Subject: [fem-women2000 364] Beijing +5 #1 ENB Vol. 14 No. 41 (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 04:25:12 -0500
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Tonya Barnes 
Richard Campbell 
Wendy Jackson  
Gretchen Sidhu 

Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. 

Managing Director
Langston James Goree VI "Kimo" 

Vol. 14 No. 41
Monday, 5 June 2000

Daily coverage of the Beijing +5 UNGASS can be 
found at


On Saturday, 3 June, the PrepCom concluded informal 
consultations in preparation for the Beijing+5 Special 
Session of the General Assembly entitled "Women 2000: 
Gender equality, development and peace for the 21st 
century."Working Group I discussed Section II in the 
morning. Working Group II discussed Section IV in morning, 
evening and late-night sessions. The contact group 
facilitated by Vice-Chair Patricia Flor met in the morning, 
afternoon and evening to discuss paragraphs on 


Beijing, China, from 4-15 September 1995. An estimated 
50,000 government delegates, UN representatives, NGOs and 
members of the media attended the Conference and its 
parallel NGO Forum at Huairou. The principal themes of the 
Conference were the advancement and empowerment of women in 
relation to women's human rights, women and poverty, women 
and decision-making, the girl-child, violence against women 
and other areas of concern. At the end of the Conference, 
delegates adopted the Beijing Declaration and PFA. The PFA 
sets out an agenda for empowering women and accelerating 
implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies 
(NFLS), and aims to achieve significant change by the year 

BEIJING +5: In Resolution 52/100, the GA decided to convene 
a Special Session to review and appraise progress in 
implementing the NFLS and the Beijing PFA to take place 
five years after the FWCW, and to deliberate on further 
actions and initiatives. This review is not intended to 
renegotiate existing arrangements, but will assess 
successes, failures and obstacles to goals set at Nairobi 
and Beijing. 

In Resolution 52/231, the GA designated the CSW to act as 
the PrepCom for the Special Session during its 43rd and 
44th sessions in March 1999 and March 2000. The GA invited 
the Commission to propose the agenda and documentation for 
the Special Session and to focus in particular on the 
report requested from the Secretary-General that will 
contain suggestions on further actions and initiatives. The 
Committee was asked to pay particular attention to 
mainstreaming a gender perspective and identifying common 
trends and themes across the 12 critical areas of concern 
set out in the PFA. 

CSW-44: The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held 
its 44th session at UN Headquarters in New York from 28 
February to 17 March 2000. The CSW met in two sessions: in 
the first session (28 February-2 March), the Commission 
followed up on the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW), 
and in the second session (3-17 March), the Commission 
acted as the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for Beijing+5. 

Delegates had before them the task of negotiating the 
proposed outcome document for the Special Session, which 
includes an introduction and three sections on: 
achievements and obstacles in the implementation of the 12 
critical areas of the Platform for Action (PFA); current 
challenges affecting the full implementation of the Beijing 
Declaration and the PFA; and actions and initiatives to 
overcome obstacles and to achieve the full and accelerated 
implementation of the PFA. Delegates also discussed the 
draft provisional agenda and organizational matters 
(E/CN.6/2000/PC.8) and the list of speakers (E/ 
CN.6/2000/PC.9) for the Special Session.

After a slow start, delegates negotiated their way through 
a limited portion of the text during the last week of the 
PrepCom and only succeeded in lifting brackets from a few  
paragraphs in each section of the outcome document. As a 
result, the PrepCom held informal consultations on 8, 9, 
11, 15, 16 May and 24 May - 3 June.




Violence: In revised paragraph 10, on achievements, 
delegates agreed on reference to wide acceptance that 
violence against women and girls, whether occurring in 
public or private life, is a human rights issue. On it 
being accepted that violence against women where perpe-
trated or condoned by the state or its agents constitutes a 
human rights violation, EGYPT, with IRAN, SYRIA and 
ALGERIA, but opposed by others, called for deletion of 
"where perpetrated or condoned by the state or its agents" 
and said the language is negative and vague. CARICOM, 
JUSCANZ and SLAC cited sources to indicate that this is 
agreed language. With no consensus, the sentence, and 
additional references continuing through text on improved 
legislation, politics and programmes, remain bracketed. 
Delegates agreed to a reference to successful cooperation 
between governments and NGOs. 

In paragraph 11, on obstacles, delegates agreed to 
"comprehensive" rather than "multi-focused" programmes 
dealing with perpetrators, and accepted reference to 
programmes enabling them to solve problems without 
violence. In a JUSCANZ-proposed reference to forms of 
violence, ALGERIA requested clarification on negotiations 
related to this subject in Section IV, and a list of forms, 
including FGM and marital rape, remains bracketed. 
Delegates debated language on the absence of a 
multidisciplinary approach to responding to violence which 
includes, inter alia, the health system and the media. 
NIGERIA supported the text, while CUBA suggested reference 
to there "still" being an absence. SLAC, CARICOM, the 
PHILIPPINES and SADC agreed. KENYA preferred a formulation 
on this approach being limited; JUSCANZ and the EU agreed. 
IRAN, with SLAC, CUBA and NIGERIA, and opposed by SADC, 
specified "in some countries," while JUSCANZ supported 
"many countries." PAKISTAN called for insertion of 
"insufficient," and, supported by LIBYA and ALGERIA, 
suggested deleting the list including health systems and 
the media. SYRIA proposed including reference to foreign 
occupation. Brackets remain on the reference to many or 
some countries, and on the list.



National and International Actions: In the late-night 
session on Friday, 2 June, discussion included text under 
paragraphs 135 and 136. Sub-paragraph 135(f), on the 
Cologne initiative for the reduction of debt, was referred 
to the contact group on globalization. In 135(g), on 
lending windows, no consensus was reached on references to, 
inter alia, private financial institutions. Delegates 
agreed to delete 135(h), on policies for transparency and 
accountability relating to economic restructuring 
processes. Brackets remain on: 136(a), on creating a 
supportive environment for the mobilization of resources by 
women's organizations and other NGOs; 136(b), on creating 
multi-stakeholder partnerships; and 136(c), on partnerships 
among international organizations and other relevant actors 
of civil society, including the private sector.

On Saturday, 3 June, Vice-Chair Misako Kaji presented the 
results of contact group negotiations on sub-paragraphs 
104(a), (b), (c), (d), new 131(a) (combined 131(a) and (b)) 
and new 131(b) (old 131(c)), on trafficking. She noted 
agreed language on all but 104(a), which remains bracketed, 
and asked delegates to accept the text for inclusion in the 
outcomes document. Delegates agreed to transmit bracketed 
language in 104(a), on addressing root causes of 
trafficking, pending further discussion, and agreed on 
104(b), on a comprehensive anti-trafficking strategy, and 
104(c), on prevention of prosecution of trafficking 
victims, as drafted. 

In 104(d), on exchange of information and data, GHANA 
called for clarification of a reference to "considering 
setting up or strengthening" a national coordinating 
mechanism. SYRIA questioned reference to "civil society, 
including NGOs," stating that NGOs are encompassed in civil 
society and calling for deletion of reference to NGOs. 
Vice-Chair Kaji said that specific mention of NGOs was 
deemed necessary for emphasis. MOROCCO suggested replacing 
"including" with "especially." GHANA preferred to retain 
the original language. SYRIA agreed to accept the 
reference. Sub-paragraph 104(d) was agreed.

In 131(a), on intensifying international cooperation, inter 
alia, by supporting the UN Convention against Transnational 
Organized Crime, NIGERIA, with PAKISTAN, called for 
clarification of language on cooperation between states of 
origin, transit and destination. JUSCANZ said that this 
language applied to all international and national actors, 
not only states of origin, transit and destination. PAKI-
STAN proposed, and the PHILIPPINES opposed, deletion of 
reference to "origin, transit and destination." PAKISTAN 
proposed, with support from ALGERIA and the PHILIPPINES, 
splitting the text into two sub-paragraphs, one on 
intensifying international cooperation between states of 
origin, transit, and destination to prevent, suppress and 
punish trafficking in persons, especially women and 
children; and another on supporting the negotiations on the 
draft protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking 
in persons, especially women and children, supplementing 
the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. 
Delegates agreed to this proposal, and sub-paragraph 131(a) 
became new 131(a) and new 131(b), which were both agreed. 
Sub-paragraph 131(b), on strategies, legislation and 
policies to combat trafficking, was then renamed 131(c). 
The PHILIPPINES asked whether this sub-paragraph could be 
strengthened. Other delegates opposed, and the text was 
agreed as drafted. 

The EU supported JUSCANZ-proposed 136(d), on promoting and 
encouraging substantive partnerships among governments and 
multilateral organizations, private sector institutions and 
NGOs to support poverty reduction initiatives focused on 
women and girls. Delegates deleted "substantive." The HOLY 
SEE preferred referring to civil society, including NGOs. 
LIBYA and ALGERIA, opposed by JUSCANZ, advocated relocating 
136(d) under national actions. IRAN advocated specifying 
partnerships and cooperation. EGYPT and SYRIA preferred 
cooperation to partnership. SYRIA supported "encouraging" 
but not "promoting." LIBYA, supported by CHINA, proposed a 
reformulation to encourage multilateral organizations, IFIs 
and the private sector to support national poverty 
eradication efforts. In response, JUSCANZ withdrew 136(d) 
and, with SLAC, and opposed by LIBYA, EGYPT and SYRIA, 
opposed discussing reformulations of its text. The 
paragraph, with all proposals, is pending.  

In 136(e), on supporting the intermediary role of NGOs in 
establishing linkages between financial institutions and 
disadvantaged women in rural and urban areas, ALGERIA, 
EGYPT, IRAN, LIBYA and PAKISTAN suggested placement under 
national actions. PAKISTAN suggested alternative text on 
encouraging financial institutions and support for 
disadvantaged women to establish small businesses for 
sustainable livelihoods. IRAN proposed additional text on 
the intermediary role of NGOs. NIGERIA suggested adding 
reference to community-based organizations. ST. KITTS AND 
NEVIS proposed deleting text on urban and rural areas. SLAC 
introduced an alternative SLAC/ EU/JUSCANZ text, 
integrating all amendments. EGYPT presented another 
formulation, integrating all amendments. The paragraph 
remains bracketed. 

In 136(f), on supporting the critical role of women's NGOs 
in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the integration of a 
gender perspective in, inter alia, environmental 
programmes, MEXICO, supported by the EU, JUSCANZ and SLAC, 
introduced text on sustainable environmental and resource 
management mechanisms, programmes and infrastructure. 
PAKISTAN, supported by ALGERIA and EGYPT, suggested 
deleting reference to the implementation of Agenda 21. The 
paragraph remains bracketed.

In EU-proposed 136(g), delegates agreed to negotiate a SLAC 
redraft on promoting the gender-sensitive social 
responsibility of the private sector by, inter alia, 
information campaigns and codes of conduct. ALGERIA, CHINA, 
IRAN and LIBYA opposed reference to codes of conduct. The 
Chair suggested "voluntary" codes of conduct. Delegates 
agreed to delete the reference. The PHILIPPINES called for 
reference to advocacy campaigns. MAURITANIA suggested text 
on balancing family and work time. Some delegations 
proposed placement under national actions. The paragraph 
remains bracketed. Delegates agreed to delete 137(a), on 
recognizing the social significance of the family and the 
important role often played by women in caring for members 
of their family.


The contact group facilitated by Vice-Chair Patricia Flor 
discussed paragraphs on globalization, including paragraph 
29, and reportedly had reached little consensus by the 
evening session. 


PLENARY: The plenary will convene at 10:00 am in the 
General Assembly.

AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: The Ad Hoc Committee will 
meet at 11:00 am in Conference Room 2 for a general debate 
and to discuss organization of work.

WORKING GROUPS: Working Group II will meet in Conference 
Room 2 following the conclusion of the Ad Hoc Committee of 
the Whole, and at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Working Group I will 
meet in Conference Room 6 at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

This issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin ゥ 
 is written and edited by Tonya Barnes 
, Richard Campbell , 
Wendy Jackson  and Gretchen Sidhu 
. The Editor is Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. 
 and the Managing Editor is Langston James 
"Kimo" Goree . Digital editing by Leila Mead 
. The Sustaining Donors of the 
Bulletin are The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 
the Government of Canada (through CIDA), the United States 
(through USAID), the Swiss Agency for Environment, Forests 
and Landscape (SAEFL), the United Kingdom Department for 
International Development (DFID) and the European 
Commission (DG-ENV.) General Support for the Bulletin 
during 2000 is provided by the German Federal Ministry of 
Environment (BMU) and the German Federal Ministry of 
Development Cooperation (BMZ), the Danish Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment of Austria, 
the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Environment of 
Norway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of 
Environment of Finland, the Government of Sweden, the 
Government of Australia, the United Nations Development 
Programme (UNDP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and 
BP Amoco. Specific funding for coverage of the Beijing +5 
process has been provided by The Netherlands Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs and the United Kingdom DFID. The Bulletin 
can be contacted by e-mail at  and at tel: 
+1-212-644-0204; fax: +1-212-644-0206. IISD can be 
contacted by e-mail at  and at 161 Portage 
Avenue East, 6th Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y4, Canada. 
The opinions expressed in the Earth Negotiations Bulletin 
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the 
views of IISD and other funders. Excerpts from the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin may be used in non-commercial 
publications only and only with appropriate academic 
citation. For permission to use this material in commercial 
publications, contact the Managing Editor. Electronic 
versions of the Bulletin are sent to e-mail distribution 
lists and can be found on the Linkages WWW server at The satellite image was taken 
above New York ゥ2000 The Living Earth, Inc. For information on the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin, send e-mail to . 

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