Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)

07/06/2008 - 09:00

Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)]
Session 1 Study
★9:00∼13:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
General Concept of the Campaign
Discussions on Ecological Debt
[Forum on EPAs with Japan]
★13:00∼15:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Co-sponsors: IDEALS, JS-APMDD, APNFS, ATTAC Japan
Speakers: Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)] Session 2 Study
★15:00∼18:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
Study/Discussion on IFIs and Climate
Latest Developments on WB and CIF
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)] Session 3
★18:30∼20:30 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
Advancing the Campaign the Asian Campaign on Debt, IFIs and Climate Change - WRAP UP, 092-516-9052, 080-3181-1156 (July - )