for all intellectuals worldwide is something we will hold on to, because we are for free thought and because we are for ourselves.
The Jordanian Writers Association