Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 07:45:13 +0900
From: Masahiko Aoki <>
Subject: [keystone 894] 米イラク爆撃を開始
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Sequence: keystone 894
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= N  E  W  S      B  R  I  E  F  I  N  G
= WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301

DoD News Briefing
Tuesday, December 15, 1998 - 1:40 p.m.
Mr. Kenneth H. Bacon, ASD PA

        Q:      Iraq.  Will the United States be making a decision
        about whether to take military action against Iraq this week
        based on the results of Richard Butler's report to the United
        A:      Well Richard Butler's report will certainly have an
        impact on what our future strategy is toward Iraq.  We have
        not ruled in or ruled out any options at this stage.  We're
        awaiting Ambassador Butler's report.  I expect that it will be
        out this afternoon or this evening.  That's my latest
        information.  We will have to evaluate the report and see what
        it says.
        Q:      We don't have to wait for the report to know that Iraq
        's cooperation was less than full and unconditional.  Isn't
        Iraq therefore in violation of the promise it made back on
        November 14th when the United States called off its military
        A:      I think rather than speculate right now we should see
        how Ambassador Butler, who's closest to the situation,
        evaluates Iraqi compliance.
        Obviously Iraqi compliance has been less than complete, but we
        need to await Ambassador Butler's assessment of whether he
        thinks he can do his job, and what he thinks the future will
        hold.  As I say, that report isn't out yet and it won't be out
        for probably several hours.
        Q:      If the President were to decide that Iraq's lack of
        compliance justified a military strike, does the President
        have the moral authority to order such a strike given that it
        would come at a time when he's also facing impeachment in the
        House of Representatives and the questions that would raise?
        A:      First of all, the first part of your question is
        hypothetical.  He hasn't reached any decision yet because he
        doesn't have all of the information he would need to evaluate
        Iraqi compliance.
        The President is the Commander in Chief.  He was duly elected.
        He will have to -- he is completing a foreign trip in which he
        was able to realize or help realize a considerable achievement
        in Palestine, and I think that he has the full authority given
        under the Constitution to take any action he needs to take in
        protection of our national interest.  Whatever he decides that
        Q:      Can you give us a rundown of the force levels in the
        A:      There are, in total, 24,100 men and women in the
        American military there.  There are 22 ships.  There are 201
        aircraft.  And there are 2,400 Army personnel in the area.
        The bulk of those, of course, are the INTRINSIC ACTION task
        force that's in Kuwait.  I think there are about 1200 from the
        3rd Armored [Infantry] Division.
        Q:      Is that including the 24,000?
        A:      They're all included.  The 24,400 is the total figure
        and I just broke out the number of people in the Army.
        Q:      Is that 24,400 or...
        A:      24,100, excuse me.  24,100.
        Q:      Tomahawks?
        Q:      Does that include the B-52s still in Diego Garcia?
        A:      It does, yes.  It does include those.
        Q:      How many are there?
        A:      Well in Diego Garcia right now there are 15 B-52s.
        There are the seven that will come out before Christmas and
        the eight that have gone to replace them.  That includes one
        training plane.
        Somebody asked about the Tomahawk capable ships.  There are
        eight ships capable of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles.

     Masahiko Aoki

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