C.クラーク・キッシンジャー(Refuse and Resist)
ただ、この場合、連邦最高裁が、ムミアの裁判において提起されたのと同様の問題について、死刑判決を覆した(ウィリアム v. テイラー裁判)ということは、述べておくに値する。すなわち、刑罰の段階における審議の無効性(ineffectiveness of counsel during the penalty phase)である。
- ムミアの裁判で、彼の弁護士が、なんの調査もしておらず、証人と話もしていないと認めているときに、州法廷がムミアの再審を拒んだのは、理屈にあわないことだったかどうか。
- 証人が、自分達は警察から、自分たちの見たことについての報告内容を変えるよう執拗に要求されたと主張しており、1人は虚偽の証言をしたと認めているとき、州法廷がムミアの再審を拒否したのは、理屈にあわないことだったかどうか。
- 地区検事局が、陪審員の資格のあるアフリカ系米国人を10人も陪審団から外したことを認めているときに、州法廷がムミアの再審を拒否したのは、理屈にあわないことだったかどうか。
- 証人の1人で、ムミアが、自白したとされている夜についてなんの言及もしていないと報告した人物が、証言台に立つことが出来ないという虚偽の報告のために証言することを妨げられた場合に、州法廷がムミアの再審をしたするのは、理屈にあわないことだったかどうか。
- 地区検察官が、ムミアの政治的発言と、事件より12年も前に関わりをもっていた団体のことを、証拠としてもちだしたりしているときに、州法廷がムミアの判決について新しく尋問を行うことを拒否したのは、理屈にあわないことだったかどうか。
これは、証人尋問に関する現存の法的枠組みを変えはしなかったし、我々の 証人尋問申請においてヨーン判事には充分に説明されていることである。
フィラデルフィアの連邦地区法廷における ムミア・アブ・ジャマールの尋問については、まだなんの日程も決まっていないが、その日にはおおぜいの人が午前9時から法廷の外に集まり、組織代表者、国際的法律家、外国からのオブザーバーを法廷に入れるという計画が進められている。ムミアの再審を支援する著名人は、人々に尋問にいっしょに参加することを呼び掛ける公共サービスから流すための声明を録音している。
をチェックするか、International Concerned Family & Friends of MAJ (215-476-8812)にお問い合わせ願いたい。
Monday, April 24, 2000, 3:27 PM
From: "C. Clark Kissinger"
Impact of the new Supreme Court decisions on Mumia.
Comment on the Supreme Court's Decision in Williams I and II
On April 18, 2000, the United States Supreme Court issued two decisions concerning the new habeas corpus statute, known as the AEDPA, signed into law in 1996. Both decisions affect Mumia's case, now pending before U.S. District Court Judge Yohn
The more important opinion deals with whether or not the new law limits or restricts the authority of federal judges, such as Judge Yohn, to review and overturn a state-court conviction. By a vote of 5 to 4 the conservative majority, led by Justice O'Connor and including Rhenquist. Kennedy, Scalia and Thomas, endorsed Congress's action in placing "a new restriction" and "a new constraint on the power of a federal habeas court to giant a state prisoner's application for a writ of habeas corpus...." That new restriction limits the authority of federal judges to order new trials where the petitioner's constitutional rights were concededly violated. Now, in order to get a new trial, Mumia must demonstrate not only that the state court's judges were incorrect or wrong - but that their action was more - that it was "unreasonable." In other words Judge Yohn is authorized to deny Mumia a new trial even if the Pennsylvania state courts acted incorrectly - just so long as their error was not "unreasonable." But when is an incorrect decision by a state court "unreasonable"- as opposed to merely incorrect? This, the court did not say. That is why, in part, the 4 justices in the minority (Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer) decried this word game and insisted that the authority of federal judges should not be diminished by the new law and that if state judges decided constitutional issues incorrectly then federal judges should have the time honored, unfettered right to conduct an independent review and order a new trial.
So where does this leave Mumia's case? Without any guidelines, Judge Yohn appears to be free to call any of the decisions by the Pennsylvania Courts on federal constitutional issues "incorrect" and deny relief - or label them "unreasonable" and order a new trial, Does this new decision give any hint as to whether - given the facts in Mumia's case - it's going to be one way or the other? Not really. However, it is worthwhile to note that in that case the Supreme Court reversed the death sentence (Williams v. Taylor) on an issue that's identical to one of the issues raised in Mumia's case: the ineffectiveness of counsel during the penalty phase. And they did it by finding the decision of the highest court of Virginia to be unreasonable on facts less compelling than those in Mumia's case (with Rhenquist, Scalia and Thomas dissenting from that part of the decision.)
An example of some of the issues that Judge Yohn will have to decide:
- Was it unreasonable for the state courts to deny Mumia a new trial when his lawyer admitted he did no investigation and talked to no witnesses?
- Was it unreasonable for the state courts to deny Mumia a new trial when 3 witnesses claimed they were harassed by the police into changing their account of what they observed and one admitted to testifying falsely?
- Was it unreasonable for the state courts to deny Mumia a new trial when the district attorney's office admitted to removing 10 qualified African-American jurors?
- Was it unreasonable for the state courts to deny Mumia a new trial when the one witness who reported that Mumia made no comments on the night he was alleged to have confessed was prevented from testifying by the false report that he was unavailable?
- Was it unreasonable for the state courts to deny Mumia a new hearing on sentencing when the district attorney introduced evidence of Mumia's political statements and associations 12 years earlier?
Or, were these errors about constitutional violations merely incorrect?