

Por Unio de Respublikoj de Animoj

Yamaguchi Izumi
title page of "Opera of the Starlets"
(1981/silk screen)

*Abstracted from My Japanese Version*

(cover of the English version of the picture book "Sadako and Her Senbazuru")

Towards an International Solidarity of Conscience
    bbForward to the English version of "Sadako and Her Senbazuru"
               (translated by Nikkei News Bulletin, Inc.)

(photo by Imai Kyohei)

To Prevent the Loss of the World and Myself
    bbWhat does "support" for Mr. Mumia Abu-Jamal mean to me?
                 (translated by Imai Kyohei)

enque^te form

Por Unio de Respublikoj de Animoj
For the Union of the Republics of Spirits=in Esperanto

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Copyright1996-2000 Yamaguchi IzumiE-mail:izm@jca.apc.org
No reproduction or republication without written permission.