【おすすめ本】鈴木 拓也『当事者たちの証言で追う 北朝鮮・拉致問題の深層』―日朝外交の舞台裏 克明に記録 圧巻の「ミスターX」の宿命=有田芳生(ジャーナリスト)<br />

3 months ago
 日朝問題で「朝日新聞」がスクープを報じたのは、2023年9月29日だった。1面トップ記事は白抜きで「日朝、今春2回の秘密接触」と見出しにした。その横には「東南アジアで その後の交渉 停滞」と場所と現状を示した。「高官の平壌派遣 一時検討」ともある。さらに3面では「拉致『解決済み』変わらず」「北朝鮮、正常化交渉に前向きな場面も」「水面下の接触 断続的に続く」と解説が続いた。メディアの日朝問題担当者だけでなく、拉致問題に関心ある者にとっては驚く内容だった。業界言葉でいえば「ぶっ..

【オピニオン】破綻の「政治改革」金権腐敗は元から変えるべし 問われるメディア 有権者は行動を 枝葉は刈ってもまだ茂る=藤森 研(ジャーナリスト)

3 months ago
 自民党の裏金問題は、真の原因を見ないまま、手直しの「再発防止」が取りざたされている。 しかし、この間のドタバタ劇を見ていると、森達也が『創』で書いた比喩がピッタリだ。いわく「政治資金規正法の見直しなど枝葉の剪定をしても、季節が廻ればまた生い茂る」。その通りで、金権政治は元から変えなきゃ、直らない。小選挙区制と政党助成導入 30年前の出発点を顧みる。リクルート事件やゼネコン汚職で沸き起こった「政治改革」の嵐は、自民党の分裂と下野を経て、1994年の政治改革4法に収束した。柱は..

[B] 「アメリカがICCもIJCも制裁する?!」【西サハラ最新情報】  平田伊都子

3 months 1 week ago
2024年5月20日、ICC国際刑事裁判所のカリム・カーン主任検察官(英国出身)が、イスラエル戦争内閣のネタニヤフ首相とガラント国防相、さらにガザを実行支配するハマスの指導者3人、ヤヒヤ・シンワル指導者、モハメド・デイフ(カッサム旅団司令官)、イスマイル・ハニヤ(政治局長)への逮捕状を請求したことを,発表しました。 まだ、逮捕令状は出されていませんが、イスラエル戦争内閣とバイデン米政権は「マジ~~!」と慌ててます。 ハマス側は自分たちへの逮捕状に反発しつつ、ICC国際刑事裁判所主任監察官の行動は遅すぎると非難しました。


3 months 1 week ago
 小林製薬が独自に開発した原料「紅麹」を使った機能性表示食品(サプリメント)を服用した人の腎疾患、むくみ、倦怠感などの健康被害は拡大の一途だ。厚労省によると、「紅麹コレステヘルプ」などをのんで被害を訴えて病院で受診した人は延べ1594人、276人が入院し、5人が死亡した(5月19日時点)。ただ死亡と服用の因果関係は不明とされる。 被害の広がりを受けて消費者庁は機能性表示食品のあり方をめぐり医療や食品衛生などの分野の専門家からなる検討会を4月中旬に立ち上げた。関係団体へのヒアリ..

Wanna Make Big Tech Monopolies Even Worse? Kill Section 230

3 months 1 week ago

It’s no fun when your friends ask you to take sides in their disputes. The plans for every dinner party, wedding, and even funeral arrive at a juncture where you find yourself thinking, “Dang, if I invite her, then he won’t come.”

It’s even less fun when you’re running an online community, from a groupchat to a Mastodon server (or someday, a Bluesky server), or any other (increasingly cheap and easy) space where your friends (and their friends) can hang out online, far from the unquenchable dumpster-fires of Big Tech social media.

But there’s a circle of hell that’s infinitely worse than being asked to choose sides in a flamewar: being threatened with a lawsuit for refusing to do so (or even for complying with one side’s request over the other).

Take Action

Tell Congress: Ending Section 230 Will Hurt Users

At EFF, we’ve had decades of direct experience with the, uh, heated rhetoric that attends online disputes (there’s a reason the most famous law about online arguments was coined by the very first person EFF ever hired).

That’s one of the reasons we’re such big fans of Section 230 (47 U.S.C. § 230), a much-maligned, badly misunderstood law that protects people who run online services from being dragged into legal disputes between their users.

Getting sued can profoundly disrupt your life, even if you win. Much of the time, people on the receiving end of legal threats are forced to settle because they can’t afford to defend themselves in court. There's a whole cottage industry of legal bullies who’ll help the thin-skinned, vindictive and deep-pocketed to silence their critics.

That’s why we were so alarmed to see a bill introduced in the House Energy and Commerce Committee that would sunset Section 230 as of December 31, 2025, with no provision to protect online service providers from being conscripted into their users’ online disputes and the legal battles that arise from them.

Homely places on the internet aren’t just a curiosity anymore, nor are they merely a hangover from the Web 1.0 era.

In an age of resurgent anti-monopoly activism, small online communities, either standing on their own, or joined in loose “federations,” are the best chance we have to escape Big Tech’s relentless surveillance and clumsy, unaccountable control.

Look, running online communities is already a thankless task that can convert a generous digital host into a bitter ex-online host.

The alternatives to Big Tech come from individuals, co-ops, nonprofits and startups. These cannot exist in a world where we change the law to make people who offer a space where communities may gather vulnerable to being dragged into lawsuits between their community members.

It’s one thing to volunteer your time and resources to create a hospitable place online; it’s another thing entirely to assume an uninsurable risk that could jeopardize your life’s savings, your home, and your retirement fund. Defending against a single such case can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That’s very bad news indeed, because a world without Section 230 will desperately need alternatives to Big Tech.

Big Tech has deep pockets, which means that even if it creates a system of hair-trigger moderation that takes down anything remotely controversial on sight, it will still attract a staggering number of legal threats.

There’s a useful analogy here to FTX, the disgraced, fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Like Big Tech, FTX has some genuinely aggrieved users, but FTX has also been targeted by opportunistic treasure hunters who have laid claims against the company totaling 23.6 quintillion dollars.

We know what Big Tech will do in a post-230 world, because some of us are already living in that world. Donald Trump signed SESTA-FOSTA into law in 2018. The law was billed as a narrowly targeted measure to make platforms liable for failing to intervene in cases where they were aware of human trafficking. In practice, the law has been used to indiscriminately target consensual sex work, placing sex workers in harm’s way (just as we predicted).

Without Section 230, Big Tech will shoot first, ask questions later when it comes to taking down controversial online speech (like #MeToo or Black Lives Matter). For marginalized users with little social power (again, like #MeToo or Black Lives Matter participants), Big Tech takedowns will be permanent, because Big Tech has no incentive to figure out whether it’s worth hosting their speech.

Meanwhile, for the wealthy and powerful, a post-230 world is one where dictators, war criminals, and fraudsters will have a new, powerful tool to silence their critics.

A post-230 world, in other words, is a world where Big Tech is infinitely worse for the users who already suffer most from the large platforms’ moderation failures.

But it’s also a world where it’s infinitely harder to start an alternative to Big Tech’s gigantic walled gardens.

No wonder tech billionaires support getting rid of Section 230: they understand that their overgrown, universally loathed services are vulnerable to real alternatives.

Four years ago, the Biden Administration declared that promoting competition was a whole-of-government priority (and we cheered). Getting rid of Section 230 will do the opposite: freeze the internet in its current, monopolized state, creating a world where the rule of today’s tech barons is never challenged by a more democratic, user-centric internet.

Take Action

Ending Section 230 Will Make Big Tech Monopolies Even Worse

Cory Doctorow

[B] 「南シナ海航海記」(2)花畑のような海 冷えた水が飲めない辛さ 

3 months 1 week ago
フィリピン・パラワン島を出発した輸送艦ラグナは南シナ海を西南西へ進んだ。 蒸し風呂のような船室で寝たため、寝不足のまま午前7時ごろに船室を出た。船には一応、食堂もあり、3食出てくる。おかずはアドボなどフィリピン料理が小皿に1品のみ。ごはんだけが山盛りだった。朝食はそれで済ませたが、昼食と夕食は、持参したカップ焼きそばやイワシの缶詰などで済ませた。船の食事情は悪そうだと察して日本食を含む食料だけはたくさん持ってきていたのだ。しかし、船内の冷蔵庫で私たちが使用を許されたのは厨房を除いて1台だけで、それも艦長のレイエス注意ら士官と共用だったため、使えるスペースは小さなペットボトルを2つ置けるぐらいだった。ゆえに航海の間中、冷たい水はほとんど飲めなかった。たまにコップ1杯の冷えた水を口にする時は、高級ブランデーのように味わって飲んだ。(REAL ASIA特約=石山永一郎)