A new tool to help sex workers who experience violence

2 months 1 week ago
With funding from APC’s small grants programme, Nawara Women’s Network for the Middle East and North Africa has developed a trilingual tool to collect data on gender-based violence (GBV),…
Melissa Ditmore and Amal ElKarouaoui

Inside the Digital Society: How optimistic are you?

2 months 2 weeks ago
We are at a new inflection point in digital development and must not make the same mistakes we have made earlier. We need to prioritise human outcomes much more than maximising digital opportunities.
David Souter

Placing "gender" in disinformation

2 months 3 weeks ago
This report responds to APC's belief that it important to characterise gendered disinformation, because it relates to a specific type of violation of women’s and gender-diverse people’s rights,…
Paula Martins

A gender review of the Global Digital Compact zero draft

2 months 3 weeks ago

These comments were drafted in a collective process aimed at advancing the centrality of gender issues in the Global Digital Compact, ensuring that the governance, development and use of technology are inclusive and benefit women and girls, in all their diversity, around the world.

1 hour 32 minutes ago
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