

前略 この度は大変悲しい出来事をお悔やみ申し上げます。












2001年9月18日                             石田芳子


Dear, President Bush as a religious Christian.

Sincerely sorry for this time so sorroful never unexpected happening.
For the first time I dare write to you, US President. I am a Christian, Protestant, in Japan.

I believe that terrorism is never to be forgiven, but retaliation, especially long term retaliation makes the weakest get the most suffering without fail. Because of this very reason, please, please stop any retaliation.

The Bible says that to leave the little weakest even if only one, in the agony, is the same deed as such to God.
'And he will answer, "I tell you this: anything you did not do for one of these, however humble, you did not do for me." ' ( MATTEW 25,45)

You know Christ gives us teaching: do not return evil to evil, not insult to insult, instead pray for the enemy, forgive them, bless them.
'You have leaned that they were told,"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth." But what I tell you is this: Do not set yourself against the man who wrongs you. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left.' (MATTHEW 5,38-39)

'But to you who hear me I say; 'Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you; pray for those who treat you spitefuly.' (LUKE 6,27-28)

We Cristian, weak living with sin,ought to pray to God, reflect upon our own remarks and deeds, confess our own sin to God and repent every day.

As the Bible says, God's unfailing love be superior to any mighty military forces.
A king is not saved by a great army,
nor a warrior delivered by great strength.
A man cannnot trust this horsw to save him,
nor can it deliver him for all its strength.
The Lord's eyes are turned towards those who fear him,
towards those who hope for his unfailing love
to deliver them from death,
to keep them alive in famine.(PSALMS 33,16-19)

At the inauguration of Us President, you swear an oath with your hand on the Bible.
Neverthless, if you act against the Bible, all Christians in the world do think your act is not to be. I do belive, every Christian all the world hope, the retaliation with military action should not be done.
Sincerly yours.
September 18, 2001                           ISHIDA Yoshiko

本当に「very important」なコメントだと思ったの???

Thank you for emailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are very important to him.

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Again, thank you for your email. Your interest in the work of President Bush and his administration is appreciated.

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