Please send your sign( E-mail is welcome.) of the support for our objection against Kita Kyusyu City which obstruct meetings for the food supply to homeless people.

To All people

Kita Kyusyu City Office stopped Kita Kyusyu Etto Jikkoiinkai (Etto Jitsu) from the supplying food to homeless people which Etto Jitsu has held regularly and continuously. And the reason for this interception is that they spoil beauty of the city.

Etto Jitsu is the organization which has kept the patrol, food supply and self-help support for homeless people in the city for twelve years. There are 278 of homeless people in 1999, and it is twice as much as them in 1997. The concrete of self-help support by giving them accommodations is fully successful, 60 people have joined this program since 1995 and all of them went out into the society.

Kita Kyusyu City has not had any effective policy to support the life and wealth of homeless people, it rather mobilized a hundred of government officer and police to evict only one homeless people who lived in Katsuyama park in this June. Like this, City has took hysterical and outraged evictions lacking in sane decision and responsibility as government.

Etto Jitsu is the grope supporting bare livings of homeless people who have kept abandoned from government. And government try to evict this Etto Jitsu systematically.

Government should have the role as last and certain lifeline for the sufferings. But it not only disregards its responsibility, but also try to stop the modest support from the private group. It means additional hardship and even death sometime for homeless people.

This outraged eviction by Kita Kyusyu City was happened with redevelopment of the town. Complex buildings which contain restaurant and so on was built near the park where food supply was held. The business worried about gathering of customer and pressured on officer to evict homeless people. Then representatives who have close relation with the business give the point of beauty of the town, and the department of construction which manages park forbid homeless people to use any parks in city. Living rights of homeless people were trampled on the ordinal and the ugliest structure between political and business circle.

We can not arrow this leap in the dark by City. So we will submit bellow claim to Kita Kyusyu City. It have not recognized it's stupidities yet. With the list of subscribe to our approval from many different fields, We want to show clearly how many people frowned on it's folly

We hope your cooperation.

It is good to arrange this statement and make original brief or claim. In this case please send it to Department of construction, Kita kyusyu City Hall Tel:{81-93-582-2252 Fax:{81-93-582-2244

If you wish to be included as a signatory to the following statement, please send email to (Makoto Yuasa) (Peter Shimokawa)

It is better to send us before than September 7. In the case of delayed, please send fax to Kitakyusyu City directly (Fax number is mentioned before).

August 30, 2000


Statement of Demand

Mr. Sueyoshi Koichi@Mayor of Kita Kyusyu City

Manager of Construction Department

Article of Demand

1. Stop the disturbance against activity of "Kita Kyusyu Etto Jikkoiinkai".

2. Take political action to save the living rights and housing rights of homeless people.

3. Recognize the priority of Human Life over beauty of town.

Proposer: Executive of Through-the-Archipelago-March-of-the-homeless-People

202-1-27-8 Higashi Shibuyaku Tokyo 150-0011, Japan

Name or grope name, Affirmation (if any), City you live