これによって、ムミアに残されているのは連邦裁判所への提訴だけですが、96年に制定された 「死刑および反テロリズム法」によれば、連邦裁判所は独自に事実審理を行うことができず、州レベルでの事実認定だけに依ってすみやかに裁定を下すことになっています。
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has blanketly turned down Mumia Abu-Jamal's request for a new trial, rejecting his every point, despite the new eyewitness testimony that Mumia did not shoot the police officer and the extensive testimony of police coercion of witnesses that was put forward in the post-conviction review process. A new death warrant for Mumia will be signed within 60 days. Mumia will take his case to the federal courts, but under the new "Effective Death Penalty and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996", the federal courts cannot reexamine the evidence, and are bound by Judge Sabo's factual findings rejecting the testimony of Veronica Jones, William Singletary, etc., and the federal process will be relatively quick.
There are three upcoming emergency response demonstrations:
Saturday, Oct. 31, at 1 p.m., at Powell and Market, sponsored by the Mobilization to Free Mumia;
Monday, Nov. 2, 6 p.m., 16th and Mission, sponsored by FireWorx and LAGAI;
Sat., 11/7, 1 p.m. at the S.F. Federal Building, mass demonstration sponsored by the Mobilization.
Rachel Lederman