« Sunday July 06, 2008 »
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G8 summit will be held at near the Lake TOYA in Hokkaido in this July.
Many people around the world are casting doubt upon new policies and rules for the world and its non-democratic decision making by only 8 developed countries. Therefore we are forming a variety of plans for Anti-G8 actions during G8 summit. We, NO G8 ACTIONJAPAN, have had an idea of stating that doubt through the music. Why G8? We want to make a space for considering these doubts about G8 with the music. Why G8? Is it only for the developed countries? Doing what as they like? What is G8? Explain about it! This event is for the whole people, who is holding that sort of feeling and being disconnected. A lot of music, and people are too. Vent your anger to G8. We need chaos!
supported by NO G8 ACTION JAPAN
Date and Time : 2008/07/05 18:00-All night
Venue : Sapporo Sound•Labo•Mall
Start: 09:00
Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)]
Session 1 Study
★9:00∼13:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
General Concept of the Campaign
Discussions on Ecological Debt
[Forum on EPAs with Japan]
★13:00∼15:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Co-sponsors: IDEALS, JS-APMDD, APNFS, ATTAC Japan
Speakers: Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)] Session 2 Study
★15:00∼18:00 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
Study/Discussion on IFIs and Climate
Latest Developments on WB and CIF
[Study and Strategy Meeting on Debt, IFIs & Climate Change (by invitation)] Session 3
★18:30∼20:30 July 6th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Sponsor: Jubilee South APMDD
Start: 10:00
End: 15:00
Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)
Women's Day (forum or cultural performance)
★6th July(Sun) 10:00-15:00/Kyousai Salon (N 4, W 1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city)/Admission; \ 500 (snack
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)
Start: 10:00
End: 20:00
★10:00∼18:00 July 6th/Odori-Park Nishi 6 chome(In case of rain, the event will be held at Minami Kumin
Center Hall)
Morning session: Trade and Climate Change Plenary
Walden Bello: Focun on the Global South
Other international speakers from La Via Campesina, OWINFS, FOEI and Japanese speakers from anti-nuke plant
movement or consumers' movement
Afternoon session:
Talk on African Development:
Speakers: Wangui Mbatia (Kenya), Noel Florent(CPAES, Cameroon), Myriam Bourgy (CADTM, Belgium)
Cultural event by various social movements
Start: 13:30
Event in the International Solidarity Days
No to WTO/FTA/EPA grass-roots campaign
[International symposium - Free Trade causing]
★12:30∼17:00 July 6th/L plaza Environmental Training room, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Fee:\800/Language: Japanese & English
Identify what accounts for food crisis and discuss what we should do now. Expected speakers:
Adam Wolfenden (The Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, Australia)
Pongtip Samranjit (Rural Area Action Network, Thailand)
Joseph Purugganan (Focus on the Global South, > The Philippines)
Representative from Korean Peasants League in South Korea -
Indra Lubis (La Via Campesina, Indonesia)
Shoji Shirakawa (Hokkaido Farmers' Union, Japan)
Forum for Peace,Human Rights and Environment
Address: Forum for Peace,Human Rights and Environment. 1F Sohyo-kaikan, 3-2-11,Surugadai
Tel: 03-5289-8222 Fax: 03-5289-8223
Start: 13:30
End: 17:30
Event in The International People's Solidarity Days
Palestine Solidarity in Sapporo
Anti-Summit/Anti-Colonialism Forum (Ukai Satoshi)
★13:30∼17:30 July 6th/Sapporo-si Kyouiku Bunka Kaikan・Training Room301, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Fee:\1000/Language: Japanese &
What is an internationalism to come? The main message is from Mr.Ukai Satoshi. Ainu, Korean resident in
Japan, people from Okinawa, Palestine, and Africa will give their thoughts and beliefs. We will talk about
how we should think and act to get connected as world citizens from the viewpoint of anti-summit, which is
making so many people in this world unhappy.
Contact:tel:011-882-0705 Matsumoto
