Statement of Objectives
* To challenge and inspire young people to create their own vision of a democratic global society.
* To facilitate an intergenerational dialogue between youth and elders on the most critical issues which the young will face in the future.
* To elicit the opinion and ideas of the young about what they think is most necessary to be full participants in the global society.
* To encourage young people to play a more active role in creating their own futures, by drawing on indigenous traditions to construct self-governing institutions and ways of life.
* To promote the placement of youth issues on any agenda concerning the future of mankind in the next century.
Anticipated Results
* A transmission of insight, inspiration and information between younger and older generations.
* An increased awareness of the needs, anxieties and concerns of today's youth by those who are making decisions on their behalf.
*An exploration and discovery by students of the relation between themselves and the world in which they live and the future they will inherit.
* An expansion of student awareness of healthier and more meaningful futures.
* A commitment by young people to investigate, evaluate and participate in the emerging global society.