We sent our objection to Kita Kyushu City. Thank you for your cooperation !!

Dear Supporters

We closed the signs for the statement of demand on 7th September and handed it by Fax on next day*s morning. Though we had only one week, it gathered supports with 15 organizations, including 5 gropes of foreign countries and 158 people from 21 states in Japan. Thank you very much.

Once we finish the action to collect signs, but there is still tension between City and us. I hope you keep attention and support for us.

Executive of Through-the-Archipelago-March-of-the-homeless-People


( Letter from Kita Kyushu Etto Jitsu )

Thank you very much for giving support to us.

We were encouraged with your help and objection against City. Without your supports, we were to feel dismay and isolation facing to forced eviction by government.

Kita Kyusyu City still has a strong attitude for us and we have pile of problems. But we have hope to cooperate with City and will show that essentially they should work for support of homeless people which reads to life and death of them

After the eviction on 25th August, we kept to negotiate with them. And secured the endurance of activity in the following point.

1. The place for food supply move to Katsuyama park out side music hall where City prepared for alternative. City would not admit the use of other parks for food supply. This treatment might be illegal. We will meet this after taking the license to use the park. This park is surrounded by trees and you can imagine the meaning of " Lost of town beauty" .

2. It is the obligation to submit the application to use the park monthly. We can not plan for just next month and do stable activity. So, we asked the annual application. But it was not accepted. Whereas City have booking of the park for the festival, Wasshoi million where City have the initiative.

3. We were levied the charge on the park use. About $10 for a month. What is matter is not sum, but the reality that City collect money from the activity for living rights. There is a ordinance about park use, and it describe remission of charge from the grope to be required and have commonwealth. But it was not applied to us.

It may be first step for corporation, because they never set table, just forced eviction. But, on the other hand, we have hesitation that it is just compromise.

City revealed their outrage with the eviction against us. We will keep the fight against them, in any case we will build the relations with senior homeless people and solve problems.

You also have many problems, but I hope you to pay the attention to our activity, support of homeless people.

Kita Kyushu Etto Jitsu : General Secretary Okuda Tomoshi.

September 09, 2000