Subject: [fem-women2000 69] ESCAP 報告書作成状況 - 28 (木 ) 深夜
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 07:53:45 +0700
Seq: 69
lalamaziwa です。 会合最終日(4日め、今日)の午後には採択予定の報告書ですが、かなり時間の かかる作業になるかもしれません。 当初、3日めの昼頃にESCAP事務局が内覧したドラフトが60ページという大 きなものだったため、もっと短いものに作りなおすことになったようです。パネ ルディスカッションと関連討議で提案された内容も全く含まれていないというこ という点ではやり直しになって良かった。しかし、ESCAP事務局の手薄さに 日本の「共同参画室」の手薄さが重なって見えます。国連といえど女性担当部署は まだまだ手薄なのだということでしょうか。 夕方7時に始まったインフォーマル(非公式)セッションには、2ページの「全文」 が配布されたのみ。それでも、内容について「真剣な政治的ディスカッション」 が行なわれています。顕著なのは、中国やイランなど、留保を出している国から 「留保している国があることを入れるべきだ」という辺り。 北京以前のジャカルタ会議に習って、NGOもオブザーバー参加していますが、 一番口うるさいのは政府オブザーバーの米国です。「どうしてESCAPに米国 が居るの?」という素朴な疑問が飛び交っています。 下記に、木曜夕方の「前文」のドラフトを掲載します。さて、金曜夜までにどう 変わっていくのやら...。 Following text is draft prepared by secretariat on evening of Thursday 28th October, 1999. There was a 60-page advance report that was circulated to the burueau members around noon. However, it was taken back and the participants are starting from scratch because the initial draft was too large to be negotiated by governments, and did not include good recommendations that came out of the panel presentations. As of midnight, what was available before the participants were just the preamble part of the report (copied below). The informal negotiations with NGOs observing (following the Jakarta practice where observers were allowed also in informal sessions) was still going on as of midnight. there was notable discussions around "whether to mention the reservations to BPFA expressed by several governments or not" and question marks floating over many ngo participants about the reason why an observer state (U.S.) is participating in the negotiations very vocally. other parts of the reports were to be due out by am of Friday 29th. the fomal Closing Plenary is to start PM of 29th, but most guess is that it will delay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (draft preamble circulated to all participants of informal session 28th October 1999) II. KEY ACTIONS AND INITIATIVES FOR ACCELERATING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BEIJING PLATFORM FOR ACTION A. PREAMBLE 1. The adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995 heralded the dawning of a new era in the quest for a just society based on gender equality. It is the first internationally accepted instrument that espouses a human rights-based approach to gender equality. The platform is an agenda for bringing together various stakeholders with the common objectives of the empowerment of women. It enshrines a concept of shared power and responsibility at home, in the workplace and in the wider community. Based on a life-cycle approach, it recognizes that the needs of women must be met from infancy to old age and that all public as well as private actions must be taken in an integrated manner to yield meaningful results. 2a. Since 1995, the countries of the region have used the Platform to guide national action and international cooperation in empowering women in social, economic and political fields. It has emerged as an effective tool for measuring gender equality and a shared partnership netween men and women. Judged against the bench marks and the objectives set in the Plarform for Action, much has been achieved by the region for the realization of women's human rights in all aspects of life and for their economic and political empowerment. 2b. Yet opportunities have been missed and new obstacles and challanges have emerged. As the Asian-Pacific region enters the new millenium, globalization and integration have intensified, increasing the vulnerability of women to internal and external shocks andupheaval. The meaning of work is changing as new and emerging technologies, especially information technologies, increasingly shape economic structure with a profound impact on human aspirations. Old institutions find themselves inadequate to meditate the competing needs brought by unprecedented pressures on the social and political fabric. The accontability, good governance and transparency called for in the Platform offer a cornerstone for giving voice to the voiceless and the marginalized. 3. In the midst of these and other bewildering changes at speeds not seen before, implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action has acquired a new urgency. We, the government that convened for the high-level intergovernmental review, have come here to discuss obstacles ato advancing the status of women and develop strategies for overcoming them. We reaffirm our commitment to implementation of the Platform. We are convinced it is map that will best lead us into 21st century where we will meet our goals of gender equality, development and peace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------