家西悟 | Satoru Ienishi |
石井啓一 | Keiichi Ishii |
井上義久 | Yoshihisa Inoue |
生方幸夫 | Yukio Ubukata |
大野由利子 | Yuriko Ohno |
海江田万里 | Banri Kaieda |
金田誠一 | Seiichi Kaneta |
桑原豊 | Yutaka Kuwabara |
左藤恵 | Megumu Sato |
辻元清美 | Kiyomi Tsujimoto |
土井たか子 | Takako Doi |
中川智子 | Tomoko Nakagawa |
西博義 | Hiroyoshi Nishi |
深田肇 | Hajime Fukada |
二見伸明 | Nobuaki Futami |
保坂展人 | Nobuto Hosaka |
山元勉 | Tsutomu Yamamoto |
荒木清寛 | Kiyohiro Araki |
今井澄 | Kiyoshi Imai |
大脇雅子 | Masako Oowaki |
笹野貞子 | Teiko Sasano |
竹村泰子 | Yasuko Takemura |
中村敦夫 | Atsuo Nakamura |
福島瑞穂 | Mizuko Fukushima |
円より子 | Yoriko Madoka |
トム・リッジ ペンシルバニア州知事あて
The Honorable Tom Ridge,
Governor of Pennsylvania
225 Main Capitol
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Dear Governor Ridge,
As Diet members of Japan, we feel it is our duty to write of our deep disappointment on hearing that you signed the death warrant for Mr. Mumia Abu-Jamal on Oct 13. This, despite the fact that the death sentence handed down in 1982 is surrounded by so much doubt. Evidence favorable to Mr. Jamal was deliberately withheld by the prosecution, witnesses were coerced or profited by changing their testimonies, and African American jurors were expelled without reason. Moreover, when Mr. Jamal found that his court-appointed lawyer was incompetent and Mr. Jamal decided to represent himself, he was excluded from the court. Therefore he was deprived of his right to cross examination at the court where the crucial arguments deciding his fate took place. If he should be executed, despite this clear bias and unfairness, it would be a travesty of justice and this travesty would be irreparable.
Fortunately we have learned that the Federal district court granted a stay of execution on Oct. 26. We will keep watching the course of the procedure very closely, hoping for a fair trial. We strongly urge you not to sign another death warrant for Mr. Jamal as he has never enjoyed a fair trial.
Please remember the fact that millions of people around the world are watching this case very carefully. We, the Diet members of Japan, do believe that you will listen to the voices of people calling for justice and live up to Japanese people's confidence in your justice system and the democracy of the United States.
Yours sincerely
敬具 署名
The Honorable William H. Yohn, Jr.,
Federal District Judge
Dear Judge Yohn,
We are Diet members of Japan, who are deeply concerned about the fate of Mr. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate in Pennsylvania, who has filed for a new trial to the Philadelphia Federal district court.
According to all the information we have gathered, trials in the Pennsylvania justice systems appear seriously flawed. Evidence favorable to Mr. Jamal was deliberately withheld by the prosecution, witnesses were coerced or profited by changing their testimonies, African American jurors were expelled without reason. Moreover, when Mr. Jamal found that his court-appointed lawyer was incompetent and Mr. Jamal decided to represent himself, he was excluded from the court. Therefore he was deprived of his right to cross examination at the court where the crucial arguments deciding his fate took place.
On October 29, 1998, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against Mr. Jamal's appeal that sought a new trial. This ruling is not acceptable because it ignores the misconduct listed above made in state courts.
We welcome the fact that you granted the stay of execution for Mr. Jamal. At the same time we would urge you to accept his appeal. Reopen the case and grant a new evidentiary hearing. Examine all evidence and witnesses the defense is going to present, and allow justice to be done.
Please remember the fact that millions of people around the world are watching this case very carefully. We, the Diet members of Japan, do believe that you will listen to the voices of people calling for justice and live up to Japanese people's confidence in your justice system and the democracy of the United States.
Yours sincerely
敬具 署名