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森永 希(九州地区共働スタッフ)




Prayer meeting for peace

With the slogan stop war, stop violence seek the resolution by serving the people. Nepal YMCA has organized prayer meeting on the eve of women's day on March 8th 2003 at Youth Center, Kumaripati, Patan, Kathmandu, various youth leaders from the community and YMCA members participated in this prayer meeting. Miss Usha Thapa who is the chairperson of women' empowerment committee presided the prayer meeting, Miss Uma K.C. has done M.C. for the meeting. Miss Sangitee Kuwar and Mrs. Laxmi Bista spoke on war and peace topic.

Mr. Arpan Acharya member of student YMCA led the beautiful song composed by him who is studying in the grade VIII in Gynodaya Bal Batika School of Kathmandu.

Mr. Prabhu Narayan Basnet the senior journalist and board member of Federation of Journalist Association spoke about Terrorism and he said USA is the root cause of all kinds of terrorism in the World.
Th chief guest for this particular event was Mr. Mukti Nath Acharya the national General secretary of Nepal YMCA. The meeting also decided to release the press statements concerning US attack on Iraq and human right violation in Israel.
Nepal YMCA has sent appeal to the similar vision youth organization of Nepal to organize peace rally in the street of Kathmandu near in future.


Give peace to the world
Composed and song by Arpan Archarya
student YMCA

All I hate a war said the world
I love peace not getting to be bolt if you want to fight with others
There you have rights to stay furthers

( Give peace to world and nation Give peace to the earth and no war and that will be fair)
If there is war there is nothing gain
Everybody feels loss and pain so that I want to help all the creation
Please give the hand to save our nation

CH- continue

Reported by Miss Sangeeta Kuwar
National council Member of Nepal YMCA





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