Electronic Intifada原文
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2004年5月18日。ラファの「O」地区近くで、イスラエル軍のミサイルに殺された一人のパレスチナ人が、その死を嘆く親族に囲まれている。 |
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2004年5月19日。デモに対するイスラエル軍の攻撃で殺されたパレスチナ人男性/子どもたちが、ラファ北西の花屋のフリーザーに設置された間に合わせの死体安置所の床に横たわっている。 |
- 米国はイラクを、イスラエルはパレスチナの領土を、不法に占領している。米軍もイスラエル軍も占領軍であること。
- いずれも大規模な暴力でイラク/パレスチナの人々にテロ攻撃を加えながら、それに対する抵抗を「テロ」と呼び、自らの不法侵略/占領とそのもとでの人権侵害や虐殺を「テロに対する防衛」を呼んでいること。
- ファルージャもラファも、取り囲まれ、封鎖されていること。
- 電力供給の切断や家屋の破壊など、民間人への「集団的懲罰」を意図した戦争犯罪行為が行われていること。
- 救急車への発砲を含む戦争犯罪行為。
現在ラファで進められている破壊と虐殺についてのさらなる詳細は、ナブルス通信の記事をご覧下さい。そして、色々な方面に声を挙げて下さい。また、P-navi infoを継続的にチェックして下さい。
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
Fax:(+972-2) 5664838
Email:webmaster@pmo.gov.il, dover@pmo.gov.il, pm_eng@pmo.gov.il
Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz
Fax:(+972-3) 697-6218
Don't kill the Palestinians. Don't attack the Gaza Strip. Stop destroying houses in Rafa. End the occupation.
というようなシンプルなものでもいいと思います。大事なのは、見ている人がいるということを示すこと、そしてできるだけ多くの人が抗議を行うことです。from Japanというように発信地名をつけてもいいかもしれません。
Dear 宛先,
I protest strongly against the massive attack on and the killing of Palestinians in Rafah and Gaza city by the Israeli army under your direction.
The Israeli army has continuously made air raids on the Gaza Strip in order to assassinate Palestinian leaders. Because of the raids, many civilians have been killed and injured. This is a clear crime against humanity.
The Israeli army is currently destroying houses in Rafa in a massive scale. This is a collective punishment prohibited by the Geneva Convention. A UN spokesperson described the current situation in Rafa as "a humanitarian catastrophe".
I urge you to stop attacking Palestinians and destroying houses in Rafa, and respect international law.
The Israeli army must immediately withdraw from occupied Palestinian territory.
もう一つ、Jewish Voices of Peaceからもらった手紙例:
Dear 宛先,
I call upon you to immediately act to stop the demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes going on at this moment in Rafah in the Gaza Strip.
The order given to the Israel Defense Forces to destroy hundreds of houses is an order by the government of Israel to commit a war crime. This crime is being committed with American-made bulldozers, with equipment paid for by American tax dollars. I refuse to allow my tax dollars to be used to create hundreds of homeless Palestinian families.
Peace and quiet can only be achieved by the withdrawal of occupation forces. When the Gaza Strip, like the other parts of the occupied territories, is freed from Israeli occupation, it must have free access to the outside world. A humanitarian catstrophe could result otherwise.
I am demanding that my leaders, and all American and Israeli leaders, act immediately to stop this heinous example of collective punishment.
Dear Secretary of State Powell,
I am writing to you to express my grave concern about the current Israeli army offensive in Rafah.
Since the Israeli army moved into Rafah on Tuesday, tens of Palestinians have reportedly been killed, including many schoolchildren, and many more have been wounded. The local hospital is apparently overwhelmed with casualties, with the BBC reporting on Wednesday that the floors were "drenched in blood as doctors treated incoming patients in corridors and on staircases." Israel also demolished more than 100 Palestinian homes in Rafah, leaving 1,000 people homeless.
Its ongoing policy of house demolition has been internationally condemned as collective punishment of the Palestinians.
I therefore urge you to bring immediate pressure to bear on the Sharon government to end this illegal violence that has inflicted so much suffering on innocent civilians. I would like to stress that the Islaeli army offensive is carried out in the Palestinian territory, where Islael is illegally occupying.
Yours sincerely,
この間、日本では、反戦のビラを撒いた人達が長期にわたり拘留され、東京都では公立学校の卒業式で日の丸・君が代をめぐり市民的自由の抑圧が続き、「有事関連7法案」が国会を通過しそうになっています。5月28日には東京の日比谷野外音楽堂で18:30〜「「有事関連7法案を廃案へ 自衛隊はイラクから撤退を 5・28集会」(呼びかけ、平和フォーラム、市民緊急行動など)が予定されています。