Subject: [fem-women2000 659] New on the European and North American WomenAction web site
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 10:45:00 +0900
Seq: 659

---------------- Original message follows ----------------
 From: "Lin Pugh" <>
 Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:45:07 +0200

*Please circulate to your networks
Apologies for cross postings

New on the European and North American WomenAction web site
23 March 2001 - 27 April 2001
(, click through to Europe and North America)

WomenAction at the Peoples' Summit, Quebec, Canada 16 - 21 April 2001.
WomenAction au Sommet des Peuples, Quebec, Canada 16 - 21 Avril 2001

22 April 2001
Summary of the Conclusions of the Communications Forum
People's Summit of the Americas

20 April 2001
II Cumbre de los Pueblos: Entrevista a Hector de la Cueva
Vers un libre-=e9change participatif?
Where are the impatient, angry, and loud women?
"La cultura y el conocimiento no est=e1n a la venta"
Le point de vue des femmes, une importance capitale!
Qui repr=e9sente l=e9gitimement les peuples?
La d=e9sob=e9issance civile, une arme redoutable
Cyber-rendez-vous samedi le 21 avril
Cyber Meeting Saturday 21st of April

19 April 2001
Une guerre hommes/femmes?
Une question de vie ou de mort
Women Put Forth Our Demands in the Environment Forum
The role of the state and the role of citizens within it...
L'=e9conomie solidaire en marche
A call for democracy!
Notre propre agenda!

18 April 2001
Opening night of the Peoples Summit of Americas
Trade is a Women's Issue!
Mainstream media - a giant player...inside the security walls in Quebec
Agriculture Forum at the 2nd Peoples` Summit - Globalize the Struggle,
Globalize the Hope!

17 April 2001
Negative Impacts of Free Trade in the Latin America and the Caribbean
La communication, enfin une pr=e9occupation!
Women parliamentarians mobilising

16 April 2001
Women's Forum
De la dictature militaire =e0 la dictature des march=e9s
Des citoyennes =e0 avertir
Des v=e9los contre la ZLEA
Flicage aux fronti=e8res

European and North American WomenAction News Shorts
ICTY: a Moslem Bosnian on the accusation bench
April 09, 2001
TPIY : un Bosniaque musulman sur la banc des accus=e9s
April 09, 2001
TPIY: Un bosnio musulm=e1n en el banquillo de los acusados
April 09, 2001
Moldavia: women in Parliament!
April 02, 2001
Moldavie: des femmes au Parlement!
April 02, 2001
Moldavia: las mujeres en el Parlamento
April 02, 2001
Palestinians under increasing restrictions
March 28, 2001
Des Palestinien-nes de plus en plus quadrill=e9-es
March 28, 2001
Macedonian women united for peace
March 23, 2001
Les Mac=e9doniennes pour la paix
March 23, 2001
Union of Women's organizations in Macedonia call and act for peace
March 23, 2001

Lin Pugh
Program Manager
International Cooperation Department
IIAV International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement
Obiplein 4
1094 RB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel +31-20-6651318
fax +31-20-6655812
(click through to European and North American WomenAction, Gender and Water=
Mapping the World Database and Know How Conference)

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