【おすすめ本】菅原 出『民間軍事会社 「戦争サービス業」の変遷と現在地 』─国の安全保障や企業防衛の最前線に立つ実施部隊=前田哲男(軍事評論家)

2 weeks 2 days ago
 「民間軍事会社」と聞いて思い浮かべるのは、ロシア・ウクライナ戦争さなかに起きた、「ワグネル」「プリゴジンの乱」だろう。この事件、現代戦の暗部が資本主義国アメリカだけでなく、旧ソ連=ロシアにも存在する事実を照射してくれた。 もちろん本書にも詳述されている。「ロシア国家によるワグネル乗っ取り」「プリゴジン暗殺」の章は、読みどころの一つだ。 だが本書は、もっと広範に、アメリカ「戦争請負会社」の活動からアフリカの地域紛争や湾岸戦争、イラク戦争にもおよび、「民間軍事会社」が 現代の戦..

Decoding the Courts’ Digital Decisions | EFFector 36.9

2 weeks 2 days ago

Instead of relaxing for the summer, EFF is in first gear defending your rights online! Catch up on what we're doing with the latest issue of our EFFector newsletter. This time we're sharing updates regarding California law enforcement illegally sharing drivers' location data out-of-state, the heavy burden Congress has to meet to justify a TikTok ban, and the latest Supreme Court ruling regarding platforms first amendment right to dictate what speech they host on their platforms.

It can feel overwhelming to stay up to date, but we've got you covered with our EFFector newsletter! You can read the full issue here, or subscribe to get the next one in your inbox automatically! You can also listen to the audio version of the newsletter on the Internet Archive, or by clicking the button below:


EFFECTOR 36.9 - Decoding The Courts' Digital Decisions

Since 1990 EFF has published EFFector to help keep readers on the bleeding edge of their digital rights. We know that the intersection of technology, civil liberties, human rights, and the law can be complicated, so EFFector is a great way to stay on top of things. The newsletter is chock full of links to updates, announcements, blog posts, and other stories to help keep readers—and listeners—up to date on the movement to protect online privacy and free expression. 

Thank you to the supporters around the world who make our work possible! If you're not a member yet, join EFF today to help us fight for a brighter digital future.

Christian Romero