- mstrand@citizen.org までe-mail するか、www.tradewatch.orgのウエッブ上で賛
- いずれの場合も、メッセージのタイトル(標題)は"Shrink or Sink signatory"
- メッセージの本文中には団体名、国名を書いて下さい。もし差し支えなければ、
- 全て英語でお願いします。
WTO -- 縮小か破滅か(仮訳)
貿易を転換させる時がやってきた。1999年11月にシアトルで開催された世界貿易機関 (WTO)
[wto 738]WTOに関する国際市民声明2000年版
- please distribute widely. Apologies for crosspostings -
After civil society and activists from around the world scored the fantastic victory
in Seattle against the World Trade Organization (WTO) last year, the question we
have all been asked is "where do we go from here?" How do we continue to
build on and expand the momentum that we enjoy, and how do we broaden the movement
and bring more people and organizations into it?
Last year we rallied under the slogan "No New Round - Turn Around." The
international sign-on letter demanding a moratorium on further trade and investment
negotiations through the WTO had more than 1500 groups signed on to it by the time
of the Ministerial.
People representing a variety of country-based campaigns worldwide came together
in March to strategize and discuss next steps. Like everyone, we were eager to find
a way to discuss "next steps" with international allies. When we heard
that several of the activists highly involved over the past three years in the campaigns
against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and WTO -- from India, Canada,
Malaysia, Mexico, Chile, Europe -- were coming to the US for several other overlapping
meetings, we reached out to colleagues from other countries -- Philippines, Cameroon,
Ghana, France, Ecuador, Japan, New Zealand -- which were active in these past campaigns
but would otherwise not be in the U.S. at that time.
At this strategy meeting, a consensus document -- inspired by the success of the
"No New Round, Turnaround" letter -- was created with the goal of launching
a new international NGO campaign. The document, attached & included in the body
of the e-mail, is called: "WTO - Shrink or Sink! The Turn Around Agenda."
As with last year's successful international campaign, the "WTO - Shrink or
Sink!" campaign aims to incorporate the approaches and issues of a variety of
organizations and networks. It offers a fundamental critique of the WTO and the system
of corporate managed trade that we are currently living under,and sets forth a set
of demands on our governments to roll-back the power and authority of the WTO.
The idea is to pass this statement around and build up an even larger and more diverse
list of signatories than previous statements. With thanks to Friends of the Earth
International for taking on this function last time, Public Citizen's Global Trade
Watch has agreed (at least for now) to take responsibility for collecting the names
of the groups who sign on. Some of the groups that helped draft the statement have
already signed it, and we are hoping for many many more! All we are doing is keeping
track of the names, so it is on everyone who gets this email to spread it around
and find groups to sign on.
We should set an international Day of Action (for later this spring/summer) to launch
the campaign with press events, teach-ins, demonstrations, etc. in cities and capitals
around the world, similar to the September 15, 1999 Days of Action on the WTO around
the world.
Here are the details for how an organization can sign the letter:
1) This is an organizational sign-on letter only. We will not be adding individuals
to it.
2) In the subject line type in "Shrink or Sink signatory"
3) In the body of the e-mail list the organization and country (contact information
such as address, phone & fax is also appreciated) that you are signing on. Those
who wish should also mention how many people the organization represents.
4) Send the e-mail to mstrand@citizen.org
5) You can also sign the letter by going to www.tradewatch.org - click on WTO on
the globe.
We will be sending out regular updates with the signatories. Please circulate this
amongst your colleagues and networks.
WTO - Shrink or Sink!
The Turn Around Agenda
It's time to turn trade around. In November 1999, the World Trade Organization's
(WTO) Third Ministerial Meeting in Seattle collapsed in spectacular fashion, in the
face of unprecedented protest from people and governments around the world. We believe
it is essential to use this moment as an opportunity to change course and develop
an alternative, humane, democratically accountable and sustainable system of commerce
that benefits all. This process entails rolling back the power and authority of the
The GATT Uruguay Round Agreements and the establishment of the WTO were proclaimed
as a means of enhancing the creation of global wealth and prosperity and promoting
the well-being of all people in all member states. In reality, however, The WTO has
contributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich few; increasing
poverty for the majority of the world's peoples,
especially in third world countries; and unsustainable patterns of production and
The WTO and GATT Uruguay Round Agreements have functioned principally to pry open
markets for the benefit of transnational corporations at the expense of national
and local economies; workers, farmers, indigenous peoples, women and other social
groups; health and safety; the environment; and animal welfare. In addition, the
WTO system, rules and procedures are undemocratic, un-transparent and non-accountable
and have operated to marginalize the majority of the world's people.
All this has taken place in the context of increasing global instability, the collapse
of national economies, growing inequity both between and within nations and increasing
environmental and social degradation, as a result of the acceleration of the process
of corporate globalization.
The governments which dominate the WTO, especially the United States, the European
Union, Japan and Canada, and the transnational corporations which have benefitted
from the WTO system have refused to recognize and address these problems. They are
still intent on further liberalization, including through the expansion of the WTO,
promoting free trade as a goal in itself. In reality, however, free trade is anything
but "free".
The time has come to acknowledge the crises of the international trading system and
its main administering institution, the WTO. We need to replace this old, unfair
and oppressive trade system with a new, socially just and sustainable trading framework
for the 21st Century.
We need to protect cultural, biological, economic and social diversity; introduce
progressive policies to prioritize local economies and trade; secure internationally
recognized economic, cultural, social and labor rights; and reclaim the sovereignty
of peoples and national and sub-national democratic decision-making processes. In
order to do this, we need new rules based on the principles of democratic control
of resources, ecological sustainability,equity, cooperation and precaution.
In light of the above, we make the following demands of our governments:
No WTO expansion
We reiterate our opposition to continued attempts to launch a new round or expand
the WTO by bringing in new issues such as investment, competition, government procurement,
biotechnology and accelerated tariff liberalization.
WTO Hands off: Protect Basic Social Rights and Needs
It is inappropriate and unacceptable for social rights and basic needs to be constrained
by WTO rules. Thus WTO Agreements must not apply to issues critical to human or planetary
welfare, such as food and water, basic social services, health and safety, and animal
protection. Inappropriate encroachment by trade rules in such areas has already resulted
in campaigns on genetically
modified organisms, old growth forests, domestically prohibited goods and predatory
tobacco marketing.
Gut GATS: Protect Basic Social Services
In particular, areas such as health, education, energy and other basic human services
must not be subject to international free trade rules. In the WTO General Agreement
on Services (GATS), the principle of "progressive liberalization" and the
implications of foreign investment in service sectors has already led to severe problems.
Take TRIPS Out: Restore National Patent Protection Systems
We demand the removal of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement
(TRIPS) from the WTO. There is no basis for inclusion of intellectual property claims
in a trade agreement. Additionally, the TRIPS agreement promotes monopoly by transnational
corporations; prevents access to essential medicines and other goods; leads to private
appropriation of knowledge and life forms; undermines biodiversity; and keeps poorer
countries from increasing their levels of social and economic welfare and developing
their technological capacity.
No Patents on Life
The patenting of life forms must be prohibited in all national and international
Food is a Basic Human Right
Measures taken to promote and protect food security and sovereignty, subsistence
farming, humane farming practices and sustainable agriculture must be exempt from
international free trade rules. There must be a prohibition on export subsidies and
other forms of dumping of agricultural products, especially on third world countries.
The trading system must not undermine the livelihood of peasants, small farmers,
artesinal fishers and indigenous peoples.
No Investment Liberalization
The WTO Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) Agreement must be eliminated. All
countries and especially third world countries must have the right to use policy
options (such as local content policy) to increase the capacity of their own productive
sectors, especially small and medium enterprises.
Obviously, the TRIMS review must not be used to extend the investment issue in WTO.
Fair Trade: Special and Differential Treatment
Special and differential rights for third world countries must be recognized, expanded,
and operationalized in the world trading system. This is to take into account the
weak position of third world countries in the international trading system. Without
the enforcement of special and differential rights,there can be no possibility of
third world countries benefitting from world trade.
Prioritize Agreements on Social Rights and the Environment
Actions taken to implement multilateral agreements dealing with the environment,
health, development, human rights, safety, indigenous peoples' rights,food security,
women's rights, workers' rights and animal welfare cannot be challenged at or undermined
by the WTO.
Democratize Decision-Making
People must have the right to self-determination and the right to know and decide
on international commercial commitments. Among other things, this requires that decision-making
processes in negotiations and enforcement at international commercial bodies be democratic,
transparent and inclusive. The WTO operates in a secretive, exclusionary manner that
shuts out most third world country Members and the public. It is dominated by a few
powerful governments acting on behalf of their corporate elites.
Dispute the System
The WTO dispute settlement system is unacceptable. It enforces an illegitimate system
of unfair rules and operates with undemocratic procedures. It also usurps the rulemaking
and legislative role of sovereign nations and local governments.
A socially just international trade system will also require change outside the WTO.
Given the attacks by multinational corporations and governments on basic workers
rights; the reversal of the gains of workers' struggles; the undermining of job security;
and the race-to-the-bottom in wages, workers rights must be strengthened worldwide.
Also, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the regional development
banks must write off 100% of the debts owed to them by poor countries. The use of
structural adjustment conditionality to force trade liberalization in third world
countries and elsewhere must be stopped. Governments must negotiate, through the
UN system and with full democratic participation,a binding agreement to ensure that
corporate conduct is socially and environmentally responsible and democratically
Conclusions and Consequences
We are committed to a sustainable, socially just and democratically accountable trade
system. Thus, as a first step, we demand that our governments implement the changes
listed in this document in order to roll back the power and authority of the WTO
and turn trade around.
We commit ourselves to mobilize people within our countries to fight for these demands
and to defy the unjust policies of the WTO. We will also support other people and
countries who do so with international solidarity campaigns.
We pledge to carry the Spirit of Seattle around the world.
Signed by:
Friends of the Earth
Programa Chile Sustentable
Fundacion Sociedades Sustentables
Finnish NGO Campaign on WTO
Friends of the Earth Finland
Finnish Association of World Shops
The Communist Party of Finland
Socialist Association
Droits devant!!
Institut pour la relocalisation de l'残onomie
Observatoire de la mondialisation
Corporate Europe Observatory
Towards a Different Europe
Friends of the Earth Japan
Third World Network
New Zealand
Friends of the Earth
Legal rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan/Friends of the
Earth Philippines Ibon Foundation
Bayan-Phillippines (New Patriotic Alliance)
Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and North Ireland)
Animal Welfare Institute
Alliance for Democracy
Bay Area Jubilee 2000 Coalition
Center for Economic Policy and Research
Economic Justice Now
Economic Justice Now Africa Committee
Friends of the Earth
Humane Society, U.S.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Public Citizen
Society of Animal Protective Legislation
United for a Fair Economy
How an organization can sign the letter:
1) This is an organizational sign-on letter only. We will not be adding individuals
to it.
2) In the subject line type in "Shrink or Sink signatory"
3) In the body of the e-mail list the organization and country (contact information
such as address, phone & fax is also appreciated) that you are signing on. Those
who wish should also mention how many people the organization represents.
4) Send the e-mail to mstrand@citizen.org
5) You can also sign the letter by going to www.tradewatch.org - click on WTO on
the globe.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributedwithout
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information
for research and educational purposes.
Margrete Strand Rangnes
Senior Organizer
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Washington DC, 20003 USA
+ 202-454-5106
+ 202-547 7392 (fax)
[wto 737] WTO 農業交渉 update
1. 米議会と欧州議会は、バーシェフスキ米通商代表とラミーEC通商担当委員に宛て
2. 3月22-23日にジュネーブWTO本部で開かれたWTO農業委員会では、新議長にブラジ
3. WTO農業委員会は、農業交渉の第一段階として以下の3点について合意した;
WTO Agriculture Impact (ag-impact@iatp.org) Posted: 04/04/2000 By smurp
Dear Friends,
I haven't done this before, and certainly can't say when I will get the
chance to do it again, but I thought it would be helpful to do a quick
update of some recent news items that have crossed my desk in
non-electronic format. I am sure there are other things out there - feel
free to add what you know or have heard, or to correct any mistakes in the
1. A joint letter has gone from the US Congress and the European Parliament
to Charlene Barshefsky, US Trade Representative, and Pascal Lamy, EU
Commissioner for Trade, for information on farm policies in the US and EU.
The letter says, in light of the failure to agree a negotiating text in
Seattle, that there is now more time to build a better understanding of
agriculture trade issues across the Atlantic. The authors are concerned
that the discussion of domestic support and export subsidies was often
confused by the lack of common definitions and comparable statistics. The
letter says, "We are aware that there are regions and agricultural
enterprises in both the US and the EU that could be harmed by a rapid
opening of competition in the world market: these are sensitive issues and
we intend to proceed in these matters with prudence."
(source: Inside US Trade, 28 March, 2000)
I will scan the letter this week and send it out to the listserve.
2. The WTO Committee on Agriculture met on the 22-23 March in Geneva.
Countries failed to agree to a new chairperson. The EU, backed by Japan,
rejected the candidacy of Brazilian Ambassador Celso Amorim, on the grounds
that Brazil is a member of the Cairns Group. In the interim, another Cairns
Group member (Roger Farrell of New Zealand) is to manage consultations with
the President of the General Council (Kare Bryn of Norway) until the next
meeting of the Committee at the end of June. Until the Committee has a new
chairperson, there is no one to head the special negotiating sessions either.
The Committee agreed to a three-part decision on the first phase of
a) Technical work: the WTO secretariat has been asked to compile factual
information on what is happening in agriculture and the effects of the
existing commitments to prepare the negotiations for the next phase. The
secretariat has been asked to report on this work in June 2000. The
background papers called for include information on notifications on tariff
quotas, domestic support payments and export subsidies, as well as a table
showing Members' spending on domestic support, export subsidies and export
credits in a common currency. Also requested were: an updated report on the
agricultural trade performance of developing countries, a background paper
"in the context of Article 20(b)"; and a background paper on the
implementation of the Marrakech Decision.
(NB the version I have specifies Article 20(b); I am not sure if this means
literally only Article 20 (b), which reads: "The effects of the reduction
commitments on world trade in agriculture", or whether other elements of
Article 20, such as non-trade concerns, are also included. I will inquire.)
b) Proposals: members can submit proposals between now and the end of
December. Those who need more time can have some flexibility, but
proposals must arrive in time for consideration at the March 2001 meeting
of the Committee.
c) Timetable: Negotiations will take place as special sessions of the
Committee on Agriculture, June 29-30, September 28-29, November 16-17, and
March 2001. An extra meeting may be scheduled in January 2001.
No date was set for the conclusion of talks. Japan and Korea insisted it
was too early in the process for deadlines. Little new was added to the
debate, for those who followed the preparations for Seattle. The tension
between the countries insisting that progress on agriculture is mandated in
the Uruguay Round agreement and independent of a larger trade round (the
Cairns Group) and those that insist a single undertaking on all issues is
needed (EU, Japan) remains. The US continues to support both these
approaches (!)
Some developing countries insisted on their need for flexibility, for
example in domestic support spending levels and in green box (annex 2)
measures. India said a market-only focus would not answer their
socio-economic needs. India specifically raised food security and rural
employment as priorities for their agriculture policies.
(sources: SUNS#4634, 27 March, 2000; Inside US Trade, 27 March, 2000 & 31
March, 2000)
3. Greg Frazier has been named to replace Peter Scher as US Trade
Representative (USTR)'s Special Trade Negotiator for Agriculture. Peter
Scher is joining the private firm of Mayer, Brown and Platt, where former
USTR Mickey Kantor is already a partner. Frazier has been chief of staff
for US Secretary for Agriculture, Dan Glickman, since 1995.
4. The Chairman of Australia's Wheat Board, Trevor Flugge, has asked the US
to use international channels to distribute wheat as food aid rather than
bilateral channels. The US has already announced a commitment of 9 million
tons of food aid donations for 2000, similar to 1999 levels. With world
wheat prices at a 22 year low, Australia is concerned about the effect this
will have in different markets around the world. While the food aid
donations are WTO legal, they clearly have the potential to distort
markets, both for domestic producers and for third country exporters.
Flugge also said US export credit programmes, and the system of decoupled
payments, are trade distorting. He said the claim that decoupled payments
are not related to production is a myth and that the payments insulate
farmers from market realities.
(source: Inside US Trade, March 17, 2000)
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WTO閣僚会議@シアトル 環境NGO 帰国報告会のお知らせ
現場の生の状況を写真等を用いて報告します。 ぜひふるってご参加ください。
■日程 1999年12月23日(祝)
■時間 14:00〜17:00
■場所 国立青少年記念オリンピック総合センター センター棟 512
小田急線 参宮橋駅 徒歩5分
A SEED JAPAN(青年による環境と開発と協力と平等のための国際行動)
SAGE(Solid Action on Globalzation and Environment)
■共催 A SEED JAPAN (国際環境NGO)・市民フォーラム2001
■参加費 一般1000円 A SEED会員 500円
■お問い合せはA SEED JAPAN事務局までお願いします。
TEL 03-3349-5404 FAX 03-3349-5412 mail asj@jca.apc.org
外務 大臣 河野 洋平 様
通商産業大臣 深谷 隆司 様
農林水産大臣 玉沢徳一郎 様
外務 大臣 河野 洋平 様
通商産業大臣 深谷 隆司 様
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