送信日時 : 2001年3月3日 土曜日4:07 PM
件名 : アラブ圏での画期的歴史見直し会議に参加
Mark Weber / weber@ihr.org
News from the IHR December 26, 2000
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REVISIONISM AND ZIONISM SET FOR BEIRUTProminent scholars, researchers and activists will participate in a landmark international conference on "Revisionism and Zionism" in Beirut, Lebanon, March 31-April 3, 2001. The meeting reflects, and will further strengthen, growing cooperation between revisionists in the West and in Muslim countries.
The event is being organized by the Swiss revisionist organization Verite et Justice, in cooperation with the Institute for Historical Review. Conference addresses will be given in Arabic, French and English. Measures have been taken to insure complete security for the event. Verite et Justice director Jurgen Graf, who was sentenced by a Swiss court in July 1998 to 15 months imprisonment for "Holocaust denial," has fled his homeland to live in political exile rather than serve the politically-motivated sentence.
The 49-year-old educator is currently visiting Tehran, Iran, as a guest of scholars. Guests are welcome to attend the Beirut conference, but they must cover their own travel and hotel expenses.
There is no registration charge or attendance fee. United States citizens traveling to Lebanon require a valid US passport and a visa issued by the Lebanese embassy or a Lebanese consulate. Updated information about the Beirut conference is posted on the special "Beirut 2001" section of the IHR web site as it becomes available.
For further information, contact:
Mark Weber,
Institute for Historical Review
E-mail: weber@ihr.org
Web site: http://ihr.org
P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659, USA
Tel. 949 - 631 1490 Fax: 949 - 631 0981
(その57) 私も参加のベイルート「見直し論とシオニズム」会議に米国務省が妨害の圧力 へ
「ガス室」謀略 へ
『憎まれ愚痴』64号の目次 へ