Subject: [fem-women2000 75] NGO Statement 27th Oct on Economic Empowerment
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 23:42:27 +0900
Seq: 75

An Intervention made on the Economic Empowerment of Women : 
Agenda Item 5(a) at the ESCAP High-level Intergvernmental  Meeting to 
review  regional implemenation of the BPFA, Bangkok, 26-29 October 1999

Delivered on 27th October 1999 
by   Nurgul Djanaeva 
APWLD/Forum of Women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan

I would like to emphasize the transition period from the planned economy
to market economy, which is challenging the Central Asian women. 

Collective Central Asian Women's NGOs' review of the main problems, done
in Bishkek, organized by Forum of Women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan and APWLD
in July 1999 has recommended our governments to focus their efforts on
the following actions:

* Central Asian governments must lower the current tax rates in order to
give the citizens, especially women, greater control and access to
income and to improve the living standards of their families.

* Implement policies and programs leading to women's employment,
especially in rural area.

* Enforce labor laws and policies to ensure social security or employment
benefits to women,  including mothers

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