【オピニオン】裏金事件の裏側では 戦争のできる国へ着々=丸山重威

3 months 1 week ago
 安倍派出席幹部らの弁明は、「知らなかった」「記憶にない」の大合唱。岸田文雄首相と自民党が「国民への説明」とうたった衆参両院の政治倫理審議会は、開催や誰が出るのか綱引きを含め裏金事件「幕引き」狙ったセレモニーすぎなかった。その間にも秘密保護法の特定秘密を拡大し、罰則付きで民間も対象とする経済安保保護法案や、安保3文書に基づく大軍拡路線推進が狙いの新有識者会議の初会合(いずれも本紙2月号参照)など、看過できない様々の動きが進んだ。 その代表的な事例が、日本が英国、イタリアと進め..

Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act Passed the House, Now it Should Pass the Senate

3 months 1 week ago

The Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act, H.R.4639, originally introduced in the Senate by Senator Ron Wyden in 2021, has now made the important and historic step of passing the U.S. House of Representatives. In an era when it often seems like Congress cannot pass much-needed privacy protections, this is a victory for vulnerable populations, people who want to make sure their location data is private, and the hard-working activists and organizers who have pushed for the passage of this bill.

Everyday, your personal information is being harvested by your smart phone applications, sold to data brokers, and used by advertisers hoping to sell you things. But what safeguards prevent the government from shopping in that same data marketplace? Mobile data regularly bought and sold, like your geolocation, is information that law enforcement or intelligence agencies would normally have to get a warrant to acquire. But it does not require a warrant for law enforcement agencies to just buy the data. The U.S. government has been using its purchase of this information as a loophole for acquiring personal information on individuals without a warrant.

Now is the time to close that loophole.

At EFF, we’ve been talking about the need to close the databroker loophole for years. We even launched a massive investigation into the data broker industry which revealed Fog Data Science, a company that has claimed in marketing materials that it has “billions” of data points about “over 250 million” devices and that its data can be used to learn about where its subjects work, live, and their associates. We found close to 20 law enforcement agents used or were offered this tool.

It’s time for the Senate to close this incredibly dangerous and invasive loophole. If police want a person—or a whole community’s—location data, they should have to get a warrant to see it. 

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TELL congress: 702 Needs serious reforms

Matthew Guariglia

Civil society organisations reject the criminalisation of the defence of digital rights and the misuse of the judicial system in the case of Ola Bini in Ecuador and demand respect for due process and human rights

3 months 1 week ago

The undersigned organisations express our concern and firm rejection of the multiple irregularities, illegalities and violations of due process observed in the case of Ola Bini, a programmer and human rights defender recently sentenced to a year in prison in Ecuador.
