
4 weeks 1 day ago
          9条の会・こがねいなどが母体となる多摩Pacemの会が主催する「平和チャリティコンサートin多摩」が7月27日に小金井宮地楽器ホールで開催された。コーラス「平和を願う歌」に続いて東京新聞の望月衣塑子さんが講演を行い、防衛費の拡大や武器輸出などで戦争容認に突き進んでる、歯止めになる道を選ばないといけないと話し、米大統領選ではZ世代をはじめ新しい動きが始まっているとして、ハリス氏への期待を述べた。また年内に総選挙が行われる可能性にも言及した。   JCJ月刊機..

What happens if I’m rejected for an Etias – and can I appeal?

4 weeks 2 days ago

"“As well as having to hand over all this information, travellers will have to deal with longer waiting times at borders and will face the risk of being flagged as a “risk” by an algorithm. EU officials are currently devising new ‘screening rules’ that will be used to decide who is a security, immigration or health risk,” Statewatch’s Chris Jones told i.

“These rules will reinforce the existing racist and discriminatory profiling that takes place at borders. It is urgent that people know their rights so that they can challenge unjust decisions or treatment,” he added.

“While travellers will face inconvenience, invasive data-gathering and profiling, the real beneficiaries of these new systems are police and border forces, alongside the corporations developing and maintaining the databases, who are receiving hundreds of millions of Euros in public money,” Mr Jones said.

The UK is developing its own system, similar to the Etias. With all the confusion surrounding the EU’s initiative, Mr Jones suggests the UK “would be wise to follow a different path”."

Full story here.

See also: Britons without new €7 EU visa face being turned away at airport in 2025
