
パレスチナ人「歓喜」CNN 疑惑映像にエルサレム現地報道

送信日時 :2001年 09月 22日 土曜日 8:51 AM


【パレスチナ人「歓喜」CNN 疑惑映像にエルサレム現地報道】





 フランスからの通信の一部の題、Provoc payee par les Israeliens は、「挑発 (映像)はイスラエル人が金を払ったもの」という主旨で、内容を簡略に言うと、イスラエル国防省撮影班が菓子屋に金を払って子供らに菓子を配らせて撮影したものということである。文中の Ha'aretz は、イスラエルの有力紙である。

 その次の記事が、最近の事件後の Jerusalem Times の September 21, 2001 の記事である。ブラジルの国立大学教授が発見した1991年の映像の問題で、時間のある方は、その前後の記事も研究されたい。

Faits & Documents - Bulletin mail du 20 septembre 2001 - n°11




Provoc payee par les Israeliens

A team sent by the Israel Defense Ministry to film Palestinian children rejoicing in East

Jerusalem staged the event that was later circulated in the US and around the world. A member of the team approached the Juhaina Sweets Shop and gave the owner 200 shekels and asked him to distribute the sweets to the children, according to the owner of the shop.

Veteran Israeli political analyst Meron Benvenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, noted in Ha'aretz (Thursday Sept. 13): "A team from the Spokesman's Office of the Israel Defense Forces was sent to film the scenes of joy and candy being handed out in East Jerusalem 'for public relations purposes'".

Benvenisti wrote.
14 September issue of the Jerusalem Times .
It is on the front page of Vol. VIII, no. 397:


 上記の電網宝庫住所を訪ねると、no.397ではなくNo.398であったが、以下の記事が 入っていた。

Jerusalem Times

Vol.VIII, No.398 September 21, 2001 , Rajab 4 , 1422 H

Palestine's Only English-Language Newspaper

CNN misuse of Palestinian reaction to attack on US

The scenes of Palestinian street celebrations that CNN quickly broadcast as celebrating the attack on the World Trade Center in the US are actually old images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait in 1991.

A professor at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, has a video recording of those scenes from the 1991 Gulf War.

He sent electronic messages denouncing this fraud to CNN, and to Brazil's biggest TV network O'Globo, as well as to the daily press, according to Milka Rindzinski of the Mennonite Center in Montivideo, Uruguay.

The professor denounced what he classified as 'a crime against public opinion.'

