kCOLLECTION OF TRANSLATIONS AND DATAl HOW MANY PEOPLE DID THE US KILL IN AFGHANISTAN !? --The Unlawful War, the War Crimes, and the War-Racism by the US-- |
Preface kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
The Message by Prof. Herold @"My dear Friends"
How many people did the US kill in Afghanistan!?
--The unlawfull war,the war crime,and the war-racism by the US
@@@@@@ kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
T Real Damages by the US Aerial-Bombing on Afghanistan and the Victims
gA Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistanh(2001,12)
iMarc W. Heroldj
gAfghans are still dying as air strikes go on. But no one is counting h(2002,2,12)
(The Gardian)
gNumber of New York dead may be 2,000 less than official tallyh(2001,10,26)
(The Gardian)
U Starvation, Deseases, Starving to and Freezing to Death, Slave-Trading,
Changing into Refugees, Expanding and Spreading by the War
gRubble Rousers:U.S. Bombing and the Afghan Refugee Crisish(2002,3,16)
iMarc W. Heroldj
gAlarming food crisis in northern Afghanistanh(2002,2,21)
V@Slaughter and Atrocities to the Prizoners
"Massacre in Mazar-i-SharifFThis is the war crime by the US and UK army."
kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
"They are not the war-prizoners. Geneva Convention cannot be applied to them." Rumsfeld taking an aggressive attitude about cruelty-treatment to the przoners."
kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
gA Report on Conditions at@Shebarghan Prison,Northern Afghanistanh(2002,1,28)
iPhysicians for Human Rightsj
gAfghanistan: Urgent action needed on prison conditionsh(2002,2,1)
iAmnesty Internationalj
W Test-Site for the New Weapons and 'Inhumanitarian' Weapons
gAbove @the Law and Below Morality: Data on 11 Weeks of U.S. Cluster-Bombing of Afghanistanh(2002,2,1)
iMarc W. Heroldj
gAfghanistan littered with 14,000 unexploded bomblets, says UNh(2002,3,23)
(The Gardian)
"Mass-Slaughter Weapons Becoming 'Smart' || The New Thermobaric Weapon BLU-118"
kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
X Appendix
"The Afghanistan damage report diary" kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
"The Afghanistan photograph and panel exhibition", comment of the participants
kby the secretariat of Signature Movementl
Here is published the translated version of the data about the slaughter of the Afghan civilians in the Afghan War by the US Forces which started on October 7 last year and still continues.
The main content of this pamphlet is the translation of the whole text of "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan" by Professor Herold of the US New Hampshire University, whose major is economics. This paper that clarified 3767 victims of the Afghan civilians (at the time of December 7, 2001) was published early in December last year, when it provoked a sensation, and so, it was put in the furious attack by the war-admirers inside and outside the US.
In the huge volume of the paper and data, Professor Herold is particular about the number of victims thoroughly, and is going to reveal the truth of the war by the statistics that can't be denied. Furthermore, he presented the victims' names and the records of sadness of their families, condemned the US inhumane strategy and racial discrimination, and criticized mass media. By means of such works he is going to make a windhole against the trend of war-admiration and "the conformity system", and also to break down the intention of the US authorities to make rhetric of "the war without the witnesses".
In this pamphlet, in addition to this Professor Herold's paper, we add the works about the US war crimes, ill-treatment of the prisoners of war, starvation and starvig to death, death from cold, the use of inhumane arms, etc., which were made out by the foreign media and NGOs, and of our own making.
We planned the issue of this pamphlet late in January this year. However, by a succession of dangers of new war, such as President Bush's visit to Japan and the beginning of "the axis of evels" diplomacy, the expansion of the US military action, the escalaton of the aggression against the Palestinian people by Israel, and the move toward the establishment of the emergency legislation in Japan, we were very busy coping with them and so the work of making this pamphlet was long delayed.
Especially we hold a sence of crisis to a very large extent in Bush government starting to prepare the war on Iraq seriously and earnestly. The US has already begun its military intervention all over the world, not only in Afghanistan but in the Philippines, Yemen, Georgia, Colombia, etc., and is expandng the fires of war. How far will Bush government go and when can it be satisfied?
And eventually Bush's war policy and military adventurism made the whole situation in the Middle East extremely tense, and led into the unprecedented all-out war on Palestine by Israel Sharon government under the US support. The military re-occupation and starving-out over PA-ruled areas were carried out and the massacre was caused in Jenin of the West Bank. We, who have followed up and criticized the damage of Afghanistan, cannot help being outraged furiously. Not only did Bush tempt the brutal crime of Sharon by the war on Afghanistan called "terrorism extemination", but also have been offering military and economic aid to Israel directly. The US is the accomplice of the atrocities to the Palestinian people.
In the meantime, Professor Herold continued sticking to the number of victims and the actual condition of damages, and made the number more exact, while he published the papers about the damages by cluster bombs and the realities of starving to and freezing to death in Afghanistan. To our regret we could't but translate only selected parts of them.
Under the urgent and dangerous circumstances that the US is to expand war unlimitedly and Japan is to participate in it in a larger scale in the name of the emergency legislation, we think it is very important to let many people know the fact of the invasion, the slaughter and the atrocities which the United States perpetrated in Afghanistan. And we decided to publish this pamphlet in haste.
On April 7, when half a year has passed since the US air-strikes on Afghanistan started, the bereaved families who lost their blood relatives in the US air-strikes held the meeting in Kabul and asked the US government for compensation. This movement demanding compensation has a ground on Professor Herold's report, as the 'Global Exchange', the volunteer organization supporting the movement in the US, say "The victims are at least 4,000 and the bereaved families are 20,000 people."
Professor Herold's laborious work does not remain in mere exposure, but has become the impotant weapon for decision of the victims demanding compensation.
We have barely published this pamphlet thanks to the cooperation of many people, such as those who told us some pieces of new imformation finding our preparing the pamphlet about the damage by the US invasion on Afghanistan, and others who joined in translating and editorial work. We'd like to express our gratitude anew.
Especially, Professor Herold readily consented our sudden proposal and request of translation and publication of his papers, still more told us his new papers and the website of them, although we are a small citizens movement in Japan without any remarkable achievements and without no acquaintance. We much appreciate and are deeply grateful to the modest attitude and sincere, generous consideration which Professor Herold showed to us.
We are very happy if more and more people are able to know a part of "the hidden war crimes of the United States" which we tried to clarify in this pamphlet, when most of the people can hardly know about the damage of Afghanistan because they can only know the information controlled halfway and spread by the huge mass media. And we do hope with our whole heart that the opportunity be made out when many people will be opposed to the US war expansion, Japan's participation in it, and the emergency legislation in Japan.
This pamphlet, we are sure, serves as the first step for it, although with unskillful translation and poor binding.
April 12, 2002
the secretariat of Signature Movement Against Koizumi & Bush.
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