『亜空間通信』179号(2002/03/04) 阿修羅投稿を02.12再録


送信日時 : 2002 年 3 月 4 日







 さらに、この投稿では、記事の内容として、「乗客名簿(通常公表)」が公開されていない(The secrecy extends to the passenger lists)と主張しているが、別途、BBCとCNNで、「乗客名簿の中には米当局発表のアラブ人の名前はない」との主旨の報道をしていたとという情報があるので、確認の必要がある。


Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 22:02:14 +0900






February 23, 2002

Government Releases Little Information on Sept. 11 Crashes


Within five months of an accidental crash, the National
Transportation Safety Board has typically released thousands of words of technical information. In the case of the four planes involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, the board has said nothing and is not likely to, because it has given jurisdiction over the case to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which looks at the information as potential evidence in a criminal case.

A more normal crash is the one that occurred in New York two months after the terrorist attacks, when an American Airlines jet leaving Kennedy Airport broke up in flight. That was on Nov. 12, and the safety board held news conferences near the scene for several days.

The board has issued four updates since then, and earlier this month it sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration about a safety hazard revealed by the crash. And on Wednesday, the agency released transcripts of air traffic control conversations at the time of the crash.

The safety board is planning a hearing on that crash in late summer. There it will release the transcript of the cockpit voice recorder and information from the flight data recorder (the black boxes) as well as thousands of pages of reports on engines, structures, air traffic control considerations, training and other factors. And about two years after the crash, it will probably issue a final report.

The air traffic control tapes from Sept. 11 were quite revealing but have not been released. The New York Times obtained transcripts of three of them and published excerpts in October. The transcript for the fourth, the plane that crashed in Somerset County, Pa., has not come to light.

Nor has analysis of radar data, typically made public in days, been revealed for the Sept. 11 planes. The black boxes from the World Trade Center airplanes are not thought to have survived the towers' collapse. Both boxes from the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania and the flight data recorder from the Pentagon plane have been analyzed, but are also closely held.

The secrecy extends to the passenger lists. American and United did not release all the names of people aboard. United said at the time that it believed a safety board regulation allowed it to withhold some names, but the board said it had no such regulation.

The government has indicted one man on charges of being a conspirator in the Sept. 11 terrorism, Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, but the indictment does not go into any technical details about the planes that crashed.

Joseph Valiquette, a spokesman for the F.B.I. in New York, said, "Unless there were the possibility that such information might be used in a criminal proceeding, I don't know that the F.B.I. would have any problem with the release of that information."

  Aoki Masahiko
   青木 雅彦



