ジョーンズさん別件逮捕に関する、 AP電
10月1日 APDinah Wisenberg Brin
彼女の逮捕容疑は、1992年に、酒屋で買い物をする際に、(別の記事によれば、200ドル余りの金額 今井・注)銀行残高が足りないのに小切手を切ろうとした、この件で、1994年に逮捕状が出ていたのに、逃げていた、というもの。
(ジョーンズさん以外にも、現場を立ち去る二人の黒人男性を見た、という証人が複数いる。しかし、それらの証人は、ことごとく裁判に召還されなかったり、弁護側が所在を確かめることが妨害された。うち、一人のシングレタリーさんは、昨年の夏の公判で、自分が証言しようとしたら、さまざまな嫌がらせを受け、身の危険を感じて裁判の前に、州外に引っ越しせざるをえなかった、と証言。裁判で、唯一証言を変えなかったデシー・ハイタワーさんは、いまも現場から立ち去った二人組がいたという証言を堅持しているが、当時は彼一人の証言は、無視されてしまった。現場には、殺された警官以外に、ムミアしかいなかった、というのが、検察側立証の柱の一つで、これが崩れることは、ムミア犯人説に、重大な疑問を投げかけることになる。 今井・注)
彼女は、昨年の夏、ムミアの再審の聴聞会が開かれ、大きく報道された際にも、出廷しなかった。(このことが検察が、今回、彼女の証言を無効にしようとしている大きな根拠の一つになっている 今井・注)これについて、彼女は、当時アルコール依存症で、治療に専念しており、ニュースを知らなかったと述べている。
(ジョーンズさんは、翌朝支援者が集めた保釈金によって、すでに保釈されたということです。 これについても、できるだけ早く情報を翻訳して掲載します 今井・注)
*********以下 AP電の原文************
Witness Arrested After Recanting Statement Against Abu-Jamal
By Dinah Wisenberg Brin, Associated Press,10/01/96; 20:30
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A former prostitute who reappeared after 14 years to recant her testimony against death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested on the witness stand Tuesday during her cross-examination by prosecutors.
The arrest of Veronica Jones on a bad-check charge outraged defense attorneys. They condemned it as another example of the witness intimidation they say police and prosecutors have used to railroad Abu-Jamal toward execution for the 1981 slaying of a police officer.
``It's brutal, it's coercive, it's shocking,'' said Abu-Jamal attorney Leonard Weinglass. ``It shouldn't happen in a courtroom in this country.''
Jones had just testified that she lied during Abu-Jamal's 1982 murder trial when courtroom deputies arrested her on an outstanding bench warrant.
``You're going to lock me up because I'm here?'' she sobbed. Then she grew defiant, telling the prosecutor before she was led away: ``So that's all you had? You think that's gonna make me change my story? It's not.''
Jones, who now lives in Camden, N.J., has emerged as a key witness for lawyers appealing Abu-Jamal's conviction and death sentence.
Before her arrest, Jones - trembling, crying, and at times belligerent - testified that she saw two other men running from the crime scene, but changed her story under pressure from police.
Then a black activist and radio reporter, Abu-Jamal was found, wounded, a few feet from his own gun and the dying Officer Daniel Faulker.
Jones testified Tuesday that two officers visited her in jail while she was being held on an armed robbery charge and offered to save her from a possible 10-year prison term if she changed her earlier statement.
Because she was scared she wouldn't see her three children for 10 years, Jones said Tuesday, she testified at Abu-Jamal's trial that she saw no one leaving the scene.
``I had to get this off my chest while I can,'' Jones said Tuesday.
She said she did not come forward for 14 years, even during a highly publicized appeal hearing last summer, because she was battling alcoholism and didn't listen to the news. She said she's been sober for nine months.
Under cross-examination, Jones bitterly denied Assistant District Attorney Arlene Fisk's suggestion that Abu-Jamal's defense paid more than $4,000 in overdue rent for her fiance.
Fisk also noted that Jones was convicted of welfare fraud in 1988 - then she had Jones arrested as a fugitive on the 1994 bench warrant for writing a bad check at a liquor store in 1992.
Attorney Jordan Yeager, representing Jones, said she may have been wrongly arrested on the warrant, which was issued despite an earlier decision to drop the charge for lack of evidence.
``It's completely outrageous and I can't for the life of me understand how the district attorney's office sees how this is going to help their prosecution,'' Yaeger said.
Fisk said she was only carrying out her responsibilities.
``The defense contends I'm trying to intimidate everyone whenever I open my mouth,'' said Fisk, adding that it wasn't the first time she had a witness arrested in a courtroom.