Japan Association for the Study of Yoseba

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 Annual Contents

No.1 No.2

No.3 No.4

No.5 No.6

No.7 No.8

No.9 No.10

No.11 No.12

No.13 No.14
No.15 No.16

No.19 (with English)

No.20 (with English)

No.21 (with English)

No.22 (with English)

No.23 (with English)

No.24 (with English)

No.25 (with English)

No.26 (with English)




「排除と包摂、排除と介入 『人間廃棄物』の行方」西澤晃彦
「これはホームレス運動の夜明けなのか? 明滅する良い貧者/悪い貧者の区分線をローカルな路上から見定める」林真人
「官製雇用不安と外国人労働者 外国人から見えてくる非正規雇用に今突きつけられている問題」丹野清人
「夕張財政破綻の背景 閉山跡処理事業に対する国・資本の関わりを中心に」田巻松雄
「戦後日本史論の試み 闘いが胎むもの、押し潰す力、そして……」松沢哲成


「日本橋公園、大阪城・靭公園強制排除裁判の不当判決から考える 日本の野宿者排除問題における参加型開発アプローチの必要性」網島祥之

「『溝鉄調査(部)という神話』の解体を呂指して 松村高夫他編『満鉄の調査と研究 その〈神話〉と実像』を読む」松沢哲成
「〈帝都〉の極貧者と救済施設 『最暗黒之東京」と『最暗黒の維納』 塩見鮮一郎『貧民の帝都』を読む」金子マーティン
「言霊が私にも降り立った気分 雑賀恵子『空腹について』『エコ・ロゴス』を読む」鈴木隆洋
「貧しい人々と私たちの明日はどこにあるのか ジグムント・バウマン『新しい貧闘 労働、消費主義、ニュープア』(伊藤茂訳)を読む」渡辺芳
「「貧困の処罰化」が意味するもの ロイック・ヴァカン『貧困という監獄 グローバル化と刑罰国家の到来』(森千香子・菊池恵介訳)を読む」山口恵子
「日本敗戦後の上海でつかんだ歴史感覚 堀田善衞『上海日記 滬上天下一九四五』を読む」中西昭雄

学会日録 2008.5〜2009.4

Table of Contents Yoseba Annual 22

Introductory comments

* Special Feature: Overcoming an Era of Poverty

NISHIZAWA Akihiko, 'Exclusion and Absorption, Exclusion and Introduction: What Becomes of 'Human waste'.”

HAYASHI Mahito, 'Is this a new dawn for the homeless movement? Assessing the wavering distinction between the “good poor” and “bad poor” from local street level.'

TANNO Kiyoto, 'Government-created employment insecurity and foreign workers: the urgent problems confronting irregular employment as seen from a foreigner's perspective.'

TAMAKI Matsuo, 'The background to the financial collapse of the city of Yubari: Focusing on the involvement of the state and private capital in settling affairs after the closure of the mines.'

MATSUZAWA Tessei, 'Attempting to theorize postwar Japanese history: the fruits of struggle, the power to oppress.'

KAWAKAMI Naoko, NAKANO Makiko, 'A look at the expansion of poverty and tent city refugees in the United States, as seen from the perspective of “Democracy Now!”'

* Proceedings of the Autumn Symposium

NAKAYAMA Yukio, 'Two People I would like to hug.'

YASUOKA Ken'ichi, 'Preliminary thoughts on postwar Japanese villages and overseas migration of agricultural workers.'

* Notes from the frontline

TSUNASHIMA Hiroyuki, 'Thoughts on the unjust verdict handed down on the forced expulsions from Nipponbashi Park, Osaka Castle Park and Utsubo Park: on the need for a participatory developmental approach to the problem of exclusion of Japan's homeless people.'

* Yoseba Critique

MATSUZAWA Tessei, 'Trying to dissect the myth of the Manchurian Railway Survey Department: A reading of Takao Matsumura's edited collection, Surveys and Research by the Manchurian Railway Company ? the Myth and the True Picture'

Martin KANEKO, 'The very poor in imperial capitals and facilities for their relief: “Darkest Tokyo” and “Darkest Vienna”: A reading of Shiomi Sen'ichiro's Imperial Capitals of the Poor'

SUZUKI Takahiro, 'The feeling that the spirit of language had come down to me: a reading of Saiga Keiko's On Hunger and Eco/Logos'

WATANABE Kaoru, 'Where is tomorrow for the poor and ourselves? A reading of Sigmund Bauman's New Poverty: Labor, Consumerism and the New Poor' (translated by Ito Shigeru)

YAMAGUCHI Keiko, 'Essential reading with the harsh gaze now directed at the street: A reading of Loic Wacquant's A Prison called Poverty: Globalization and the Coming of the Punitive State (translated by Mori Chikako and Kikuchi Keisuke)

NAKANISHI Teruo, 'The sense of history grasped at Shanghai after Japan's defeat in World War II: A reading of Hotta Yoshie's Shanghai Diary: Kojo Tenka 1945'