第7回 消費者をエンパワーするデジタル技術に関する専門調査会【9月10日開催】
[B] 野添憲治の《秋田県における朝鮮人強制連行15》山奥にあった大沢鉱山 大館市比内町地内
「固定ブロードバンドサービスの品質測定手法の確立に関するサブワーキンググループ 報告書(案)」及び「固定ブロードバンドサービスの品質測定手法等に関する ガイドライン(案)」に対する意見募集の結果並びに報告書及びガイドラインの公表
[B] 世界一美しい帆船に乗る~ チャオ!イタリア通信(サトウノリコ)
【就活支援ゼミ】来春 21人が記者に 「報道実務家フォーラム」と共催=新崎盛吾(新聞労連元委員長、共同通信記者)
9月8日、MBS「労組と弾圧 〜関西生コン事件を考える〜」関東圏で放送!
韓国労働ニュース8月後半号 : 韓国のニューライト
たんぽぽ舎メルマガ (9/2)東海第二原発動かすな!廃炉に!
The truth about the shadowy ‘Migration 5’
"The extent and secrecy of the network concerns Chris Jones, director of UK civil liberties organisation Statewatch. Jones says people may feel their unblemished travel and police records leave them unaffected, but that’s not the case.
“Biometric data is counted as a sensitive category of personal data, it merits high levels of protection. There needs to be great justification as to when organisations can collect it, and when they can share it,” Jones says.
“We're not just going to be talking about terrorists and criminals here, there's all sorts of people will be caught up in that - people who need protection, people who want to see their families, people who just want to visit the country and for some reason they are deemed suspicious.
“They are systems that won't do what's intended and don’t really comply with the rule of law as we understand it, because they turn everyone into a suspect.”
People may never find out their visa rejection was based on a data error by a country they once visited, he says. Mistakes, over-reach of states and breaches through tech failures or hacking are all worrying possibilities and loss of privacy a very real consequence.
“It doesn't matter if you have never done anything wrong, and you supposedly have nothing to fear. The only thing I ever say to that argument is: ‘Why do you have curtains on your house?’
“It's a question of what should your own government be allowed to know about you? And then, what should a foreign government be allowed to know about you? And even if those things are justified, why is all this not publicly clear and known and out in the open and vetted by your elected representatives?”"
Full story here.