Subject: IWTC Women's GlobalNet #122
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:48:12 +0900
Seq: 3

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 From: "International Women's Tribune Centre" <>
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:04:33 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: IWTC GlobalNet 122


Women's Initiatives and Activities Worldwide
by Anne S. Walker

March 24, 1999


The CSW met in New York from March 1-15, 1999, with two
 Critical Areas of Concern from the Beijing Platform for Action
 -Health and Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of 
Women- on the agenda. 

Health: The CSW recommended that actions be taken by 
Governments, the United Nations system and civil society as 
appropriate, in the following areas:

1. Universal access, on a basis of equality between women and 
men, to quality, comprehensive and affordable health care and 
health services and information. Actions recommended include: 
%access to appropriate, affordable and quality health care and 
services %provision of social services related to health care; 
education, nutrition, food security, etc. %integration of sexual, 
reproductive and mental health services %education of youth on 
sexual and reproductive health issues %preventative and 
promotional health policies %support of women with disabilities 
%regular sport and recreational activities for all women and girls.

2. Sexual and reproductive health, taking into account the 
unacceptably high maternal, infant and child mortality. Actions 
recommended include: %reduction of severe and moderate 
malnutrition and iron deficiency anaemia %promotion of 
breastfeeding %promotion of female-controlled methods of family 
planning and male contraceptive methods %informed choices to 
prevent unwanted pregnancies %an end to female genital 
mutilation and other harmful practices; early marriages, forced 
marriages etc.

3. HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and other infectious 
diseases. Actions recommended include: %public education and 
advocacy and an expansion of prevention measures %enactment 
of laws to counteract stigmatization and social exclusion 
% preventative and therapeutic measures against tuberculosis, 
malaria, etc.

4. Mental health and substance abuse. Actions recommended 
include: %gender-sensitive and age-sensitive mental health 
services and counselling %preventive and remedial health services 
%research and dissemination of information on gender differences 
%prevention programmes aimed at reducing tobacco and other 
drug use %equitable sharing of household and family 

5. Occupational and environmental health. Actions recommended 
include: %effective environmental and occupational health policies 
for gender-sensitive work environments %special care for women 
workers who are pregnant, post-partum, breast-feeding, etc. 
%information provided to workers about environmental health risks.

6. Policy development, research, training and evaluation. Actions 
recommended include: %comprehensive interdisciplinary and 
collaborative research agenda on women's health %concrete 
accountability mechanisms at the national level for reporting 
%collection, use and dissemination of data disaggregated by sex 
and age %research on the interrelationship between poverty, 
ageing and gender %gender perspective in the health sector at all 
levels %mainstreaming gender into the curricula and training of 
health care and service providers %work to stop unnecessary 
medicalization of women's health conditions.

7. Health sector reform and development. Actions recommended 
include: %ensuring that health sector reform and development 
efforts promote women's health %integration of process of gender 
analysis in health sector and undertaking of gender impact 
assessments %strategies to seek reduction of occupational 
concentration by gender to eliminate gender-based pay inequality, 
to ensure high-quality working conditions in the health work force, 
and to provide appropriate skills training and development

8. International cooperation. Actions recommended include: 
%strong political commitment to implement strengthened 
international cooperation for development and to mobilize 
domestic and international finance resources for development and 
provision of health services for women %progress in regard to 
external debt relief to help generate resources %assistance to 
developing countries to ensure the provision of basic social 
services, including health care services for women %minimization 
of negative impacts and maximization of benefits of globalization 
and interdependence, to health care services in developing 
countries %encouragement of sound macroeconomic policies and 
institutions to support provision of health care services.

Institutional Mechanisms: The CSW recommended:

A. That actions be taken by Governments to: %provide strong 
political commitment %ensure national machineries are placed at 
the highest level of governments %invest institutional mechanisms 
with authority to fulfill mandated roles and responsibilities %provide 
adequate and sustainable financial and human resources %ensure 
mainstreaming of gender perspective is understood, 
institutionalized and implemented %integrate gender perspective in 
all government activities %senior management to take 
responsibility for fulfilling gender equality commitments 
%promote/ensure establishment of effective focal points 
%encourage the creation and/or strengthening of institutional 
mechanisms %promote capacity-building %promote accountability 
and transparency %provide assistance in formulating performance 
indicators %improve gathering/disaggregation of data and 
development of statistics and indicators in all areas of the Beijing 
Platform for Action %give visibility to relationship between 
remunerated and unremunerated work %recognize/ acknowledge 
unremunerated work by women %strengthen relations among civil 
society %ensure needs/rights/interests of women are 
identified/mainstreamed into policy and programme development 
%respect involvement of NGOs in assisting governments in 
implementation of commitments %coordinate/consult NGOs in 
national/international activities %ensure transparency through open 
and participatory dialogue %support organizations/institutions to 
use research results to influence transformation of policies and 
programmes %create clear anti-discrimination regulations %initiate 
gender equality legislation %involve parliaments/judiciary to 
monitor progress in gender mainstreaming.

B. That actions be taken by National Machineries and other 
Institutional Mechanisms to: %design, promote, execute, monitor, 
evaluate, etc. support for policies that promote advancement of 
women %act as catalysts for gender mainstreaming in policies and 
programmes %assist government to take specific actions in 
gathering/disaggregation of data %promote research/dissemination 
of research findings/information on women and gender equality 
%disseminate gender relevant data/other information on 
contribution of women to society.

C. That actions be taken by the international community, including 
the UN System to: %implement the ECOSOC agreed conclusions 
(1997/2) %implement the revised SWMTP (1996-2001) %ensure 
managers are held accountable for implementing the strategic 
plan of action for improvement of the status of women in the 
Secretariat (1995-2000) %request ACC IACWGE to continue its 
work to implement the Beijing Platform for Action and to promote 
integration of gender perspective in follow-up to UN conferences/ 
summits %support implementation of Beijing Platform for Action 
including through support for UNIFEM and INSTRAW %support 
governments in efforts to strengthen national mechanisms through 
ODA %encourage multilateral, bilateral, donor and development 
agencies to strengthen national machineries %encourage 
governments and national machineries to consult civil society 
when providing information on gender and women's issues to 
international bodies %document/publish good practices 
%develop/disseminate gender disaggregated data and qualitative 
performance indicators %encourage the availability of methodology 
on collection and analysis of gender disaggregated data 
measurement by multilateral development institutions, etc. %DAW 
to prepare/circulate questionnaire to elaborate systematic and 
comprehensive approach to information on unremunerated work 
%DAW to expand Directory of National Machineries %ensure 
ongoing training on gender issues %develop policies to recruit 
technical staff with expertise in gender equality issues 
%create/strengthen collaborative links with other agencies 
%recognize civil society as source of support and legitimacy 
%establish partnerships %engage the media in dialogue aimed at 
reexamining gender stereotypes %create/strengthen collaborative 
relationships with the private sector.

Glossary of Terms. %HIV/AIDS = Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ 
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. %ECOSOC= Economic 
and Social Council of the UN. % SWMTP=System-Wide Medium-
Term Plan. ACC IACWGE=Administrative Committee on Coordina-
tion  Inter-Agency Committee on Women and Gender Equality 
%UNIFEM= UN Development Fund for Women %INSTRAW-UN 
Institute for  the Advancement of Women %ODA= Overseas 
Development Assistance %DAW= UN Division for the Advancement 
of Women.

IWTC Women's GlobalNet is produced by:
International Women's Tribune Centre 
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017 
Tel: (1-212) 687-8633
Fax: (1-212) 661-2704 

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