
2 months 3 weeks ago
YouTube配信企画 「ありがとうやんばる」チャンネル 33回(【高江】6.14 高江からの報告ー第19回ー) 英語字幕版が更新されました。 シェア、よろしくお願いいたします。 (5分59秒) 制作:「ヘリパッドいらない」住民の会 説明 6月14日、県道70号でスタックする米軍車両の状況報告 引き続き、これまで繋がってきた島々の現状を載せていきたいと考えています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 「ヘリパッドいらない」住民の会

Craig Newmark Philanthropies Matches EFF's Monthly Donors

2 months 3 weeks ago

Craig Newmark Philanthropies will match up to $30,000 for your entire first year as a new monthly or annual EFF Sustaining Donor! Many thanks to Craig Newmark—founder of craigslist and a persistent supporter of digital freedom— for making this possible. This generous matching challenge bolsters celebrations for EFF's 34th anniversary on July 10 as well as EFF's ongoing summer membership drive: be a member for as little as $20 and get rare gifts featuring The Encryptids (including a Bigfoot enamel pin!).

Since its founding in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has relied on member support to power its public interest legal work, advocacy, and technology development. To wit, more than half of EFF's funding comes from small dollar donors around the world, and EFF's community of monthly and annual Sustaining Donors play a crucial role in keeping the organization running strong. Sustaining Donors giving $10 or less each month raised over $400,000 for EFF last year. Every member and every cent counts. This free donation matching offer from Craig Newmark Philanthropies takes EFF supporters' donations even further at a time when many households are especially conscious of their finances.

Sustaining Donors giving $10 or less each month raised over $400,000 for EFF last year. Every member and every cent counts.

Over the past several years, grants from Craig Newmark Philanthropies have focused on supporting trustworthy journalism to defend our democracy and hold the powerful accountable, as well as cybersecurity to protect consumers and journalists alike from malware and other dangers online. With over 30 years of donor support from Newmark, EFF built networks to help defend against disinformation warfare, fought online harassment, strengthened ethical journalism, and researched state-sponsored malware, cyber-mercenaries, and consumer spyware. EFF’s Threat Lab conducts research on surveillance technologies used to target journalists, communities, activists, and individuals. For example, EFF helped co-found, and continues to provide leadership to the Coalition Against Stalkerware. EFF also created and updated tools to educate and train working and student journalists alike to keep themselves safe from adversarial attacks. In addition to maintaining our popular Surveillance Self Defense guide, EFF scaled up the Report Back tool for student journalists, cybersecurity students, and grassroots volunteers to collaboratively study technology in society.

'Fix Copyright' member t-shirts. Creativity is fun for the whole family.

With this generous matching challenge from Craig Newmark Philanthropies, we are pleased to double the impact of our recurring Sustaining Donors and let all digital rights supporters know that we're in this together. EFF is deeply grateful to its passionate members and everyone who values a brighter future for privacy, security, and free expression.

Become a Sustaining Donor

Double Your Impact on Digital Rights today

Aaron Jue

[B] 「イオングループ日本人駐在員ら、不当に拘束された人々の解放を求めます」ミャンマー支援団体が声明を発出

2 months 3 weeks ago
イオンの現地合弁会社イオンオレンジの社員らが6月30日にミャンマー国内で拘束されたことを受け、ミャンマー人クリエイターの支援などを行う一般社団法人「Docu Athan」は3日、同社員らの即時解放を求める声明を発出した。(藤ヶ谷魁)

【JCJ広島リポート】「もはや戦争前夜」出撃態勢の機能強化 日鉄呉跡地を軍事拠点にするな 広島支部が学習交流会=井上俊逸

2 months 3 weeks ago
 「日鉄呉跡地 止めよう軍事拠点計画 ~呉・岩国・沖縄・広島を結び考える~」と題した学習・交流会が5月25日、広島市内で開かれた。JCJ広島支部が2024年度総会の後、一般市民にも公開して開催。オンライン視聴を含め約50人が参加し、加速する「戦争する国」への流れをどう食い止めるか、報道のあり方とも併せて議論した。 初めに、司会進行役を務めた筆者がこの会を企画した趣旨を説明。「ここまで来たのか、戦争準備は!もはや『新たな戦前』どころか『戦争前夜』の様相だ。呉では閉鎖された日本製..