Subject: [reg-easttimor 131] 日本政府が東ティモールの小学校改修に 123万ドルを
From: Koshida Kiyokazu <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 11:23:10 +0900
Seq: 131
日本政府は、東ティモールの初等教育に123万ドルの援助を決定。この援助は、は 東ティモールで小学校の改修工事を行なっているUNICEFに対して行なわれ、 第二期に入った学校改修工事にあてられる。 Forwarded by Koshida Kiyokazu <> ---------------- Original message follows ---------------- From: Indonesian Observer Sunday, July 30 - 2000 Japan rebuilding schools in Timor JAKARTA (IO) Japan has provided US$1.23 million to support primary education in East Timor, a statement from the Japanese Embassy said yesterday. The contribution, channeled to the United Nations Children窶冱 Fund (UNICEF) through the embassy, is currently being spent on rebuilding primary schools that were destroyed by pro-Indonesia militia gangs last year. The Japanese Embassy hopes the contribution will provide children in East Timor with greater education opportunities. According to the statement, the Japanese government is the biggest supporter of UNICEF in East Timor, having provided US$3.63 million since last October, most of it to education and health projects. "This contribution, which is most timely and very welcome, will help pay for more than 800 classrooms to be re-roofed," said Rodney Harfield UNICEF窶冱 representative in East Timor. In the first phase of the program to the end of June, 250 classrooms were repaired, but phase two, aims to re-roof 800 more classrooms. The new roofs will provide shelter from the sun and rain for more than 30,000 young children. Although the basic repair work carried out by UNICEF by no means brings a school back to normal, in many cases it has acted as a catalyst. In several schools, parents have provided furniture they built themselves. In others, the US military and other groups repaired the floors, painted walls and provided furniture. UNICEF has gained important experience during the first phase and will be expanding its workforce to tackle the much larger second phase, made possible by the contribution from Japan. Work gangs are being formed in each district to speed up the process and to ensure quality, and UNICEF will be paying the salary levels laid down by the UN Temporary Administration in East Timor (UNTAET). In the first phase, units of the International Force in East Timor and the subsequent peacekeeping force carried out most of the actual repairs, with limited contributions from the East Timorese. ----------------------------------------------- PARC東ティモール市民平和再建プロジェクト tel 03−3291−5901 fax 03−3292−2437, プロジェクトへの募金の送り先 郵便振替 PARC東ティモール市民平和再建プロジェクト 00140−8−536957