Subject: [fem-women2000 361] Beijing +5 #2 ENB Vol. 14 No. 42 (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 04:25:16 -0500
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Beijing +5 #2



Tonya Barnes 
Richard Campbell 
Wendy Jackson 
Violette Lacloche 
Wagaki Mwangi 
Gretchen Sidhu 

Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. 

Managing Director
Langston James Goree VI "Kimo" 

Vol. 14 No. 42
Tuesday, 6 June 2000

Daily coverage of the Beijing +5 UNGASS can be 
found at



On Monday, 5 June, the GA opened its Twenty-third Special 
Session, entitled Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development 
and Peace for the 21st Century. The Ad Hoc Committee of the 
Whole (COW) met in the morning. Working Group II met in 
morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Working Group I 
met in the afternoon and evening to discuss Sections II and 
III. A contact group met in morning, afternoon and evening 
sessions to debate paragraphs on human rights, the girl 
child and armed conflict. 


H.E. Mr. Theo-Ben Gurirab (Namibia), President of the 
Special Session, welcomed participants and, recalling that 
the 1995 Beijing Conference had been called the conference 
of commitments, appealed for renewed dedication toward 
women's equality and empowerment. UN Secretary-General Kofi 
Annan welcomed all participants and highlighted progress 
since Beijing, including the record number of women leaders 
and decision-makers in the UN system, greater understanding 
that women's equality is a prerequisite for development, 
and an increase in legislation addressing violence against 
women. He noted that much work remains on issues such as 
the economic divide between genders and violence against 
women in new types of armed conflict that target civilian 
populations. He emphasized the spread of HIV/AIDS and the 
trafficking of women as challenges that require immediate 
action. PrepCom Chair Christine Kapalata (Tanzania) called 
for the full implementation of the PFA, stating that it 
should be matched with financial resources such as ODA. She 
highlighted the importance of political will and 
responsible political decisions as delegations conclude 

After adopting the report of the PrepCom (A/S-23/2) and the 
provisional agenda (A/S-23/1), delegates heard opening 
statements on the review and appraisal of progress made in 
the implementation of the PFA's 12 critical areas of 
concern given by two Vice Presidents, one Head of 
Government, two Deputy Prime Ministers, 20 Ministers, four 
Vice Ministers and two Chiefs of Delegations. Plenary 
statements can be found on the Internet at:


Chair Kapalata opened the Ad Hoc COW and welcomed 
delegates. Angela King, Special Adviser to the Secretary-
General on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women, 
commended delegates for recent work and forecasted a 
strong, practical and focused document. Delegates elected 
the Vice-Chairs and the Rapporteur of the Bureau of the COW 
and noted the organization of work. The COW then heard a 
brief general debate to accommodate speakers unable to 
address the Plenary. Speakers included SADC, UNAIDS, the 
World Food Programme, the IMF, the UN International 
Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of 
Women, FAO, the ILO, the Office of Drug Control and Crime 
Prevention, UNESCO, the All India Women's Conference, and 
the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. 



Violence: In paragraph 11, on obstacles, LIBYA, with EGYPT 
and IRAN, suggested, while SOUTH AFRICA, SLAC, SADC, the 
EU, and JUSCANZ opposed, deleting text stating that 
domestic violence, including sexual violence in 
marriage/marital rape, is still treated as a private matter 
in some countries. Text remains bracketed. References to 
insufficient awareness, child pornography and lack of 
prevention strategies were agreed. An EU proposal on 
trafficking remains bracketed.

Economy: In paragraph 14, on achievements, delegates 
accepted references to maternity, paternity and parental 
leave; and to child and family care services and benefits. 
In paragraph 15, on obstacles, delegates accepted 
references to: "many" women confronted with a wage gap; 
equal pay not "fully" realized; and care-giving within 
families, households and communities. PAKISTAN, with 
others, opposed reference to "equal" ownership of land, 
property and inheritance. EGYPT could accept reference to 
equal rights only if "to inherit" replaced "inheritance." 
SADC and SOUTH AFRICA opposed, SUDAN supported, and the EU 
and MEXICO asked for time to consider this proposal, which 
remains bracketed.

Power and Decision-making: In paragraphs 17 and 19, on 
obstacles, delegates adopted references to: dialogue and 
cooperation with NGOs; the media hindering inclusion of 
gender perspectives in particular spheres of influence; 
organization and political structures, which enable all 
women to participate in all spheres of political decision-
making; and the lack of disaggregated data and methods of 
assessing progress. Libya's proposal to eliminate 
references to selection criteria for decision-making posts 
was adopted.

Media: In paragraph 23, on obstacles, SADC, JUSCANZ, LIBYA, 
SLAC, the HOLY SEE and others debated a reference to 
pornography. Chair Mlacak suggested language on 
pornography/pornographic and other obscene materials. The 
reference remains bracketed. Delegates agreed on text 
referring to: bias against women remaining in the media; 
and poverty, the lack of access and opportunities, 
illiteracy, lack of computer literacy and language 

Environment: In paragraph 24, on achievements, delegates 
accepted a reference to the traditional ecological 
knowledge of indigenous women. On text referring to the 
link between gender equality, poverty eradication, 
environmental degradation and sustainable development, 
EGYPT proposed text on differential responsibilities 
between developed and developing countries. The reference 
remains bracketed.

Girl child: In paragraph 26, on achievements, SLAC, 
supported by TURKEY and NIGERIA, suggested text on support 
mechanisms for pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers, 
which was agreed in a contact group. SUDAN and EGYPT 
opposed. The reference remains bracketed.


Delegates agreed to paragraph 31, on science and technology 
as fundamental components of development. In paragraph 32, 
on changing migratory flows of labor, delegates agreed to 
delete a sentence on the separation of families. References 
to forms of migration and a list of negative consequences 
of migration remain bracketed. Delegates agreed to a SLAC 
reformulation of paragraph 33, on collaboration with civil 



International Actions: In a late-night session on 3 June, 
delegates agreed on 138(a), on healthy active aging, and 
deleted 138 (b), on malnutrition. 

National Actions: On 5 June, in 102(n), on non-
discriminatory legislation, IRAN proposed, and all 
supported, replacing reference to incentive systems with 
text on taking necessary measures to create an enabling 
environment. The sub-paragraph was agreed. In 103(a), on 
protective legislation, delegates discussed a CARICOM 
reformulation including language on, inter alia, reviewing 
and revising existing legislation, and where appropriate, 
introducing effective legislation to ensure protection and 
provide recourse to justice. IRAN suggested placing "where 
appropriate" after "review and revise." The EU proposed 
deleting "existing." The text was agreed.

In 103(c), on strengthening mechanisms to handle domestic 
violence, all agreed to delete a reference to family. 
PAKISTAN suggested, and delegates supported, including 
reference to "all forms of" domestic violence. PAKISTAN, 
with others, called for deletion of a reference to marital 
rape and sexual abuse of women and girls, while SLAC, with 
others, preferred retention. No consensus was reached, and 
the reference remains bracketed. 

In 103(d), on eradicating harmful customary or traditional 
practices, NIGERIA added reference to early marriage. The 
text was agreed. In 103(g), delegates agreed on taking 
priority steps to address violence against indigenous 
women. In 103(i), on a holistic approach to address 
violence, no agreement was reached on references to 
eliminating all forms of violence and abuse, service and 
health providers, girls and women with disabilities, 
vulnerable and marginalized women and images perpetuating 
attitudes and negative stereotyped roles. In paragraph 
104(a), on trafficking, delegates disagreed on language 
elaborating forms of exploitation. 

In 106(b), on agricultural policies, delegates accepted 
language on water quality and eco-friendly technology. 
ARGENTINA opposed a reference to organic farming. The EU 
opposed, and SOUTH AFRICA and others supported, text on 
women farmers. Both references remain bracketed. Delegates 
agreed on SLAC's proposal for 109(b), on social sector 
investments, with a SLAC amendment replacing "investments" 
with "financial and other resources."  Delegates also 
adopted 109(c) bis, on women in poverty, with a JUSCANZ 
amendment to "reduce" instead of "eliminate."

In 110(a), on social security, delegates worked from an 
EU/JUSCANZ formulation. They accepted references to: "all" 
instead of "poor women," flexible and emerging forms of 
work, and striving to ensure these forms are adequately 
covered by social protection.

Delegates agreed to 112(b), on action for continued 
advancement of women, 112(c), on providing national 
machineries with resources for gender mainstreaming, 
112(f), on ensuring gender sensitivity of government 
information polices and strategies, and 113(a), on 
statistical support. 

Delegates adopted 114(a), on training and literacy 
programmes. In 114(b), on collaboration, a reference to 
collaboration with religious bodies and groups remains 
bracketed. Delegates adopted 116(a), on tools and 
indicators for gender mainstreaming. Delegates adopted 
117(a) bis, on the nomination of women candidates, and 
agreed to delete 117(b), on women in senior positions. 

Delegates agreed to move 118(a) bis, on microcredit 
institutions to 127(e) bis. Delegates adopted 118(c), on 
career development and promotion of women, with minor 
amendments. Delegates deleted 118(h), on incentives for the 
private sector, and adopted 118(i), on the education of 
girls and 118(k), on job creation and retrenchment.  

International Actions: No consensus was reached on whether 
to merge 120(b), on building NGO capacity for PFA 
implementation, with 136(a). Delegates adopted 120(e), on 
the role of regional commissions. In 120(e) bis, on 
measures to alleviate the impacts of economic sanctions, 
the reference to "negative" impacts remains bracketed.

Delegates adopted 121(a), on mainstreaming a gender 
perspective in the UN, with minor amendments. Delegates 
retained the SLAC-proposed 121(b), on training of UN 
personnel on gender mainstreaming, and inserted a reference 
to gender and human rights impact analysis. 

Delegates deleted 121(d), on linkages between the PFA and 
UN conferences, and adopted 121(e), on the role of the CSW 
in PFA implementation and 121(g), on assistance to parties 
in CEDAW implementation. Delegates could not agree whether 
to include reference to environmental degradation in 
122(a), on gender-sensitive responses to humanitarian 


Delegates in contact groups reported progress in removing 
brackets in human rights paragraphs, with agreed language 
on gender equality in international fora. In negotiations 
on armed conflict, participants say that the atmosphere of 
negotiations has become more "constructive." They also note 
a lack of consensus on globalization language, with some 
delegations preferring mention of positive as well as 
negative impacts.


Having arrived en masse this week, NGO representatives 
describe a sense of frustration. Public protest could be in 
the works, with vows that women will move forward if their 
governments hold back. Some activists are undecided about a 
petition listing countries they see as stalling the 
Beijing+5 process, even as the issue starts attracting the 
curiosity of international media. Others contend some 
countries are supportive in name only, given the number of 
issues that have disappeared from the document. Meanwhile, 
at least one observer thinks that NGOs have spent too much 
time caucusing among themselves, and not enough time 
talking to their governments...


PLENARY: The Plenary will convene at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm 
in the General Assembly.

WORKING GROUPS: Working Group I will meet in Conference 
Room 6 at 10:00 am, 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Working Group II 
will meet in Conference Room 2 at 10:00 am, 3:00 pm and 
8:00 pm.

CONTACT GROUPS: The contact group on globalization will 
meet at 10:00 am in Conference Room 7 and at 3:00 pm in a 
room to be announced. The contact group on health will meet 
at 7:00 pm to in a room to be announced.

This issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin ゥ 
 is written and edited by Tonya Barnes 
, Richard Campbell , 
Wendy Jackson , Violette Lacloche 
, Wagaki Mwangi , and 
Gretchen Sidhu . The Editor is Pamela 
Chasek, Ph.D.  and the Managing Editor is 
Langston James "Kimo" Goree . Digital 
editing by Leila Mead . The Sustaining 
Donors of the Bulletin are The Netherlands Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs, the Government of Canada (through CIDA), 
the United States (through USAID), the Swiss Agency for 
Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL), the United 
Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and 
the European Commission (DG-ENV.) General Support for the 
Bulletin during 2000 is provided by the German Federal 
Ministry of Environment (BMU) and the German Federal 
Ministry of Development Cooperation (BMZ), the Danish 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment of 
Austria, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Environment 
of Norway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of 
Environment of Finland, the Government of Sweden, the 
Government of Australia, the United Nations Development 
Programme (UNDP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and 
BP Amoco. Specific funding for coverage of the Beijing +5 
process has been provided by The Netherlands Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs and the United Kingdom DFID. The Bulletin 
can be contacted by e-mail at  and at tel: 
+1-212-644-0204; fax: +1-212-644-0206. IISD can be 
contacted by e-mail at  and at 161 Portage 
Avenue East, 6th Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y4, Canada. 
The opinions expressed in the Earth Negotiations Bulletin 
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the 
views of IISD and other funders. Excerpts from the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin may be used in non-commercial 
publications only and only with appropriate academic 
citation. For permission to use this material in commercial 
publications, contact the Managing Editor. Electronic 
versions of the Bulletin are sent to e-mail distribution 
lists and can be found on the Linkages WWW server at The satellite image was taken 
above New York ゥ2000 The Living Earth, Inc. For information on the Earth 
Negotiations Bulletin, send e-mail to .

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