What is the Global Compact?

The global compact(GC) emerged as United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan's initiative, posing a challenge to the GC business community to help build the social and environmental pillars required to sustain the new global economy and make globalization work for all the world's people. The GC encompasses nine principles, asking companies to act on these principles in their own corporate domains. The eligibility of companies to engage in the GC depends on their function of willingness and ability to contribute to the advancement of these principles.

The Nine Principles

"Twenty Questions on the Global Compact - What Companies Need to Know"

Business and Human Rights: A Progress Report
Business and Human Rights: An Update

Principles relating to the human rights conduct of companies -
Working paper prepared by Mr. David Weissbrodt

Proposed draft human rights code of conduct for companies -
Workingpaper prepared by Mr. David Weissbrodt
(E/CN.4/Sub.2/2000/WG.2/WP.1/ Add.1)
(E/CN.4/Sub.2/2000/WG.2/WP.1/ Add.2)

UN Global Compact Website

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