Institute for Historical Review
『ホロコーストの欺瞞』と題し、中東では最初のホロコースト見直し論の発行となる本が、歴史見直し研究所と提携の関係にある満潮出版社(Noontide Press)によって、近く出版の運びとなる。このことが示すように、ホロコースト見直し論は、イスラム世界で支持者を拡大し続け、広がり続けている。
シリアのメディアは過去にも、イスラエルとホロコーストについて論じてきたが、『現代イスラエルの建国神話』(拙訳『偽イスラエル政治神話』の英語版の題名、"Founding Myth of Modern Israel")の執筆によってロジェ・ガロディが示したホロコースト見直し論に関する確信が熱狂的に迎えられる以前には、シリア人のイスラエルに対する攻撃は、シオニストの指導者たちをナチを比較したり、イスラエルの政策をイスラエル自体が主張するホロコーストの申し立てと比較することに傾いていた。1998年のガロディ裁判は、この傾向の訂正を加速し、たとえばダマスカスのラディオは、これまでに受け入れられていたホロコースト物語を明確に否定する報道を行った。
IHR Update
No.5/October 2000
Institute for Historical Review
http://www.ihr.orgSyria Embraces Holocaust Revisionism
As "Holocaust Deception", the first Holocaust revisionism book to issue from the Middle East, nears publication by lHR's affiliate the Noontide Press, Holocaust revisionism continues to grow and spread in the Islamic world.
On September 6 the official "Syrian times" attacked lsrael's continued use of the "Holocaust" to veil its sins and to "blackmail.....the world". The article explicitly stated that no one was killed in the gas chambers, and mentions the collaboraton of Zionst leaders with the National Socialists.
The Syrian media has discussed Israel and the Holocaust in the past, but before the furor over Roger Garaudy's conviction for writing his revisionist "Founding Myth of Modern Israel", Syrian attacks tended to compare Zionist leaders to Nazis, and Israel policy to the alleged Holocaust. The Garaudy trial in 1998 helped change that, as Damascus Radio broadcast an explicit denial of the received Holocaust story. Last January another publication linked to the Syrian regime, Tishrin, accused Israel of creating "the myth of the Holocaust," and using it to "blackmail and terrorize politicians around the world."
Tishrin also expressed its support for revisionists such as Roger Garaudy and David Irving, who was at that time battling Deborah Lipstadt and her powerfull backers in court in London.
The article, written by editor-in-chief Mohammed Kheir al-Wadi, was signifficant enough to draw an outraged public squawk from U.S. Secretary of State Madelein Albright, and to evoke a letter to the late president of Syria, Hafiz al-Assad, that was signed by such Holocaust industry heavy lifters as Elie Wiesel and Irving "Yitz”Greenberg (see above).
The recent Syrian Times story is significant in that Bashir Assad, is the son and successor of Hafiz a1-Assad, is continuing his father's embrace of Holocaustrevisionism. The article has been posted to the newspaper's website: thus the Syrian media, with the backing of its govenment, is spreading the revisioist message on the Holocaust by print, over the airwaves, and across cyberspace, right on lsrael's doorstep.
Today, as a renewed Palestinian uprising sweeps Israel and the occupied territories, growing numbers of Middle Easterners and Muslims are signaling that they will no longer allow the Holocaust to be used as a weapon against them. IHR is proud of the role it has played in this development, through its publications and website, through its networking with activists such as Achmed Rami, and through its openness to Islamic media, including director Mark Weber's several recent intervews over Iran's Radio lslam, wihich reaches a very large English-speaking audience in the Indian subcontint as well as in the Middle East.
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