Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
millions for Mumia Mumia, the voice of the voiceless


第3回国連「人種主義・人種差別・外国人嫌悪およびそれに類する不寛容>に反対する世界会議」の全参加者の方たちへ 2001年8月31日

2001年8月31日-9月7日、南アフリカ ダーバンで国連 反差別国際会議が開催されました。ご存じの通り、アメリカ合州国はイスラエルとともに、この会議を途中からボイコットしました。
2001年8月31日-9月7日  南アフリカ ダーバン

ダーバンの多くの友人たちへラディカルな革命の願いを込めて Ona move.ジョン・アフリカに永き命を



1970年代から始まったアパルトヘイトの時代に果たしたアメリカ政府の歴史的役割を検証してみましょう。今や悪名高いフォルスター・キッシンジャー会談が行なわれ、レーガン大統領が意図したのはボタ政権との、いわゆる建設的協約でした。そして、どれだけの人が知っているかわかりませんが、1978年から1983年の間、国連総会において、アメリカは最低でも11回、アパルトヘイトに反対する国連の決議に反対票を投じているのです。例えば1983年11月、国連の国際委員会は、アパルトヘイトの犯罪に対する抑制と刑罰を決定する決議38ー19を行ない、賛成110、反対1という投票結果を得ました。世界中の国の中で、国連の決議に反対したのは? それはただ一国、アメリカ合衆国です。

アメリカはアパルトヘイトの無二に親友でした。アメリカは、自分たちのお気に入りしか独裁者に据えませんでした。そんな国が、ダーバンにおいて、奴隷賠償の話し合いを拒否したとしてもなんの不思議があるでしょう? 300年近くも、アフリカの人々を鎖につなぎ、奴隷とし、家畜のような扱いを合法とし、それに続く一世紀の間、最高裁の認める「分離平等主義」という偽りの美名の下、彼らに従属と分離と隷属を強い、さらに今日、人口比ではボタ政権を上回る数の黒人の男、女、子供たちを、林立する刑務所群の中に閉じ込めている、そんな国です。事実、不法にも、黒人を陪審制度からシスティマティックに遠ざけることにより、新しい奴隷制度が成り立ち、この新しい支配者民族主義国家アメリカが、世界が奴隷賠償の話し合いをするのを阻止するのです。心の中にしっかりと思い描いてください。


Ona move! ジョン・アフリカに永き命を。
死刑囚監房より ムミア・アブ=ジャマールでした。

南アフリカ ダーバン 連絡先 サム・ジョーダン 082 858 2177
またはパム・アフリカ USA(202)215 476 8812,,


Greetings from Mumia Abu-Jamal to All Participants at the 3rd UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance 31 August - 7 September 2001 - Durban, South Africa Revolutionary and radical greetings to our many friends in Durban. Ona move. Long live John Africa.

It is fitting that many of us gather in South Africa, fitting too, that many in attendance here hail from the United States. Those who have studied the issue of racism, and the phenomenon of white supremacy, find too many points of convergence between South Africa and the United States. Both nations claim heritages of democracy, but in fact they have long and tortured histories of what some have called "herrenvolk" democracies," where whites have been granted a kind of egalitarianism, but non-whites were forced into social, economic and political subordination. We know that it didn't matter what is said on paper, or what government spokesmen said. A lived experience communicated the worth of white life and white property, while also communicating the worthlessness of black and indigenous life and liberty.

For millions of people of color in both these originally herrenvolk states, that message is reflected in our daily realities. And because a state has been forced to change its tune from its herrenvolk or white supremacist roots, doesn't mean that all is now well. We remember the words of Kwame Nkrumah who stated that political independence is illusory without economic independence. Who can question the wisdom of that observation when we look at the choking, numbing poverty among blacks here in South Africa that continues under the new political dispensation?

Let us consider the historical role of the United States government during the years of apartheid from the 1970's, when there were the now infamous Vorster/Kissinger conferences, Reagan's program of so-called constructive engagement with the Botha regime. And how many of us know that in the United Nations General Assembly, between 1978 and 1983, the United States voted at least 11 times against any action by the world body against apartheid. For example, in November 1983, the international community voted 110-1 for Resolution 38-19, an international convention on the suppression and punishment of the crime of apartheid. In all the world, guess which nation voted against the U.N. resolution, only one - the United States?

The U.S. was the best friend the apartheid regime ever had. It has never met a dictator it didn't like. Is there any wonder now that it wants to demand that be no discussion of slave reparations in Durban? The nation that held African people captive in chains and in human bondage, reduced to cattle in American law, for almost 300 years and then forced them into subordination, segregation and subjection for another century under a Supreme Court approved lie of "separate but equal," that today supports a prison industrial complex that cages more black men, women and juveniles per capita than South Africa during the Botha regime. In effect, a new slavery, accomplished by the systematic and illegal removal of blacks from jury service, this new herrenvolk state, forbids the world from the very discussion of slave reparations. Imagine that.

Well, I trust you - all of you - will do the right thing. Remember the sweet ancestors, those precious millions whose whitened bones formed under water walkways across continents - those shackled sons and daughters of Africa, who prayed that death would bring them back home, away from a land of greed, spirit hunger and madness. You'll know whom to listen to. I thank you.

Ona move! Long live John Africa.
From death row, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.

In Durban, South Africa: Contact Sam Jordan 082 858 2177
or Pam Africa USA (202) 215 476 8812, e-mail, web