これが Passo プロジェクトです (Passo [パッソと読みます] はポルトガ
ソコンのパソをひっかけたネーミングです)。来年 1 月 6 日に出港する
ピースボート <http://www.peaceboat.org/> に日本で集めたコンピュー
ように CDI のノウハウも勉強してこようという計画です。
上、<owner-passo@jca.apc.org> までメールでお申し込みください。
6. 大規模メンテナンスの予定 (7 月・予告)
予定時間: 7/25(日) 09:00-18:00
JCA-NET の運用も 3 年目を迎えました。
JCA-NET は試験運用以来この間、致命的な事故もなく、継続運用を実現す
ることができました。JCA-NET の理念に賛同し支えてくださる多くの会員
います。m(_ _)m
メンテナンスの間は、JCA-NET の一切のサービスがご利用になれません。
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
問合わせ先: net-tech@jca.apc.org
7. 定期メンテナンス (サーバ停止) 6/27(日) 15:00-19:00
6月27日(日) 午後 3 時から午後 7 時まで、 定期メンテナンスのため
JCA-NET のシステムを停止いたします。
この期間は、JCA-NET 上の Web ページ、電子メールなどのサービスは使
えません (停止期間中に JCA-NET の外から JCA-NET のアドレスに送ら
この期間中に JCA-NET を通じてメールを発信することはできません)。
メールを発信したり、Web ページの書き換えなどの作業をする場合はメン
8. 訂正
先月の JCA-NET Info の日付がちがっていました。ごめんなさい。
JCA-NET サービスおよび事務局への意見、 ご批判は
<office@jca.apc.org> へ
+---------------------JCA-NET 一口メモ-----------------------+
| 技術的に困った場合は support@jca.apc.org
へ |
| 事務的な問い合わせは office@jca.apc.org
へ |
English summary
Copying or re-distributing the article(s) of JCA-NET Info is
permitted if they are not modified. The copyright on JCA-NET
Info is reserved for JCA-NET.
Copyright 1997-1999 (C) JCA-NET. All rights reserved.
1. JCA-NET Annual general assembly
( 7/10)
2. JCA-NET Seminar
"Computer Security and Privacy in the Internet era"
-- what is problems and how to defend yourself by
PGP ( 6/26)
3. JCA-NET's position on SPAM
4. Password change form on the Web
5. New mailing lists / eletronic conference open in May-June
Passo project
6. JCA-NET servers will stop for overhaul maintenance on July
7. JCA-NET System maintenance
( 6/27)
8. Corrections
1. JCA-NET Annual general assembly (July 10)
JCA-NET will have an annual general assembly on July 10. We will
discuss our working plan for 1999. This assembly is composed
JCA-NET regular members. All JCA-NET users have the right to
become regular members. You can participate in this annualy
assembly as an observer. We are sorry to say that english
translation will not be available.
Date: July 10 (Sat) 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Chiyoda Chusyou Kigyou Center, room 501-502
Map <http://www.jca.apc.org/map/jca-net-map.html>
nearest station is Takebashi
station (Metro Tozai-line)
2. JCA-NET Seminar
"Computer Security and Privacy in the Internet era"
-- what is problems and how to defend yourself by
PGP (June 26)
Although it's clear that the wiretapping bill as well as the
resident's number bill violate the Constitution of Japan, those bills
are going to pass the diet. However, regardless of the bills, it has
been said that wiretapping is done by many organizations and
individuals, and the privacy of correspondence is exposed to danger.
Especially, as measures to defend for the invation of privacy,
is going to be a real threat, use of cipher software is effective.
Japanese government began to investigate to make the regulation of
use of cipher software though, the constant use of PGP has positive
meaning to make those regulations nonsense, to make the formation of
the regulation difficult also.
So we plan to have the workshop on the Internet security as following.
This time, the contents of the workshop will be a training to use
cipher software PGP. Join us if you don't want to be meddled your
Date: 26th, June, 1999 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Place: JCA-NET office
Lecturer: YASUDA Yukihiro, IKEDA "Nezumi" Souji, other.
Theme: How to use the cipher software "PGP"
Cost: 500 yen for JCA-NET member, 1000 yen for others,
as participation and document
Contents: Using free and strong cipher software "PGP", we give lecture
and practice; how to exchange e-mail, a point
to notice, to
exchange your public key.
Preparation: We will prepare several PCs for the practice, but because
the security is difficult to ensure on shared
PC, we recommend to
bring your own PC if you hope to generate
key-pair at the
Also we recommend to bring your key pair in
a floppy disk, if you
have or you can generate key pair.
Note: We welcome any participants who didn't attend the first
3. JCA-NET's position on SPAM
"SPAM" is a word which means a lot of junk mails such as direct
marketing through the Internet. Those are really annoying for
recipients and the SPAM is going to be a serious issue. JCA-NET is
preparing several means to block or to reject the mails like SPAMs,
hate mails, or so called "mail bomb" which is a kind of attack on mail
server. A mail filter to reject such mails is available, however,
somewhat complex to set it up if you are not familiar with UNIX
scripting. We are developping to offer easy-to-use interface for the
filter, but if you needs it immediately, feel free to tell us.
Incidentally, there is a service called "ORBS (Open Relay Block
System)" for anti-SPAMing. ORBS checks open mail relay and if the mail
server permits open relay, ORBS registers to their database as
a server which permits to relay SPAM mails. With ORBS, any site is
able to reject mails from the server which permits open relay
automatically. However, most SPAMs are sent through ORBS-free servers.
ORBS is effective only for anonymous mail-bombs.
Problem, however, is that JCA-NET must receive and relay mails
outer organization, or other Internet providers. The mail server of
JCA-NET is configured to reject third party mails under some
conditions, but there are some possibility for our mail server to be
registered on the database of ORBS. In this case, your mail from
JCA-NET to sites using ORBS will be rejected (actually, for some
periods since March, our mail server are registered on their database).
If you get return mail claiming blocked by ORBS, please tell your
recipient of the site not to use ORBS or exclude JCA-NET address from
ORBS block.
JCA-NET techies don't want to criticize the policy of ORBS, but
is not our policy. JCA-NET will do our best to reject SPAM or
troublesome mails, but we don't want to work specially for ORBS if
address of JCA-NET is registered again. Because of some technical
reason, such as to fix IP addresses for mail relay or to authenticate
before sending mail, we consider that complete restriction ORBS
require may increase users' inconvinience a lot, so we don't think
to make special restriction so far. Of course, JCA-NET tech team are
willing to make every effort to reject annoying mails, not for ORBS
but for our subscribers.
4. Password change form on the Web
You can now change your JCA-NET password on the Web with English
messages. We strongly recommend to change password periodically for
5. New mailing lists / eletronic conference open in May-June
Passo project
Passo project --- computer and citizenship school for slum
Posting address:
mailing list: passo@jca.apc.org
conference: comp.passo
JCA-NET invited Rodrigo Baggio, Committee to Democratize Information
Technology (CDI) <http://www.cdi.org.br/>, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
and organized a public seminar on April 7 this year. CDI is a
Brazilian NGO that made a great success in encouraging poor
communities in Brazil to establish schools called "Computer and
Citizenship School". Only for three years they succeeded to
establish 80 schools in slum areas including one school in the
indigenous people's village. These schools dramatically
the lives of children in the slum communities. After this seminar,
JCA-NET, Asian People's Friendship Society (APFS), Peace Boat
<http://www.peaceboat.org/> and other individuals who are impressed
with the work of CDI decided to launch a project to support CDI's
work in Brazil by sending used computers from Japan.
The first phaze of this project will focus slums in Brazil but we
are hoping that we can launch similar projects in Asia and Africa
near future.
As we are now in the era of information and technology, access to
computer is now a basic human needs. Slum dwellers needs not
food but also access to the information technology.
If you are interested in this project, send a e-mail to
6. JCA-NET servers will stop for overhaul maintenance on July
>From 9:00 - 18:00 on July 25
All services of JCA-NET will stop during this period. Your
messages coming other site during this maintenance will be stored
and after this maintenance you can receive them safely.
This maintenance is to secure safe operation of JCA-NET.
We appreciate for your understanding.
If you have any doubts, send your inquiry to
7. JCA-NET System maintenance (Jun. 27)
All services of JCA-NET will be unavailable from 3 pm to 7 pm of
June 27 (Sunday) due to scheduled maintenance.
All messages you will receive during this period will be stored in
your mailbox as usual. These can be accessed normally as soon as
this operation is over.
JCA-NET will stop for scheduled maintenance once a month mainly
for backup purpose. The maintenance schedule will be announced one
week in advance. We are very sorry for the delay to announce this
Thank you for your understanding.
JCA-NET office is open from 11 am to 7 pm. If you have any
questions, please feel free to ask us <support@jca.apc.org>.
8. Corrections
The date in JCA-NET Info on last month was incorrect.
Sorry for our carelessness.
If you have any opinion or critiques
about our services
and secretariat, please write to <office@jca.apc.org>.
Phone 03-3291-2875
FAX 03-3291-2876