7 October 1999
1 We, the Ministers of the [ 134] WTO Members, have met in Scattle
from 30 November to 3 December 1999 for the Third Session of the
Ministerial Conference. We have welcomed the participation of
Ministers from WTO observer governments and of heads of observer
international organizations in our discussions. We are deeply grateful
to the government and people of the United States, the State of
Washington and the City of Seattle for their warm hospitality and
efficient organization.
2. The WTO system has proved its worth in the face of its first major
challenge, the effects of the financial disturbances of 1997-98. The
fact that markets generally remained open in the face of these
difficulties and that protectionist pressures were resisted both in the
countries most directly affected and in their principal trading
partners clearly underlines the value of a trading system based on non-
discriminatory rules agreed by all its Members. We pledge ourselves to
continue to reject the use of any protectionist measures and to
maintain the effectiveness of the rule-based multilateral trading
3. Here in Seattle we are inaugurating a work programme to guide the
trading system into a new, century. The Seattle Agenda embodies our
collective commitment to advancing the trading system as a continuing
force for growth, employment and stability in an increasingly
interdependent world.
4. We recall and reaffirm the objectives set out in the Preamble to
the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization,
which include raising living standards,, ensuring full employment,
promoting sustainable development and the protection of the
5. We give particular emphasis to the need for positive efforts
designed to ensure that developing countries, and especially the least-
developed among them, secure a share in the growth in international
trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development. More
progress needs to be made towards realizing this objective. We resolve
to take all possible measures to ensure that the development dimension
receives effective recognition as a key aspect of the Seattle Agenda.
6. We renew our commitment to full and faithful implementation of WTO
Agreements and Decisions. We recognize that the process of
implementation has given rise to concerns among many Members about the
resulting balance of benefits and obligations. Addressing these
concerns is an important element of the Seattle Agenda, and we commit
ourselves to ensure that the work programme and its implementation are
balanced and equitable.
7. Enhancing and improving trade-related technical cooperation is
also a key element in making the development dimension a reality. We
undertake to ensure that this important aspect of the WTO's work is
adequately funded, properly targeted and carried out in full
cooperation with other relevant agencies in order to maximize its
8. We recognize the continuing importance of the principle of special
and differential treatment (S&D) in favour of developing countries, and
direct that it be made more operational in the WTO work programme.
Special attention should be given to adapting S&D treatment to current
economic realities, including examining the concept of policy spaces
for development.
9. The situation of the least-developed countries is more than ever a
challenge to the world community. Building on the work launched at our
previous Sessions, we commit ourselves to immediate action to improve
their export opportunities and assist their integration into the
multilateral trading system.
10. We also take note of the problems and concerns facing economies in
transition and the vulnerable situation of certain small economies and
instruct that these be given due priority in the WTO work programme.
11. We renew our understandings reached at Singapore concerning the
relationship between the multilateral trading system and regional trade
agreements. In reaffirming the primacy of the multilateral trading
system we undertake to ensure that the multilateral framework for the
development of regional trade agreements remains relevant to changing
global circumstances.
12. We reaffirm the need to ensure that trade and environmental
policies remain mutually supportive and to enhance policy co-ordination
at the national and international level in these areas.
13. In line with our decision at Marrakesh, we shall aim to increase
the contribution of the multilateral trading system to achieving
greater coherence in global economic policy-making as part of the WTO
work programme. Cooperation between the WTO, IMF and World Bank, under
their cooperation agreements, has a special ro1e to play in this
respect. We welcome the intention of the three organizations to focus
future cooperation, as a priority, on support for developing countries,
and particularly the poorest and least-developed among them, in the new
14. We welcome the Members who have joined the WTO since our last
Session, and reiterate the priority we continue to attach to
concluding the [... ] current accession negotiations as speedily as
possible in keeping with WTO rules and disciplines. We are conscious
of the critical importance of fulfilling our objective of making the
WTO system truly universal in scope and coverage. The achievement of
this goal will continue to be a major challenge in the years ahead. We
therefore direct that all possible efforts be made to accelerate the
process of accession, and in particular for least developed and small
economies. We are convinced that the speedy and smooth integration of
these countries will be greatly advanced by their participation, as
closely as possible, in the new negotiations.
15. We recognize that the multilateral trading system must work for
the benefit of all its Members and their peoples, and that it must be
seen and understood to do so. With this in mind and respecting the
intergovernmental character of the organization, we are committed to
make the WTO's operations more transparent and to improve dialogue with
the public. At the national as well as the multilateral level we shall
increase our efforts to communicate the benefits of rule-based trade
liberalization and respond to public concerns.
16. With these objectives and commitments in mind, we inaugurate
through the Seattle Agenda a balanced work programme which includes the
launch of new negotiations as well as the other actions set out below.
17. As we agreed at Geneva in May 1998, we have further pursued our
evaluation of the implementation of individual agreements and the
realization of their objectives. In so doing we have considered, inter
alia, the problems encountered in implementation and the consequent
impact on the trade and development prospects of Members.
Implementation Concerns
18. This evaluation has revealed serious concerns among many Members,
especially developing countries, about the implementation of the
results of the Uruguay Round. These Members see progress towards
liberalization lagging in sectors of particular interest to developing
countries, significant imbalances between rights and obligations as
well as in conditions of market access, and expected benefits that have
not been realized.
19. Concerns that have been expressed cover a wide range of WTO
Agreements and Decisions. Particular areas of concern include textiles
and clothing, anti-dumping, subsidies, technical barriers, customs
valuation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, intellectual property
rights, trade-related investment measures, agriculture and services. A
general point has been the inadequate implementation of special and
treatment. provisions in the various agreements and decisions.
20. The integration process of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
is now at the mid-point. We recognize the importance of textiles and
clothing trade for the economies of many developing exporting
countries, and we note the concerns, as expressed by a number of them,
with the progress achieved thus far in the implementation process. We
further recognize the importance for all Members, as part of the
integration process, to take such actions as may be necessary to abide
by GATT 1994 rules and disciplines so as to achieve improved market
access for textiles and clothing products. Accordingly, we renew our
commitment to the full and faithful implementation of all provisions
of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing to ensure that its objective
are fully attained.
Immediate Action
21 We are determined to ensure a full and effective response to
problems related to implementation. In this regard, together with the
other measures we are taking to respond to such concerns, we are also
taking the following decisions with immediate effect:
Implementation Review Mechanism
22. We also decide to establish an improved mechanism to examine and
address implementation-related concerns. To this end we direct that:
The General Council, meeting at heads of delegation level,
shall conduct a full and comprehensive review of issues and
problems identified by Members relating to the implementation of
existing WTO Agreements and Decisions.
The General Council shall complete its review and shall take or
propose appropriate actions within one year of the date of this
Technical Cooperation
23. We further instruct the WTO Secretariat, in cooperation with other
relevant international organizations and regional institutions as
appropriate, to reinforce technical assistance to developing, least-
developed and transition-economy Members in overcoming major obstacles
in their process of implementation of existing WTO commitments. This
approach shall be adapted to the specific needs of the national
implementing authorities and shall aim at facilitating the full,
effective and timely implementation of existing agreements and
decisions. It shall include steps to help ensure that all Members are
able to participate effectively in the dispute settlement system. We
undertake to make available the necessary resources for this effort,
both directly and through programmes in cooperation with other
international institutions, as set out in paragraphs 61-63 below.
24. Furthermore, we resolve that in the multilateral negotiations we
are inaugurating here, development objectives will be given a priority
in keeping with our commitment to ensuring that the benefits of the
multilateral trading system are extended as widely as possible.
25. Recalling our commitment at Marrakesh to renew negotiations in
agriculture and services, and wishing to further pursue the progressive
liberalization of trade in goods and services through a balanced and
broad-based negotiating agenda, we decide to launch multilateral
negotiations as set out below with effect from 1 January 2000. The
negotiations shall be concluded within three years, and shall be based
on the following principles:
Principles Governing the Negotiations
Single undertaking: the launch, conduct and conclusion of the
negotiation.,; shall be treated as parts of a single undertaking.
The results of the negotiations shall be adopted in their entirety
and apply to all WTO Members. Agreements reached at an early stage
may be implemented on a provisional basis by agreement prior to the
formal conclusion of the negotiations. Such early agreements, if
confirmed in the final process, shall be taken into account in
assessing the overall balance of the negotiations.
Transparency in negotiations: the negotiations shall be conducted in
a transparent manner among participants, in order to facilitate
their effective participation.
Balance and equity: negotiations shall be conducted with a view
to ensuring mutual advantage and increased benefits to all
participants and achieving an overall balance and equity in the
outcome of the negotiations.
Development objectives: trade liberalization and further rule
making should be pursued in line with the objectives of promoting
development and poverty alleviation and of enabling developing
countries, least-developed countries and economies in transition to
reap the full benefits of the multilateral trading system.
* Special and differential treatment for developing and least-
developed countries shall be an integral part of the negotiations
and embodied in effective provisions in the agreements to be
* [Standstill: commencing immediately and continuing until the formal
conclusion of the negotiations, each participant shall apply the
following commitments:
(i) not to take any trade restrictive or distorting measures
inconsistent with the provisions of the WTO Agreements;
(ii) not to take any trade restrictive or distorting measure in
the legitimate exercise of its WTO rights, that would go beyond that
which is necessary to remedy specific situations, as provided for in
the WTO Agreements; and
(iii) not to take any trade measures in such a manner as to improve its
negotiating position.
The standstill commitment shall be subject to multilateral surveillance
through a mechanism to be decided upon by the [Trade Negotiations
Committee] [General Council].]
Structure, Organization and Participation
26. Consistent with the overall principles set out above, the
structure and organization of, and participation in, the negotiations
shall be as follows:
Overall supervisory body: under the authority of the Ministerial
Conference [a Trade Negotiations Committee is established to
oversee the conduct of the negotiations] [the General Council
shall oversee the conduct of the negotiations].
Negotiating bodies: [[the following negotiating bodies are hereby
established under the direction and supervision of the Trade
Negotiations Committee, with effect from 1 January 2000: [list].]
[The Trade Negotiations Committee shall establish negotiating
bodies as required,to undertake negotiations in specific areas
under its direction and supervision.]] -[The General Council shall
direct appropriate WTO bodies to undertake negotiations in
specific areas under its direction and supervision.] These bodies
shall keep the [Trade Negotiations Committee] [General Council]
fully informed of their progress.
Schedule of work and individual negotiating plans: each body shall
elaborate, its own schedule of work and individual negotiating
plan subject to any guidelines or direction to it from the [Trade
Negotiations Committee] [General Council]. Such schedules and
negotiations plans shall be submitted to the [Trade Negotiations
Committee] [General Council] for approval. They shall include
appropriate benchmarks to ensure timely progress.in the
negotiations. As a general requirement initial negotiating
proposals shall be submitted before 31 July 2000.
[Advisory role for Committee on Trade and Development and
Committee on Trade and Environment:] [within their respective
mandates, the Committee on Trade and Development and the Committee
on Trade and Environment will be responsible for reviewing the
progress of the negotiations as a whole in order that the
objective of sustainable development is appropriately reflected
throughout the relevant negotiating bodies and with a view to
enhancing the synergies between trade liberalization, economic
development and environmental protection. These Committees will
keep the [Trade Negotiations Committee] [General Council]
regularly informed of their progress. The [Trade Negotiations
Committee] [General Council] may provide direction to the
different negotiating bodies ill the light of this information.
We note.,the intentions of some Members at a national level to
review the potential environmental effects of the negotiations as
an important means of identifying trade and environmental
Provisions to facilitate participation by developing, least-
(developed and transition economies: within available resources,
both financial and human, appropriate technical assistance will be
provided to developing countries, least developed countries and
economies in transition to improve their capacity to participate
effectively in the negotiations. In the conduct of the
negotiations every effort will be made to minimize the burden on
delegations, especially those with more limited resources.
Mid-term review: the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference
will take stock of progress in the negotiations, provide any
necessary political guidance, and take any decisions as necessary.
Implementation of results: when the results of the negotiations in
all areas have been established, a Special Session of the
Ministerial Conference will be held to take decisions regarding
the adoption and implementation of those results.
Participation in the negotiations: Negotiations shall be open to:
(i) all Members of the WTO;
(ii) States and separate customs territories that have already
informed Members, at a regular meeting of the General
Council, of their intention to negotiate the terms of their
membership and for whom an accession working party has been
Decisions on the outcomes of the negotiations shall, however, be taken
only by WTO Members.
Subjects for Negotiation
27. [The negotiations for continuing the process of reform of trade
in agriculture and to realise further progress in establishing a fair
and market-orientated agricultural trading system shall be directed to
achieving agreement on a reform programme, comprising further
substantial progressive reductions in support and protection resulting
in fundamental reform and improvements as appropriate in the rules and
disciplines, taking into account all of the objectives and concerns in
Article 20 and the Preamble to the Agreement on Agriculture, as well as
the general objectives and principles governing the Negotiations as a
28. Special and differential treatment for developing countries shall
constitute an integral part of these negotiations and of the further
specific binding commitments to be negotiated in the areas of market
access, export subsidies and domestic support.
29. Proposals by participants on the following elements of the further
reform programme, including as appropriate proposals relating to
modalities for giving effect to the above objectives, shall be
submitted by [ ... 2000]:
(i) further substantial reductions in tariffs on all agricultural
products, including in respect of in-quota tariffs, tariff peaks,
tariff escalation and reductions resulting in zero tariffs
(ii) the expansion of tariff quota quantities;
(iii) additional commitments to significantly improve conditions of
market access for specific products of export interest to developing-
country participants;
(iv) further substantial reductions in export subsidies, including
commitments resulting in the elimination of such subsidies;
(v) further substantial reductions in trade distorting domestic
(vi) improvements in the rules and disciplines as appropriate,
including with respect to:
- tariff quota administration;
- the operation and scope of the special safeguard provisions;
- export competition anti-circumvention provisions;
- export prohibitions, restrictions and taxes;
- non-trade concerns, including food securitv, the protection
of the environment and other objectives in the context of
the provisions of Annex 2..
- special and differential treatment for developing countries,
including net food-importing developing countries.
(vil) and on any other issues relevant to the consolidation and
extension of a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading
system and the further integration of trade in agriculture within
WTO rules and disciplines.
30. Based on the modalities to be worked out by ... 200-] at the
latest, participants shall submit their comprehensive offer lists no
later than 200-] with the aim of concluding the negotiations on the
further reform programme, including agreement on improvements to the
rules and disciplines, by 2002].]
31. [Pursuant to the objectives of the GATS and as required by Article
XIX, negotiations shall aim to achieve higher levels of liberalisation
of trade in services through the expansion of the sectoral coverage of
commitments in Members' schedules and the reduction or elimination of
existing limitations. To this end:
(a) The negotiations shall be conducted in full accordance with
paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article IV (Increasing Participation of
Developing Countries) and paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article XIX
(Negotiation of Specific Commitments).
(b) Liberalization may be achieved through bilateral, plurilateral or
multilateral approaches which could be applied horizontally or oil
a sectoral basis.
(c) In order to promote the interests of all participants on a
mutually advantageous basis and to secure a balance of rights and
obligations, the negotiations may extend to all matters relevant
to the GATS. No service sector or mode of supply shall be
excluded. Special attention shall be given to sectors and modes
of supply of interest to developing countries.
(d) Exemption,, from Article 11 (MFN) shall also be subject to
negotiations as foreseen in paragraph 6 of the Annex on Article II
(e) In order to facilitate the consolidation of,new commitments in
Members' schedules at the end of the negotiations, participants
shall aim to conclude the work undertaken by the Committee on
Specific commitments on issues relating to the classification of
services and the scheduling of commitments no later than
(f) Negotiations shall take account of the results of the reviews to
be conducted by the Council for Trade in Services pursuant to
paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Annex on Article II Exemptions,
paragraph 5 of the Annex on Air Transport Services, and paragraph
7 of the Report of the Group on Basic Telecommunications.
(g) Participants shall submit initial proposals on specific
commitments by [.....2000].
32. With a view to strengthening the disciplines of the GATS as a
means of giving effect to Members' rights and obligations, the Working
Party on Domestic Regulation and the Working Party on GATS Rules shall
conclude their Work on the development of any new disciplines in. their
respective areas no later than [... 2001]. However, negotiations under
Article X of the GATS shall be concluded in accordance with the
Decision on Negotiations Emergency Safeguards Measures adopted by the
Council for Trade in Services on 24 June 1999. In pursuing the
objective of securing effective market access, negotiations shall
consider the strengthening of existing pro-competitive disciplines of
the GATS, whether generally applicable or on a sectoral basis. In
order to improve the legal consistency and clarity of the text of the
Agreement, the negotiations shall also review existing provisions of
the GATS as requested by interested participants.
33. In the conduct of negotiations, account shall be taken of any
autonomous liberalization undertaken by other Members since the
conclusion of the Uruguay Round. Members who have liberalised and wish
to seek recognition shall notify the body directed to conduct the
negotiations of measures they have taken in this regard. Such
liberalization shall be assessed by negotiating partners on a case-by-
case basis with due regard to whether it has been bound in the schedule
of specific commitments of the Member concerned. Particular account
shall be taken of the serious difficultv of least-developed countries
in accepting negotiated commitments in view of their special economic
situation and their development, trade and financial needs.]
[Market Access Negotiations on Non-Agricultural Products]
34. [Market access negotiations shall be comprehensive and cover all
non-agricultural products. They shall aim at reducing tariffs with the
objective of achieving substantial improvement in access to markets.
Negotiations shall also aim at the substantial reduction or elimination
of tariff peaks and tariff escalation, and at increasing transparency
and predicability through expanded tariff bindings. The interests of
developing and least-developed country participants shall be taken into
account, and special attention given to products of their export
35. [Modalities shall be considered to accord [credit] [recognition]
for autonomous liberalization measures. The negotiations shall also
address non-tariff measures affecting access to markets. Modalities
for the conduct of the negotiations may encompass one or a combination
of methods. These modalities shall not exclude the possibility of
deeper reductions or tariff elimination for specific products or
product groupings (zero for zero) to be undertaken by interested
36. [Other WTO Rules]
[Contingent trade remedies]: [the existing rules shall be
examined on the basis of proposals by participants with a
view to improving, clarifying and facilitating their
implementation, and to ensuring that they operate so as to
support trade liberalization and economic development.]
[Subsidies]: [participants shall review the existing
rules on the basis of proposals by participants, taking into
account, inter alia, the important role that subsidies may
play in the economic development of developing countries,
and the effects of subsidization on trade. [Participants
shall consider the possible need for supplemental
disciplines in the area of fishery subsidies.] Participants
shall also seek to resolve any issues identified during mandated
reviews of certain provisions
and not resolved in the course of those reviews. Further,
'participants shall examine ways in which the burden of
subsidy notification obligations could be lightened without
sacrificing transparency.]
[State trading]: [participants shall examine whether
Article XVII of GATT 1994 and the Understanding on its
interpretation require further elaboration.]
[Regional trade agreements]: [participants shall clarify
WTO rules and procedures with the aim of ensuring a
coherent and predictable relationship between such
agreements and the multilateral trading system,]
[Investment] (See alternative in paragraph 4 7)
37. [Negotations shall aim to establish an agreed multilateral
framework of rules on foreign direct investment, to further the
objectives of the WTO and to complement its rules, that will enhance
the contribution of international trade and investment to economic
growth and development, and help create a stable and predictable
climate for the treatment of foreign direct investment world-wide.]
[Competition] (See alternative in paragraph 48)
38. [Negotiations shall aim to develop a multilateral framework in
order to enhance the contribution of competition law and policy to
nternational trade and development, including by strengthening the
capacity of all participants to address anti-competitive business
practices distorting or impeding international trade and investent,
and in order better to ensure that the benefits of trade and
investment liberalization are realized and shared by all citizens.]
[Transparency in Government Procurement] (See alternatives in
paragraph 49 and 65)
39. [Building on the work of the Working Group on Transparency in
Government Procurement [and on the elements for inclusion in an
appropriate agreement contained in the report of the Working Group],
negotiations shall take place to conclude an agreement on transparency
in government procurement of goods and services for adoption at the
Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference. [At that meeting,
provision shall be made for the initiation of work on a multilatera
basis on obstacles to market access arising from government procurement
Trade Facilitation] (See alternative in paragraph 50)
40. [Negotiations shall aim at establishing [a framework ofi
disciplines [and/or] guidelines on the administration of trade
procedures, thereby addressing all issues connected with formalities
for importation and exportation. In order to expedite passage and
release of goods upon importation, [and with a view to enabling small
and medium-size enterprises and traders from developin countries to
participate to a greater extent in international trade,] negotiations
shall aim to reduce, simplify, and [as appropriate] harmonize
documentation requirements, rationalize border-crossing procedures, and
provide maximum transparency regarding all official import and export
requirements. In this context, specific measures for the
implementation of Articles VIII and X of the GATT 1994 shall be
41. [The negotiations shall take into account the implementation
capacities of developing countries and shall address in this context
the issues of technical assistance and capacity-building [with a view
to developing a cooperative approach in this respect among Members and
with other international organizations]. As appropriate and taking
into consideration the mandated review processes, the negotiations
shall simplify and complement [procedural provisions contained in]
existing WTO Agreements, and draw upon the relevant work undertaken in
other international organizations with a view to avoiding duplication.]
42. We note that a large share f the WTO's work programme stems from
the reviews and other work already provided for under the existing
agreements and decisions. We reaffirm our commitment to completing
this mandated work in a full and timely manner. In carrying out this
work, any follow-up activity, and other continuing work
under existing agreements and
decisions, Members shall seek to resolve the problems which have been
identified in the course of implementation,
43. We further agree as follows concerning specific areas:
[Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights]
44. [The Council for TRIPS shall:
complete the negotiations on the establishment of a multilateral
system of notification and registration provided for in Article
23.4 of the TRIPS Agreement and take appropriate recommendations
concerning the product coverage of this system as well as in
regard to possible expansion of the product coverage of Article
23 as a whole;
pursue the review of Article 27.3(b) with a view to clarifying
its provisions where necessary, and considering any international
action necessary to ensure a mutually supportive relation between
the TRIPS Agreement and instruments for the preservation and
sustainable use of biodiversity. Tile scope for the protection
of traditional knowledge, in particular of indigenous peoples,
and expressions of folklore shall be examined;
in undertaking the review of the implementation of the Agreement
provided for in its Article 71.1, examine, on the basis of
proposals by Members, the extent to which the Agreement responds
fully to its objectives and principles contained in its Articles
7 and 8 as well as to technological and other developments.]
45. [The Council for TRIPS shall report on the above work and make
recommendations as appropriate to the Fourth Session.]
[Trade-Related Investment Measures]
46. [Having regard to Article 9 of the Agreement on Trade-Related
Investment Measures, Members shall complete the review of the
Agreement and, as appropriate, negotiate amendments to
its text. Particular attention shall be given to issues that have been
raised by developing and least developed country Members concerning
their experience with the implementation of this Agreement.]
[Investment] (See alternative in paragraph 3 7)
47. [The Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and
Investment shall pursue its present mandate and shall report to
Ministers on the results of its work to the Fourth Session of the
Ministerial Conference.]
[Competition] (See alternative in paragraph 38)
48. [The Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and
Competition Policy shall continue its work under the mandate
established at the First Session of the Ministerial Conference [and
make a final report to the Fourth Session of the Ministerial
[Transparency in Government Procurement] (See alternatives its
paragraphs 39 and 65)
49. [The Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement
shall continue its work under the mandate established at the First
Session of the.Ministerial Conference[, and make a final
report, including elements for inclusion in an appropriate agreement,
to the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference].]
[Trade Facilitation] (See alternative in paragraph 40)
50. [In continuation of the exploratory and analytical work mandated
in Singapore, Members shall work towards the establishment of [a
framework of disciplines [and/or] guidelines on the administration of
trade procedures, thereby addressing all issues connected with
formalities for importation and exportation.
In this context, Members shall address
on a priority basis technical assistance and capacity-building for the
benefit of developing countries.
[Rules of Origin]
51. [We note that the Harmonization Work Programme for non-
preferential rules of origin, as set out in Part IV of the Agreement on
Rules of Origin, was not completed as required within three years of
its initiation, i.e. by 20 July 1998. We note also that Members have
agreed to make best endeavours to complete the work by November 1999.
We agree that every effort shall be made by the Committee to complete
the harmonization work programme as soon as possible[, and in any case
not later than [date]].]
52. [The Balance-of-Payments Committee shall examine all issues arising
from the provisions of Article XVIII:B of GATT 1994 and the related
Understanding, read along with Article XV of GATT 1994, on the basis of
proposals submitted by Members. The Committee shall report to the
General Council on the results of this examination by [date].]
53. [Recalling the Marrakesh Declaration on Coherence, we invite the
Director-General to pursue with the Managing Director of the IMF and
the President of the World Bank further cooperation between their three
organizations so as to contribute, in particular, to:
(i) Enabling developing countries, and particularly the poorest
countries, to integrate more fully into the multilateral trading system
and participate more effectively in the WTO, including in the new trade
negotiations, by providing them with assistance in support of their
trade policy formulation and their trade-related human and
institutional capacity-building.
(ii) Making trade, and participation in the trading system, more
effective tools for economic and social development and for poverty
alleviation. In particular, we encourage the Director-General to
review and develop with the President of the World Bank, in the light
of the Comprehensive Development Framework, opportunities for
generating greater synergy between assistance provided to developing
countries by the WTO for implementation of WTO Agreements, including
such new commitments as may be agreed on in the new trade negotiations,
and assistance provided by the World Bank and other organizations to
help developing countries build trade-related capacity as an integral
part of their development process.
(iii) Assisting countries to handle effectively such transitory
economic and social adjustment costs as they may encounter in advancing
their trade and structural policy reforms, through financial and policy
support and through technical assistance.
(iv) A better understanding of, and more transparency in support of,
trade policy reform and trade liberalisation at the national level, its
interaction with governments' financial, macroeconomic, structural and
development policies, and its contribution to the better functioning of
the world economy.]
54. [We decide to establish a WTO Working Group on Coherence in
Global Economic Policy-making, under the authority of the General
Council, to examine, on the basis of proposals by Members and by the
Director-General, on matters of systemic importance to the proper
functioning of
the trading system arising out of the interface between trade, finance,
and development policies. We invite representatives of the IMF and the
World Bank [and other relevant international organizations] to
participate in the work of the Working Group.]
[Electronic Commerce]
[DSU Review]
55. We further agree to initiate work programmes in the following
[Fisheries Subsidies]
56. [We agree to establish a Working Group in the area of fisheries
subsidies. The Group shall examine such subsidies, in order to
identify any subsidies which may have adverse effects on trade,
environment and sustainable development, as well as any subsidies which
may have positive effects in these areas. The work of the Group shall
proceed in two phases. The Group shall complete its identification and
examination phase by the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference,
drawing on relevant work under way within
[intergovemmental][multilaterall bodies, including the FAO. The Group
shall complete its work by developing and elaborating WTO commitments
and disciplines with respect to fisheries subsidies.]
[Work Programme on Trade and Finance]
57. [We decide to establish a Working Group to examine the
relationship between the multilateral trading system and current global
financial and monetary systems. The Working Group shall, inter alia,
examine whether any reforms are necessary to: (i) safeguard the
multilateral trading system from external financial and moneta-y
disruptions; (ii) provide certainty and predictability to the
continuous expansion of trade; and (iii) ensure that Members genuinely
benefit from further liberalization efforts.]
[Working Group on Transfer of Technology)
58. [Recognizing the importance of technology in economic development
and the technology gap between developed and developing countries, we
decide to establish a Working Group on Transfer of Technology to study
the implications of existing WTO Agreements for the transfer of
technology on a commercial basis, and the ways of enhancing such
transfer, particularly to developing countries.]
[Working Group on Trade and Debt]
59. [We decide to establish a Working Group to examine the
relationship between trade and the external debt of developing
countries with a view to determining the appropriate contribution of
the multilateral trading system to the resolution of debt problems.]
Action in Favour of Least-Developed Countries
60. In order to promote the fuller integration of the least-developed
countries into the multilateral trading system, we agree to:
(a) extend bound, duty-free, quota-free market access for all products
originating in least developed countries;
(b) the full and effective implementation of the Integrated Framework
for Trade-Related Technical Assistance. We instruct the WTO
Secretariat to pursue all efforts to this end in cooperation with the
other intergovernmental agencies, bilateral donors and beneficiary
governments concerned;
(c) consider the extension of transition periods for least-developed
countries, on the basis of individual requests within the framework of
a specific national programme for the implementation of WTO Agreements;
(d) establish a new Committee on Least-Developed Countries. The new
Committee shall have as its terms of reference the current terms of
reference of the Sub-Committee on
Least-Developed Countries, and make recommendations for the expansion
of the terms of reference as appropriate to the General Council. The
Committee shall report to the General Council and keep the Committee on
Trade and Development informed of its activities.
Technical Cooperation
61. Taking account of the growing need for technical cooperation and
the commitments we have made above, notably in paragraphs 23, 26 and
60, we decide that this activity shall in principle be financed through
the regular WTO budget. Voluntary extra-budgetary contributions may
continue to be a source of additional funding.
62. We further agree that, to this end, the provision for the current
annual estimated demand, i.e., CHF 10 million, shall be phased in over
a period of three years, starting from the 2000 budget exercise. In
this connection, we request the Committee on Budget, Finance and
Administration to prepare the appropriate recommendations for decision
by the General Council.
63. [We instruct the WTO Secretariat and the Committee on Trade and
Development to undertake an evaluation of WTO technical cooperation by
no later than July 2000. This evaluation shall form the basis for a
new plan of action to be developed by the WTO in cooperation with other
international and regional organizations, designed to achieve a more
coherent approach and to enhance the scope of technical cooperation, to
be completed by the end of 2000.1
[Electronic Commerce]
64. [We agree to extend the declaration on global electronic commerce
adopted on 20 May 1998 regarding the continuation of the current
practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions.]
[DSU Review]
[Transparency in Government Procurement] (See alternatives in
paragraphs 39 and 49)
65. [We adopt the Agreement on Transparency in Government Procurement
attached to this Declaration.]
IWTO Transparency]
66. [Recognizing the benefits of increased transparency in order to
increase public and private understanding of the WTO, we agree to continue
our efforts to improve the transparency o f WTO operations by implementing
regular outreach initiatives [such as symposia and workshops]. We also
agree that the current efforts to promote wider availability of WTO
documentation to the public be further pursued as a priority.]