Subject: [fem-women2000 691] intersections -- Covering Gender @ the WCAR NGO Forum, Durban 2001
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 18:48:12 +0900
Seq: 691
続々報告がきています。詳細はwebでごらんください。 webサイトでニュース配信リストへの登録もできます。 --lalamaziwa ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- intersections Covering Gender @ the WCAR NGO Forum, Durban 2001 current: issue 3 > issue 1 > issue 2 Roundtable on Gender, Race and Exclusion 08/31/2001 - This roundtable was a space to tell personal stories and share personal experiences around exclusion, gender and race. The conversational tone and informal nature of the discussion made it possible to have a more open discussion on what could easily have turned into an academic exchange. --MORE African Women Share Experiences and Identify Priorities 08/31/2001 - Women from Africa held a regional meeting at the Gender Commission meeting held on Wednesday. They identified priorities in the fight against racism and racial discrimination on their continent. -- MORE Interview with Rehana Ebr.-Vally, author of Kala Pani, Colour and Caste in South Africa 08/31/2001 - Exploring South African 'Indian' identity is what Rehana Ebr.-Vally's new book, Kala Pani, aims to do. -- MORE Broadcasting Hate 08/31/2001 - While many of us have heard about hate sites on the Internet, we may not be as familiar with hate radio. -- MORE Fighting Racism in an African Context: Women Speak Out 08/31/2001 - The Ilitha Labantu, a community organisation based South Africa, held its second workshop in the Embassy Building in Durban to discuss the issue of violence against women and children. -- MORE WCAR NGO FORUM : A Personal Perspective 08/31/2001 - World conferences organised by the United Nations are regular events, reports of which appear in the media. Yours truly has relished in reading such stories but has never had the privilege of attending any meeting of that nature. -- MORE Breakdown in communication means no participation by 350 South African women at WCAR 08/31/2001 - 350 South African women who arrived at the WCAR on Monday and who had been registered by SANGOCO, were refused admission by security guards. The women who had travelled from Gauteng by train were finally admitted today (Friday) the day before the conference ends. -- MORE Muertes innecesarias por sida son resultado del racismo, sostienen activistas 08/31/2001 - Durban, 30 de agosto: En la provincia de Kwazulu Natal, donde esta situada la ciudad de Durban, la poblacion infectada por el virus del SIDA alcanza al 37%. "El SIDA se ha convertido en una plaga para la poblacion negra y aunque como enfermedad no discrimina, en la actualidad esta matando principalmente a los integrantes de la raza negra, Esta vulnerabilidad esta ligada a la pobreza, y la pobreza a las cuestiones raciales, y estas cuestiones a la larga historia del trafico de esclavos y el colonialismo", seala un documento firmado por varias organizaciones africanas que luchan contra el SIDA. -- MORE La intolerancia religiosa como manifestacion de poder y control del estado 08/31/2001 - Durban, 30 de agosto. La aplicacion de fundamentalismos religiosos para conservar el poder y controlar a la poblacion fue uno de los temas discutidos por el comite de trabajo sobre "Intolerancia religiosa" en el marco del Foro de ONGs sobre Racismo, Discriminacion racial, Xenofobia e Intolerancias Conexas que se celebra en esta ciudad del 28 de agosto al 1 de setiembre. -- MORE Desmantelar la discriminacion institucionalizada 08/31/2001 - Durban, 29 de agosto : La discusi'on en las sesiones plenarias y los comit'es de trabajo hoy estuvo centrada en la necesidad de aunar esfuerzos para desmantelar la discriminaci'on institucionalizada que existe en el mundo y que se refleja con crueldad en numerosos pa'ises y afecta a millones de personas. -- MORE HIV/AIDS and Treatment - A press statement 08/30/2001 - As more than 10,000 NGO representatives, youth activists and government officials from around the world gather in Durban to discuss racism and related issues, Africa Action, Treatment Action Campaign, Physicians for Human Rights, Student Global AIDS Campaign and Oxfam GB strongly urge delegates to address the most critical manifestation of international racism - the failure of the international community to respond to the AIDS pandemic in Africa. -- MORE _________________________________________________________________________ for Women 2000, UN Special Session on Beijing+5 Searcheable Archive visit fem-net HomePage for other mailing lists