What's New?
In The Eyes of A Quasi-Refugee by Suh Kyungsik
(22 Feburary 2003)
A Vice from a zainichi Korean writer
An outline of the 26 March 2001 Tokyo District Court Ruling is up!
Part II-2:"Atomic Bomb Victims in Korea"
has been added.
Part II-5:"Korean Military Comfort Women" has been added
Part II-6 and 7 have been added
Part III has been added (basically, all completed)
Rengashobo-shinsha in 1994, translated by Makiko Nakano
What is this book about?
During and even before the Second World War, the aggressive expansion of the Japanese Imperial Army caused tremendous damages on local residents in the invaded Asian territories. Even more than 50 years after the war, still-lingering suffers of Asian war victims have yet to be redressed, while time is running out for those aging victims. This book, written by an attorney who has been engaging in helping victims in several Asian countries and regions seeking, through the Japanese judicial system, compensation from the government of Japan, provides legal aspect of these compensation claims in view of international law of wars. In addition, this book offers most extensive information covering numerous cases in Asian counties and territories, which should help you grasp a comprehensive picture of the damages caused by the war in the region
Historical Background of the War Compensation Issue in Japan |
Individuals Seeking Compensation: Reginal Differences in Damages and Claims |
Presented by RUR-55 Link Free
Contact /Last modified: 03/10/98