[B] 「優しい戦士サハラウィ・アラブ民主共和国大統領」【西サハラ最新情報】  平田伊都子

6 days 9 hours ago
2024年5月6日、エジプトと国境を接するガザのラファでは、「停戦だ!」と大人も子供も、空腹を忘れて喜びの声を上げました。 空っぽの鍋をドラム替わり叩きました。ガザを実効支配するイスラム組織ハマスが、エジプトとカタールの提案する和平合意を呑むと発表したからです。「イスラエル軍の砲弾に怯えることなく眠れるゾ!」「 みんなでたらふくパレスチナの炊き込みご飯マグローバを食べれるゾ!」 と、すご〜く期待しました。 が、、 優しくないネタニヤフ・ユダヤ首相は、喜ぶ人々に爆弾を乱発したのです!

The FBI is Playing Politics with Your Privacy

6 days 12 hours ago

A bombshell report from WIRED reveals that two days after the U.S. Congress renewed and expanded the mass-surveillance authority Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Paul Abbate, sent an email imploring agents to “use” Section 702 to search the communications of Americans collected under this authority “to demonstrate why tools like this are essential” to the FBI’s mission.

In other words, an agency that has repeatedly abused this exact authority—with 3.4 million warrantless searches of Americans’ communications in 2021 alone, thinks that the answer to its misuse of mass surveillance of Americans is to do more of it, not less. And it signals that the FBI believes it should do more surveillance–not because of any pressing national security threat—but because the FBI has an image problem.

The American people should feel a fiery volcano of white hot rage over this revelation. During the recent fight over Section 702’s reauthorization, we all had to listen to the FBI and the rest of the Intelligence Community downplay their huge number of Section 702 abuses (but, never fear, they were fixed by drop-down menus!). The government also trotted out every monster of the week in incorrect arguments seeking to undermine the bipartisan push for crucial reforms. Ultimately, after fighting to a draw in the House, Congress bent to the government’s will: it not only failed to reform Section 702, but gave the government authority to use Section 702 in more cases.

Now, immediately after extracting this expanded power and fighting off sensible reforms, the FBI’s leadership is urging the agency to “continue to look for ways” to make more use of this controversial authority to surveil Americans, albeit with the fig leaf that it must be “legal.” And not because of an identifiable, pressing threat to national security, but to “demonstrate” the importance of domestic law enforcement accessing the pool of data collected via mass surveillance. This is an insult to everyone who cares about accountability, civil liberties, and our ability to have a private conversation online. It also raises the question of whether the FBI is interested in keeping us safe or in merely justifying its own increased powers. 

Section 702 allows the government to conduct surveillance inside the United States by vacuuming up digital communications so long as the surveillance is directed at foreigners currently located outside the United States. Section 702 prohibits the government from intentionally targeting Americans. But, because we live in a globalized world where Americans constantly communicate with people (and services) outside the United States, the government routinely acquires millions of innocent Americans' communications “incidentally” under Section 702 surveillance. Not only does the government acquire these communications without a probable cause warrant, so long as the government can make out some connection to FISA’s very broad definition of “foreign intelligence,” the government can then conduct warrantless “backdoor searches” of individual Americans’ incidentally collected communications. 702 creates an end run around the Constitution for the FBI and, with the Abbate memo, they are being urged to use it as much as they can.

The recent reauthorization of Section 702 also expanded this mass surveillance authority still further, expanding in turn the FBI’s ability to exploit it. To start, it substantially increased the scope of entities who the government could require to turn over Americans’ data in mass under Section 702. This provision is written so broadly that it potentially reaches any person or company with “access” to “equipment” on which electronic communications travel or are stored, regardless of whether they are a direct provider, which could include landlords, maintenance people, and many others who routinely have access to your communications.

The reauthorization of Section 702 also expanded FISA’s already very broad definition of “foreign intelligence” to include counternarcotics: an unacceptable expansion of a national security authority to ordinary crime. Further, it allows the government to use Section 702 powers to vet hopeful immigrants and asylum seekers—a particularly dangerous authority which opens up this or future administrations to deny entry to individuals based on their private communications about politics, religion, sexuality, or gender identity.

Americans who care about privacy in the United States are essentially fighting a political battle in which the other side gets to make up the rules, the terrain…and even rewrite the laws of gravity if they want to. Politicians can tell us they want to keep people in the U.S. safe without doing anything to prevent that power from being abused, even if they know it will be. It’s about optics, politics, and security theater; not realistic and balanced claims of safety and privacy. The Abbate memo signals that the FBI is going to work hard to create better optics for itself so that it can continue spying in the future.   

Matthew Guariglia

【オピニオン】軍拡路線を訪米で総仕上げ 指揮権「統合」で日米共同で戦争へ=編集部

6 days 12 hours ago
  岸田首相は4月8日から首相として9年ぶりの国賓待遇で訪米し、バイデン大統領との日米首脳会談に臨んだ。議会の上下両院合同会議での演説、米国が招いたフィリピンのマルコス大統領を交え、初の日米比三国首脳会談を開くなど「日米グローバル・パートナーシップ」を「宣言」した。米と連携し軍拡 岸田首相は就任とともに、安倍路線を継承を表明し、その政治手法まで故安倍氏にならい、「閣議決定」を多用。立法府である国会での多数をテコに「審議」の空洞化を進めながら米の対中包囲網戦略と連動する大軍拡..

[B] 野添憲治の《秋田県朝鮮人強制連行の記録7》大柴鉱山の朝鮮人 鹿角市十和田町

1 week ago
大柴鉱山は秋田県と岩手県の鉱山で県境にあった。小さな鉱山で、親会社は東朝鮮鉱業。鉱山の経営を任された明石文吾さんは、小規規模な鉱山で日本人と朝鮮人は一緒に住み、同じものを食べていたと語る。旧厚生省の調査では「「死亡者、死亡者、逃亡者ナシ」 とある。(大野和興)

JVN: DHCPのオプション121を利用したVPNのカプセル化回避の問題

1 week ago