2004 / VHS / color / 23min.
Produced by Video Juku
Equality Action 2003@@@@@@
Asian Women Workersf Center
rights reserved
Women Opening
is an enormous gap in Japan in terms of wages and benefits between full-time
workers and those in the category of "casual workers," which includes
part-time, temporary and contract workers. More than half of Japanfs working
women fall into this latter category, and are forced to work under conditions
of great insecurity due to severely limited contract periods.
video highlights a number of different case studies of women "casual
workers" who have taken action with regard to the following situations:
Denial of full-time positions due to age
or other factors, with re-categorization as ambiguous "full-time part-time"
workers who must work the same hours as full-timers minus the benefits
Management changes in the supermarket
industry, where non-protected part-timers have become the mainstay and
full-timers are increasingly under threat of being forced out of their jobs
Poor working conditions within the home
care worker industry, where workers struggle to see their job as a valid
Equality Action 2003 is
a nationwide women's networking group in Japan that aims to bring equal
treatment to the work place.