何と、現地時間で昨日、8月18日付けのアメリカ最大手紙、『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』に、「アメリカはイラクを利用した/アメリカは毒ガス使用も構わずイラクを戦争中(イラン・イラク戦争のこと)に援助したと軍幹部が語る」と題する記事が載ったというのである。電子手紙の記録を見ると、「送信日時 : 2002年 8月19日 月曜日 0:47 AM」となっている。私への送り主は、1999年に、ニューヨークで開かれた国際行動センター主催「NATOを裁く独立国際戦争犯罪法廷」の打ち上げパーティーで親しくなったアメリカ人の歴史見直し論者である。もちろん、「親アラブ」の「反米」アメリカ人である。
[中略] アメリカは、イラン・イラク戦争に際して、「イラクの侵略」を国連に訴えたりしなかった。ラムゼイ・クラークらが組織した「国際戦争犯罪法廷のための調査委員会」による「告発状」の「背景事実」は、その事情を次のように鋭く要約している。
U.S. used Iraq
NEW YORK TIMES 18 August 2002, p. 1
Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas
By PATRICK E. TYLERWASHINGTON, Aug. 17 - A covert American program during the Reagan administration provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war, according to senior military officers with direct knowledge of the program.
Those officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not be identified, spoke in response to a reporter's questions about the nature of gas warfare on both sides of the conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988. Iraq's use of gas in that conflict is repeatedly cited by President Bush and, this week, by his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, as justification for "regime change" in Iraq.
The covert program was carried out at a time when President Reagan's top aides, including Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci and Gen. Colin L. Powell, then the national security adviser, were publicly condemning Iraq for its use of poison gas, especially after Iraq attacked Kurds in Halabja in March 1988.
During the Iran-Iraq war, the United States decided it was imperative that Iran be thwarted, so it could not overrun the important oil-producing states in the Persian Gulf. It has long been known that the United States provided intelligence assistance to Iraq in the form of satellite photography to help the Iraqis understand how Iranian forces were deployed against them. But the full nature of the program, as described by former Defense Intelligence Agency officers, was not previously disclosed.//CUT