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ロンドン反貧困連合からの連帯メッセージロンドン反貧困連合(London Coalition Against Poverty)からの連帯メッセージ 仲間のみなさん Contact: londoncoalitionagainstpoverty[atmark]gmail.com (原文) London Coalition Against Poverty is delighted to send a message for all those gathered for the Sapporo Action against Poverty, Precarious Labor and Social Exclusion in solidarity with your action. LCAP was formed to fight attacks on our welfare, housing and employment rights in London. We are campaigning to defend and further working class interest by taking direct action. For example, right now we are demanding homeless people be housed. The Neo-liberalism the G8 summit has imposed maximizes the interest of the most privileged while creates poverty all over the world. Here in London, it has also undermined the rights of many ordinary people to have a decent home, to get a good job, and to be treated as human beings. London Coalition Against Poverty
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