Subject: [fem-women2000 295] Re: 50/50 キャンペーン/アクション
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 23:49:58 +0900
Seq: 295
lalamaziwa です。 今晩お暇? 突然ですが、WEDO の50/50クォータ要求世界キャンペーンに協力しようと 思います。もし、お時間ありましたら、1段落でも2段落でも下記趣旨説 明書の翻訳にご協力願いたい。 まず、 宛にご一報ください。翻訳の進捗状況は 随時 に掲載します。 翻訳未済の部分について、「私、この段落を翻訳します」というメールを いただければ幸い。上記 Webpage に反映させます。 あまり気にせず、ざざっと訳していただければ、こちらで最終調整します。 署名の第一次集約期限は、6/8(来週木曜)。特にコンタクトパースン名義 の団体署名を集めています。そういうわけで、ちょっと急いで回覧できない か?というのが今回の提案の趣旨。ぜひ、ご協力ください! 以下、速攻で翻訳したい 50/50 キャンペーンの趣旨説明書です。 これに賛同名を連ねる形になります。 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- 50-50 by 2005: Get the Balance Right !!! In 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 189 governments committed themselves to "take measures to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in power structures and decision-making" and to "increase women’s capacity to participate in decision-making and leadership." To fulfill these strategic objectives, the principal action they pledged to take was to "establish the goal of gender balance in governmental bodies and committees, as well as in public administrative entities, and in the judiciary, including, inter alia setting specific targets and implementing measures to substantially increase the number of women with a view to achieving equal representation of women and men, if necessary through positive action, in all governmental and public administration positions." Five years later, women continue to be grossly underrepresented in the higher echelons of decision-making in government, the private sector, the judiciary, the media, and in academic institutions. Regional and international organizations including the United Nations system have similarly failed to achieve gender balance. The Bretton Woods institutions, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have few women at the top level of their decision-making structures and women are continuing to document and mobilize against the negative consequences of their policies on women and children in the developing world. In legislative bodies, women were 10% of the members in 1995. Today, women are only 12.7% of national parliaments according to data collected by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, a yearly increase of a mere 0.5%. Though women have better chances of getting elected at the local level, where they start their political careers before moving to national politics, only few local legislative bodies have reached the critical mass of 30%. Among them are India where one-third of the Panchayat (village) seats are reserved for women by law and Namibia where women hold 42% of local positions. Women ministers remain at 14% and largely concentrated in social areas. Those holding legal (9.4%), economic, political and executive positions (less than 5%) remain dismally low. As a first step towards the attainment of gender balance in the participation of women and men in decision-making positions, this campaign demands that governments work for " a provisional minimum target of 30% representation of women in cabinet ministries and legislatures as well as local development bodies and authorities by 2003 and equal representation by 2005." This is best summed up in our rallying slogan of "50-50 by 2005: Get the Balance Right!!!" Structural and cultural barriers prevent women’s full and equal participation in decision-making. Prevailing gender stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes present serious obstacles to women’s political participation. Similarly, the type of electoral system and campaign finance laws limit political opportunities for women. To address these, the Beijing Platform for Action calls on governments to "review the differential impact of electoral systems on the political representation of women in elected bodies and consider, where appropriate, the adjustment or reform of those systems." It also encourages political parties to "integrate women in elective and non-elective public positions in the same proportion and at the same levels as men." The UN five-year Review and Appraisal of the Platform for Action shows that countries that have applied quota systems in decision-making including governmental bodies, national parliaments and political parties experienced a significant increase in women’s representation. This is true not only for Europe but in Africa, Asia and Latin America as well. In Western Europe, countries with the highest number of seats in Parliament have political parties which introduced quotas: Sweden (42.7%), Denmark (37.4%), and Norway (36.4%). In Africa, South Africa leaped from number 141 in the 1994 Inter-Parliamentary Union ranking of Parliaments according to the number of women represented to no. 8 in 1999. This was after the introduction of proportional representation and the adoption by the African National Congress of a 30% quota for women in the party list. In Asia, women’ s representation at the panchayat (village) level in India soared with the implementation of the 1993 constitutional amendment reserving 33% of seats for women. We recognize that numbers are a necessary but not sufficient condition for women’s full, equal, active and informed participation in economic, social and political decision-making. There is evidence however, that when women entered decision-making bodies in significant numbers, such issues as child care, violence against women and unpaid labor are more likely to become priorities for policy-makers. In Norway, women Members of Parliament brought about the "politics of care" which mandated the state to increase publicly sponsored child care services, extend the paid parental leave period, introduce options for more flexible work hours and improve pension rights for unpaid care work. In South Africa, through the efforts of women Parliamentarians the "women’s budget process" was introduced to analyze the government’s budget from a gender perspective and allocate more resources for women’s needs. In India, the women chairpersons in the panchayats of Dehra Dun district in northern Uttar Pradesh obtained funds to build a network of four-foot wide concrete roads and drains. We join women’s groups world-wide in declaring our commitment to ‘50-50 by 2005: Get the Balance Right!!" It is only when there is a critical mass of women in all their diversity in every country of the world in both appointed and elected decision-making positions and in all international bodies, that gender issues will be addressed in the policy agenda and the goals of equality, development, peace and human rights for all can be realized in the 21st century!! If you wish to sign on to this statement, please fill out the reply form and send by fax or email to: Women’s Environment and Development Organization 355 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, New York 10017 Tel: (212)9730325 Fax: (212)9730335 E-mail: Yes, we support the global campaign for "50-50 by 2005: Get the Balance Right!!!" Organization: Contact Person: Email: Address: Telephone: Fax: (email -or- Print, fill out, and mail) _________________________________________________________________________ for Women 2000, UN Special Session on Beijing+5 Searcheable Archive visit fem-net HomePage for other mailing lists