
萩谷 良/訳
オナ・ムーヴ! きょうここで皆さんに語りかけ、今日の世界でもっとも重要なテーマのひとつについて語る機会を得たことを、ルイス・ファラハン師とミリオン・ファミリー・マーチ主催者の皆さんに感謝します。そのテーマとは、家族です。
現在の私たちの状況を見てごらんなさい。奴隷制ならぬ、その合法的末裔である、監獄産業複合体が目に入るでしょう。アフリカ系アメリカ人その他の有色人種が、このシステムに取り込まれた人々の中で不釣り合いに大きな比率を占めています。人口では世界の6%くらいの米国が、刑務所人口では世界の24%を占めるのです。男女、青少年をあわせて 200万人。たぶんその大半は暴力沙汰を起こしたわけでもない麻薬取締法違反者です。アメリカは、自由の国だと自慢げにうそぶいていますが、じつは諸国民の牢獄であり、自由ではなく抑圧のうえに立てられた帝国なのです。ここでも、問題となるのは民衆ではなく、利益です。ラディカルな学者で活動家のアンジェラ・デイヴィスが言うように、監獄建設こそは、ビッグビジネスだからです。学校はぼろぼろになり、教師たちは生活していけるだけの給料を得るために、交渉し、物ごいのようにお願いまでするありさまだというのに、監獄のためには予算が数十億ドルもさかれているのです。フィラデルフィアでもニューヨークでも、家々やビルがすっかり老朽化しているときに、牢獄建設に数十億ドルです。ぼろぼろなのはそれらばかりではありません。家族もぼろぼろに崩れかけています。子どもは両親から引き離され、妻は夫から、人々は自分の暮らすコミュニティから切り離されています。すべては、明らかに不正な、そして階級的、人種的不均衡によって穴だらけになった体制のせいなのです。
皆さんは、こうした不均衡を明らかにした研究をたくさんご存じでしょう。しかし、研究は政策を変えることはありません。そして黒人を牢に入れ、抑圧し、黒人の生の価値を引き下げるアメリカの 政策は、何世紀も続いてきたものです。歴史は繰り返すのです。ただ、やり方は変わりますが。
ですから、私たちはみな、それぞれ違ったさまざまな立場に立ち、違った信条や信仰を持っているけれども、私たちの問題は違うよりもはるかに多く似通っているのです。黒人がDWB(Driving While Black 「黒人なのに車を運転する」の意)という不文法違反で道端に車を止めさせられるとき、そのドライバーが警官か美容師か、イスラム教徒かメソジストか、共和党かラスタファリアン かは問題になりません。あなたの名前がジョニー・コクランかジョー・モキナヤタかも問題ではありません。この国の黒人にとっては、運転しているという行為そのものが容疑になる。最近起こった、ホワイトハウスで側近として働いていた黒人の夫妻のことを思い出してみるだけで十分です。彼らはDWBのかどで銃をつきつけられ、手錠を掛けられたのでした。
By Mumia Abu-Jamal
Ona Move! I want to thank Minister Louis Farrakhan and the organizers of the Million Family March for this opportunity to address you here today and an opportunity to address one of the most important themes in the world today:family.
Our history here on the shores of what would later be called North America begins for most of us with the destruction of family. In traditional African societies the very notion of who a person is, is determined by family ancestry. When an African person spoke of his tribe or clan, he was describing a large group of people descended from a common, ancient ancestor. The American experience meant the severing of tribe from tribe, of clan from clan, of father from son, of wife from husband, of mother from child, of a people from their land. How many of our brothers, our sisters, our clansmen, our people were separated in shackles and sent to Haiti, to Brazil, to Cuba, to the Bahamas, to Surinam and beyond? What was important to the Americans, to the British, to the Spanish, to the French and to the Portuguese was not the people, but profit. Why is that important today, over three hundred years later? There is an old saying that weve all heard before. Its history repeats itself Well, a truer, more accurate saying might be, history repeats itself, but in different ways.
Look at our present condition and youll see not slavery but a legalized descendent, the prison industrial complex, where African-Americans and other people of color form a disproportionate percentage of those encased within the system. America, with something like 6% of the worlds population, has over 24% of the worlds prison population. With over 2 million men, women and juveniles in cages, perhaps most for non violent drug offences, this America, which boasts of being the land of the free, is the prison house of nations, an empire built not on liberty but on repression. And once again, what matters is not the people, but profit. For as radical scholar activist Angela Davis explains, prison construction is a very big business.
Billions of dollars for prisons, while schools crumble and teachers bargain or beg for decent pay, billions of bucks for prisons, while homes and buildings crumble in Philadelphia and New York. What also crumbles are families, as children are separated from parents, as wives are separated from husbands, and people are separated from their communities. All at the hands of a system that is demonstrably unjust and riddled with class and racial disparities.
You are all perhaps aware of numerous studies which document such disparities. But studies dont change policies, and the American policy of caging, repressing and devaluing Black life is centuries old. History repeats itself, but in different ways.
It is our challenge to construct, to build a new history, one where the liberation of our people is central. We can think as tribes did, as the so called Indians did, and we will fail. Or we can think as a people, utilizing the precious tool of unity.
The late great Malcolm X explained that our repression didnt stem from our various religious, political or fraternal associations, but from our being black in a white supremacist and racist nation. That truth has not changed. Do you really think that voting for one or the other politician thats running for president will really mean anything close to liberation for our people? The party which once carried Lincolns flag is now the party of the right wing. The party which now claims most black voters once called itself openly the white mans party. Theyve changed masks, but their objectives remain the same-white supremacy.
The politics of the prison industrial complex, the politics of the death penalty, the politics of repression-you think that will change because you pull a little tiny lever in November? Change will come when we fight for our families. For as Frederick Douglas taught us, power concedes nothing without demand. He also taught us without struggle there is no progress.
When the government attacked MOVE on May 13, 1985, killing 11 men, women and children, what did they care about family? Did it matter that the mayor was black? Did it matter that he was a democrat? Legendary revolutionary John Africa wrote in his Judges Letter: It is insane not to resist something that gives nothing but sickness to you, your mothers, your fathers, your babies, your family.
When the state and big corporations allow and place incinerators in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, when the worst and least nutritious foods are sold in food markets and bodegas; when trees are cut down and schools become mere training grounds for burgeoning rural prisons; when toxic images are pumped into young impressionable minds which glorify gangsterism, pimping and mindlessly shaking boot; when racist twisted cops look at a man standing on a stoop and automatically see a suspect; when the State wages what is in fact an undeclared war on the poor, well, you have some serious sickness that needs to be resisted.
And although we all come from various and differing perspectives, faiths and beliefs, our problems seem to be far more similar than different. When a black man gets pulled over for the unwritten offence of DWB, or Driving While Black, it doesnt matter if that driver is a cop or a cosmetologist, a Muslim or a Methodist, a republican or Rastafarian. It doesnt matter if your name is Johnny Cochran of Joe Mokinayata. For blacks in this country the very act of driving is suspect. One needs only to recall the recent case of the black husband and wife who worked as White House aids. Guns were trained on them. They were handcuffed for what was DWB.
For those of us who were breast fed on the Bible, like me, I urge you to read and even to study the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. For those who are Jewish, this book and the story in it has extra significance, for it is remembered every year, for thousands of years, by a fast and a feast called Purim,a high holy day. Esther, who became queen of another people, never forgot her own people. And when they were in danger she made a moving pleas to her husband, the king. She told King Ahasuerus, For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people, and how can I endure to see the destruction my kindred? (Esther8:6) Think of this, a young woman made queen of a vast empire, rich beyond dreams. And what does she ask of the king? Help my people, she said. If you love me and if I find favor in your sight, save my people, she said.
Theres a lesson for all of us in this biblical story, about what is more important than riches and rite, about thinking and doing for one people. And if you consider that this is the only book in the Bible where the name of God is not mentioned even once, well, it teaches that to care for ones people is a holy thing, it is a righteous thing, it is ones religious duty. We need to build independent institutions with the best interest of our communities, our people and our families in mind and heart. We need to resist and we need to persevere.
I thank you. Ona Move.
Long Live John Africa!
Free the MOVE 9!
From Death Row,
This is Mumia Abu Jamal