"Why Is It So Expensive To Repair My Devices?"

1 month 3 weeks ago

Now, of course, we’ve all dropped a cell phone, picked it up, and realized that we’ve absolutely destroyed its screen. Right? Or is it just me...? Either way, you’ve probably seen how expensive it can be to repair a device, whether it be a cell phone, laptop, or even a washing machine.  

Device repair doesn’t need to be expensive, but companies have made repair a way to siphon more money from your pocket to theirs. It doesn’t need to be this way, and with our new site—Digital Rights Bytes—we lay out how we got here and what we can do to fix this issue. 

Check out our short one-minute video explaining why device repair has become so expensive and what you can do to defend your right to repair. If you’re hungry to learn more, we’ve broken up some key takeaways into small byte-sized pieces you can even share with your family and friends.  

Digital Rights Bytes also has answers to other common questions including if your phone is actually listening to you, ownership of your digital media, and more. Got any additional questions you’d like us to answer in the future? Let us know on your favorite social platform using the hashtag #DigitalRightsBytes so we can find it!

Christian Romero

【第62回放送フォーラム】敗戦から79年今改めて 戦争と平和を考える 11月30日(土)2時~4時45分 渋谷勤労福祉会館=放送を語る会(JCJ協賛)<br />

1 month 3 weeks ago
 イスラエルによるガザ住民虐殺、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻と世界で戦火が絶えず、戦後79年を迎えた日本では大軍拡が進められる下で、今年もテレビは「8月のジャーナリズム」で、戦争と平和の番組を集中編成しました。長年、平和憲法や戦争体験の継承をテーマに番組制作してきた塩田純氏に制作体験を聞きます。日時 2024年11月30日(土)開場13:30会場 渋谷勤労福祉会館第一洋室(定員90名)第1部 番組研究 14:00~15:00ETV特集 無差別爆撃を問う~弁護士たちのBC級横浜..