Subject: [fem-women2000 365] Beijing +5 #5 ENB Vol. 14 No. 41 (fwd)
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 05:14:28 -0500
Seq: 365

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Beijing +5 #5



Tonya Barnes <>
Richard Campbell <>
Wendy Jackson <>
Violette Lacloche <>
Wagaki Mwangi <>
Gretchen Sidhu <>

Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. <>

Managing Director
Langston James Goree VI "Kimo" <>

Vol. 14 No. 45
Friday, 9 June 2000

Daily coverage of the Beijing +5 UNGASS can be 
found at



The Plenary convened in the morning and afternoon, and the 
Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole met at 5:00 pm and 12:00 am. 
Working Groups I and II met in morning, afternoon, evening 
and late-night sessions. A contact group chaired by Vice-
Chair Patricia Flor met during the day on contentious 
issues. Delegates worked throughout the night in the COW in 
an attempt to clear remaining brackets. The following 
covers negotiations through 1:30 am. 


Delegates heard statements on the review and appraisal of 
progress made in the implementation of the PFA's 12 
critical areas of concern. Speakers included 18 Ministers, 
five Vice-Ministers and 12 Chiefs of Delegation. Statements 
can be found on the Internet at:


At 5:00 pm, Yakin Ertk, Director of DAW, updated 
delegates on the status of negotiations. Chair Kapalata 
opened the floor for suggestions on how best to move 
forward, appealing to delegates for concrete solutions. 
the G-77/CHINA, the EU, CARICOM, the HOLY SEE, IRAQ, and 
EGYPT spoke in favor of continuing negotiations until all 
brackets had been removed.

At 12:00 am, delegates reconvened to debate text in 
Sections II and III. In paragraph 20, SENEGAL, with many 
others, suggested deleting reference to discrimination on 
the basis of sexual orientation. CUBA, the EU, JUSCANZ, 
SOUTH AFRICA and TURKEY opposed. IRAN called for the 
deletion of the paragraph. The reference remains bracketed. 
In 48 bis, delegates discussed formulations from G-77/China 
and Jamaica. The paragraph remains bracketed. 



Delegates addressed references to political will in 
paragraphs 7, 19, and 28. In paragraph 7, delegates 
accepted Chair Mlacak's proposal on "lack of resources and 
insufficient political will and commitment" and 
"inappropriate design and application of" SAPs. The 
paragraph was agreed. In paragraph 19, language on 
inadequate financial and human resources and a lack of 
political will "in many countries" was debated at length, 
and the reference remains bracketed. Violence: Delegates 
agreed to paragraph 10, after a slight EU amendment 
referring to combating violence against women and girls. In 
paragraph 11, delegates accepted text on "many countries," 
and on the health system, work places, the media, the 
education system, as well as the justice system. 

Decision-making: In paragraph 17, delegates agreed to 
retain PFA language on conflict "prevention and" resolution 
mechanisms. Delegates agreed to Syria's proposal on "a 
number of countries," and the paragraph was adopted.

Institutional Mechanisms: Delegates adopted paragraph 18 
after the PHILIPPINES, EGYPT and JUSCANZ proposed retaining 
text on the achievement by national mechanisms in 
monitoring CEDAW implementation.

Media: In paragraph 23, EGYPT, with IRAN, ARGENTINA, the 
PHILIPPINES, and others proposed PFA language on 
"pornographic and obscene materials." SUDAN, with CUBA, 
opposed. NIGERIA, SLAC, CUBA and IRAN noted other PFA 
references, resulting in a bracketed reference to "violent 
and degrading or pornographic media products."

Girl Child: In paragraph 26, delegates agreed to language 
on support mechanisms for pregnant adolescents and 
adolescent mothers, and on the sexual and reproductive 
health of adolescents. The paragraph was agreed.


In paragraph 51, the G-77/CHINA, with the HOLY SEE, 
suggested eliminating a list of forms of violence. The EU 
suggested postponing discussion to allow for feedback from 
a contact group also discussing violence. No consensus was 
reached, and the initial and alternative G-77/China and EU 
proposals remain bracketed.

Delegates adopted paragraph 54, on the need for effective 
and coordinated plans and programmes, after Egypt 
introduced a reformulation, supported by the G-77/CHINA, 
IRAN, UAE and the PHILIPPINES, on, inter alia, capacity-
building efforts being needed at the national level to 
increase transparency and accountability. In paragraph 55, 
a G-77/China proposal was adopted after delegates agreed to 
delete references to "all," and add language emphasizing 
the need for specific and targeted activities, gender 
equality and "enhanced" international cooperation. 



Vice-Chair Patricia Flor presented contact group results, 
and Working Group II agreed on a set of sub-paragraphs for 
paragraph 135, in the following order: 125G, on effective 
measures to address the challenges of globalization; 125D, 
on women's participation and international development 
cooperation; 125A, on poverty eradication with women's 
participation; 135(d), on intensifying efforts to implement 
poverty eradication programmes; 135(e) bis, on links 
between gender equality and poverty eradication; 135(g), on 
accessible financial services; 125J, on quality skills 
training to achieve agreed poverty eradication targets; 
135(e), on social development funds, where appropriate, to 
alleviate the negative effects of SAPs and trade 
liberalization; 125C, on debt; and 135(f), on the Cologne 

National Actions: No consensus was reached on whether to 
maintain "as appropriate" in 102(e). The sub-paragraph was 
deleted. In 103(i), there was no consensus on referring to 
"including" instead of "particularly." The sub-paragraph 
remains bracketed.

International Actions: Regarding outstanding placement, 
121(a) bis was maintained under international actions and 
122(a) bis was shifted to national and international 
actions. Delegates adopted 122(b) ter with verbatim 
language from WSSD+5 on peoples' right to self-

National and International Actions: Consensus was reached 
to adopt 125H with "create an enabling environment" and 
without "design and implement policies." In EU-proposed 
125(h), EGYPT specified full participation of all 
countries. PAKISTAN, with others, deleted "uniform." With 
these amendments, and deletion of "ethical guidelines" in 
elements of a possible database, the sub-paragraph was 
agreed. Delegates deleted 125(f).

In 126(b), IRAN and EGYPT qualified the language to support 
governments in their efforts to institute action-orientated 
programmes for accelerated PFA implementation. LIBYA 
specified full implementation. Delegates accepted 
programmes and measures, and a reference to time-bound 
targets and/or measurable goals and evaluation methods. The 
EU specified including gender impact assessments, and 
proposed deleting 126(c). With these amendments, a 
reference to full participation of women for measuring and 
analyzing progress, and placement under national actions, 
the sub-paragraph was agreed. 

Delegates debated a proposal for 127(d), on promoting and 
protecting women's rights at work as defined by the 
relevant ILO conventions, based on informal consultations. 
EGYPT, with CUBA, CARICOM and LIBYA, preferred either 
deleting both 127(d) and 127(j), on child labor, or 
adopting an earlier G-77/CHINA formulation for 127(d) and 
WSSD language for 127(j). The EU, with PAKISTAN and 
JUSCANZ, proposed deleting 127(d) and importing WSSD 
language for 127(j). No consensus was reached.

In paragraph 127(g), after deleting language on encouraging 
reorientation of investments, delegates agreed to reaffirm 
commitment to gender-sensitive development and support 
women's role in sustainable and ecologically sound 
consumption and production patterns and approaches to 
natural resource management. Delegates relocated 128(b) 
under national actions as 118(i) bis. In 128(i), delegates 
agreed to continue to support and strengthen national, 
regional and international adult literacy programmes, with 
international cooperation in order to achieve a 50 per cent 
improvement in adult literacy levels by 2015, especially 
for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing 
education for all adults. 

In 130(a), IRAN's call for a reference to all forms of 
commercialized sex was repositioned as a reference to all 
forms of commercial sexual exploitation, and the sub-
paragraph was agreed. In 130(d), delegates deleted 
reference to civil society, inserted ethnic-based violence, 
and retained current placement. The HOLY SEE proposed 
compromise text on 132(c), on respecting and promoting the 
right of women to freedom of thought, conscience and 
religion, and recognizing the central role that religion, 
spirituality and belief play in the lives of women. 
Delegates debated references to "promote," "central," "may" 
and "millions of." They adopted the sub-paragraph after 
opting for PFA language. In 133(a), PAKISTAN supported 
"where appropriate," and the sub-paragraph was agreed. 
LIBYA and others asked that 134(a) be deleted. The HOLY SEE 
suggested, and JUSCANZ supported, alternative placement in 
the sub-paragraph of the reference to freedom of 
expression. The sub-paragraph was adopted with this 

In 134(h), some delegates expressed concern that the 
expression "herstories" would not be translatable and an 
explanatory footnote was added, together with a reference 
to best practices, and the sub-paragraph was adopted. 
Delegates adopted 135(m), formerly 135(b) bis, with a 
reference to "appropriate technology," as supported by IRAN 
and SYRIA. JUSCANZ proposed, and delegates adopted, new 
text reorganizing 136(a). Delegates adopted: 136(c) on 
multi-stakeholder partnerships with civil society; 136(d) 
on partnerships among, inter alia, governments, 
international organizations and the private sector; and 
138(e) bis on the effects of the world drug problem. 


Armed Conflict: Paragraph 13 generated heated debate, with 
some delegates preferring to specify the increase in use of 
specific arms. The adopted text uses language from PFA 
paragraph 143.

Health: In paragraph 8, delegates agreed on: "family 
planning and contraceptive methods," "health care and 
health services," "health care services," and the need to 
implement PFA paragraph 96 in some countries. However, two 
delegations registered their reservations, in conformity 
with their reservations on paragraph 96 of the PFA. The 
sections referring to abortion remain bracketed.In 
paragraph 37, language on the need for strategies to 
empower women on issues of their sexuality was adopted with 
two reservations, following agreement to exclude "safe 

In 115(a), delegates agreed to PFA language on "informed 
consent" instead of "with informed choice and consent." In 
115 ter, delegates adopted "review and revise national 
policies" but deleted the reference to implementation 
"without delay." On paragraph 115(a) bis, delegates 
accepted the need to ensure access to primary health care 
"throughout the life cycle." In 115(d), delegates agreed to 
place "full participation of women" after "review," and 
agreed to retain references to health care and services for 
all women and the diverse needs of women. The paragraph was 
adopted. There was no consensus on 115(f) bis and 115(h), 
as delegates diverged about providing adolescents with 
"full and equal access" to reproductive and sexual 
services, and the emphasis on "contraceptive methods" in 
respect to meeting women's health needs. Both references 
are bracketed. 

Delegates adopted 125(i) after dropping "indicators," and 
agreed on 125(i) bis after clarification that clinical 
trials involving women will take "due regard for their 
human rights." They shortened 132 (e) to refer only to the 
effects of certain traditional and customary practices, and 
deleted: measures to be accorded refugees in 133(n); 
reference to specific methods to control sexually 
transmitted infections in 138(c); and reference to world 
conference reports in paragraph 139.  

Family: Consensus was reached in paragraphs 4 and 30 
sexter, with adoption of references to women "and their 
respective families." References to "discrimination" were 
retained in a merger of 30 sexter and 51 ter. The text was 
adopted. Paragraph 104, a merger of 105(a) and 137(c), 
provides for the protection and support of women and their 
respective families, and the development and strengthening 
of policies to support family security. In 127 bis (a), 
merged from 119(a) and 137(a), delegates agreed on the 
"multiple roles of women" and the "family in its various 


PLENARY: The Plenary will convene at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm 
in the General Assembly Hall.

AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: The COW will meet at a time 
to be announced in Conference Room 2.

This issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin ゥ 
<> is written and edited by Tonya Barnes 
<>, Richard Campbell <>, 
Wendy Jackson <>, Violette Lacloche 
<>, Wagaki Mwangi <>, and 
Gretchen Sidhu <>. The Editor is Pamela 
Chasek, Ph.D. <> and the Managing Editor is 
Langston James "Kimo" Goree <>. Digital 
editing by Leila Mead <>. The Sustaining 
Donors of the Bulletin are The Netherlands Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs, the Government of Canada (through CIDA), 
the United States (through USAID), the Swiss Agency for 
Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL), the United 
Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and 
the European Commission (DG-ENV.) General Support for the 
Bulletin during 2000 is provided by the German Federal 
Ministry of Environment (BMU) and the German Federal 
Ministry of Development Cooperation (BMZ), the Danish 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment of 
Austria, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Environment 
of Norway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of 
Environment of Finland, the Government of Sweden, the 
Government of Australia, the United Nations Development 
Programme (UNDP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and 
BP Amoco. Specific funding for coverage of the Beijing +5 
process has been provided by The Netherlands Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs and the United Kingdom DFID. The Bulletin 
can be contacted by e-mail at <> and at tel: 
+1-212-644-0204; fax: +1-212-644-0206. IISD can be 
contacted by e-mail at <> and at 161 Portage 
Avenue East, 6th Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y4, Canada. 
The opinions expressed in the Earth Negotiations Bulletin 
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the 
views of IISD and other funders. Excerpts from the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin may be used in non-commercial 
publications only and only with appropriate academic 
citation. For permission to use this material in commercial 
publications, contact the Managing Editor. Electronic 
versions of the Bulletin are sent to e-mail distribution 
lists and can be found on the Linkages WWW server at The satellite image was taken 
above New York ゥ2000 The Living Earth, Inc. For information on the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin, send e-mail to <>.

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